Sunday, 28 August 2011

Fresh from Carbopiles blog ! Our issues with Edie are:

1. He is arrogant enough to assume that he knows more about us and our diabetes than we do;
2. We just don't like him;
3. He is abusive to anyone who disagrees with him;
4. We just don't like him;
5. No method of controlling diabetes is valid unless laid down by him - despite evidence of successful management techniques;
6. We just don't like him;
7. He doesn't understand the difference between debate and personal attacks;
8. Carbosoze;
9. We just don't like him;
10. The Ides of Starch.

I think the message is “We just don't like him;” Can you imagine, how gutted I would be, if any of Carbo’s/Tubolards, misfits, losers and the failed, actually liked me ? For years these miscreants have followed me and tried to divert me from the lowcarb cause. I am flattered they are obsessed with me, but they overdone the abuse and ridicule years ago. As they say, what ever gets your rocks off eh. They must be orgasmic ! Enjoy !



  1. Tubolard is petrified of you. How many times have you offered to meet him. His blog states he is a carb lover. Ignore these Carboholics.

  2. It looks like Carbo and his marauding band of whackjobs don't like you, Eddie.

    All apart from The Cherub, who loves you very much and is probably tearful at witnessing Carbo's disrespect of a fellow diabetic.

  3. "All apart from The Cherub, who loves you very much and is probably tearful at witnessing Carbo's disrespect of a fellow diabetic."

    The Cherub, my true love, and one hell of a woman.


  4. She don't love me thats for sure, in fact she took offence at me calling her "my little cherub" and "sweetie"

    "Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love." Charles M. Schulz


  5. "Will those with a sense of humour failure please note that the paragraph declaring my qualifications as a diet and diabetes expert is
    totally tongue-in-cheek and should not be taken seriously at all."

    Message from Tubs to his "readers" as reminder not to take him seriously at all.

    Of course "we" (as opposed to Tubs readers) dont need a reminder to view his bog as a serious place for diabetics, as we've looked upon it
    as joke of orlistatian proportions since it's inception.



    Few can escape The Cherub's pervasive and slightly stifling love, though many have tried.

    She just keeps loving the haters right back. If this has made you cross, then it could be time for cyber-cuddles.


    There. That's better.

  7. Eddie it is the other way around you are the obsessive one -I think all your so called mates are leaving you as well

  8. “He is arrogant enough to assume that he knows more about us and our diabetes than we do;”

    Strange comment from Tubs just who does he mean by “us”, he needs to be more specific and show us some proof , just who are these diabetics who he presumes we have told we know more about their diabetes than they do. Methinks Tubs is getting paranoid, brings to mind a post by one of his cohorts Jopar who claimed she had her human rights impinged by Dr Bernstein;

    “Where as Bernstein actually impinges on every individuals human right ‘right’ to choose, as a doctor he is prescribing not only medication required to treat the physical medical diabetic condition, he is also prescribing and taking away my right to choose types of foods that I may or may not eat, he is taking my right to choose quantities of particular foods I may eat at meals as he has restricted carbs, to 6g, 12g, 12g, per meal… no more and no less…

    Bernstein exercised his right, to determine how he controlled his diabetes to choose all aspects of his lifestyle including the foods he chooses to eat… Yet he sees fit to take these basic rights away from me!”


  9. "Eddie it is the other way around you are the obsessive one"

    Too right, I am obsessive. Obsessed with the idea good food (not the junk that lead to obesity and diabetes) and a good excercise regime is better than dangerous medication. I do appreciate others cannot give up the foods i.e carbs and junk that lead to obesity and type two diabetes, that's cool. But why try to tell others this is the way forward ?


  10. I forgot to mention Jopar told me she knew better than me how to treat my diabetes. Or should I say; Jopar was arrogant enough to assume that she knows more about my diabetes than I do. Graham


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The best of health to you and yours.
