Sunday, 28 August 2011

Would you buy a used car from this man ?


The forum is settling down nicely these days, lowcarbers are reporting regular successful control of their diabetes. Lowcarbing is back on the agenda big time. The mods and administration are fair and even handed, and the days of banning, thread locking and editing of posts that do not comply with a particular lifestyle, or the whim of one mod are over.

Fortunately the entertainment continues. NewdestinyX is either a genius, or a madman, I haven’t figured it out yet ! One thing's for sure, he is one hell of a boat rocker. It’s my personal opinion he talks a lot of nonsense and clearly other members think the same. But hey, as we have seen in the past with other anti lowcarbers, they do more for the lowcarb cause than almost anyone. As long as the argument continues, and people talk about lowcarbing, the newly diagnosed will wonder what all the fuss is about. The grief is like a car crash, we know looking at one will not do us any good, but it is very hard to ignore !

In the last three years, I have spent thousands of hours researching the control of type two diabetes. All that work can be summarised in one sentence. Dump the foods that lead to your diabetes, i.e. carbs, and stay clear of medication for as long as you can hold non diabetic BG numbers. What could be easier ?



  1. I think a lot of what NewdestinyX writes is basically just him thinking out loud. Everyone has to tag along for the ride as he slowly sorts it all out in his own head and the penny finally drops. How long that will take is anyone's guess.

    The rest is simply down to cyber ego. He seems very forum savvy, so whatever the subject - gluconeogenesis, hyperinsulinemia, the correct firing order of a Rover v8 - he'll always have a clever answer.

    Plus, my mum always told me to be wary of men with beards - however neatly trimmed they may be.

  2. Quote NDX

    "People who comment on this topic, I notice are usually doing it for less than 2-3 years and claim all sorts of 'wonderful feeling'. They're losing weight and that alone makes people feel better"

    Ok I've been "doing it" for 3 1/2 years and as a skinny T2 have not had the implied benefits of losing weight, so how would that explain my continued wellness on LC. I think NDX needs to realise that the benefits of LC to diabetics extends far beyond 2-3 years without the need for insulin.

    I should add my medication is just 1 x 500mg SR metformin nightly to help with the Dawn/p


  3. Well if you can't decide about Mew-Density-Y you can read lots and lots and lots of his sermons over at and both places from which he was ultimately banned... yes these indeed are the forums (or 'fora' as he likes to put it) that he 'frequents'

  4. If you bought a used car from him, it would be (using the american term for a defective purchase) a lemon.

  5. I'd happily buy a car from this man, on the condition that I could run him down with it afterwards.

  6. "I’ve made up my mind. He is like Kenny boy, Tubolard/carbopile, and the rest of the lowcarb antis, full of shit !"

    I must correct you mate, tubocarbs can't be full of shit, the orlistat took care of that.


  7. "Plus, my mum always told me to be wary of men with beards - however neatly trimmed they may be."

    Agreed !

  8. He's been banned from several diabetes forums. I'd ban him just for all those pretentious inverted "commas". Mostly he gets banned for picking fights, inventing his facts and generally appearing to be a misogynist, patronising, self-delusional troll.


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The best of health to you and yours.
