Thursday, 22 September 2011

GPs urged to switch diabetes patients from synthetic insulin to cut costs !

"GPs should consider switching patients with diabetes from synthetic insulin, say the UK authors of a new analysis that estimates the NHS could have saved up to £625m by using human insulin more widely.


  1. They would be better to switch off sugar, grain, and manufactured oils first.

  2. Fred I agree 100%. Most diabetes meds other than insulin are useless. Many do more harm than good.

    The right diet and excercise blows the meds out of the water, for weight reduction and control of type two diabetes.


  3. I'm curious as to your statement Eddie.
    You use meds I believe, so does that mean one rule for you........

  4. "I'm curious as to your statement Eddie.
    You use meds I believe, so does that mean one rule for you........"

    Are you trying to squeeze my melon ? I said “Most diabetes meds other than insulin are useless. Many do more harm than good” I never said all !

    I stand by that statement. Maybe you would recommend Avandia or Actos, how about the hypo inducing pancreas wrecker glick ?

    My HbA1c at diagnosis was close to 12. Other than insulin, and accepting type two meds can achieve no better that a reduction of two points at best, including Metformin, what do you recommend? Please let me know.

    A safe reduction of BG in the fives, can only be achieved for most, with a low carb diet, exercise and minimal meds.

    Having said that, I do see miracles every now and again. An example, one cherubic high profile diabetic who uses no meds, uses a low GI diet and holds a 4.9 HbA1c.

    Maybe I should start praying for a miracle. Say a prayer for me, I’m all out of miracles.


  5. Not sure about a cherubic miracle more the product of a vivid imagination, then again seeing she's hypo aware at 4.5 I may be wrong and it could actually be a miracle. Quote “It scares me too and I am a Type 2 and I am hypo aware at around 4.5. I also find it odd to aim for non diabetic numbers when you are a diabetic” She does seem to have lapses of memory too as her HbA1c was 5.1 for ages not 5.2 Quote “The lower your HBA1c then the more difficult it is to avoid. My last HBA1c was 4.9 and I am trying to raise it as when I get towards 4 .2 to 4 .5 then I know I have to eat. This doesn't give me a lot of leeway. I stayed with an HBA1c of 5.2 for ages and did not encounter these problems.”


  6. WOW according to the DCUK HbA1c to average blood sugar converter a A1c 4.9 comes out at an amazing 4.3mmol/L average BG.

    Don't believe in miracles BUT!!!


  7. As usual, you try and belittle me without knowing the full story.
    At no time have I ever said that I am happy with an HBA1c of 4.9. If you bothered to read some of my posts, instead of cherry picking the ones that you feel are advantageous to your cause, you would see a different story.

    I have always replied to people that are in awe of my HBA1c to be careful what they wish for. It is no joke having low readings all the time. I also have a medical condition, thyroid based, that is not helping me. I have difficulty in gaining weight and am seriously underweight at times.

    I have to eat four times a day as opposed to three and that does not always suffice in preventing a hypo. I eat to live as opposed to live to eat
    so I don't think that any of you would want to change places with me.

    My advice to other diabetics is based on when I did not have these serious health problems and I have never, ever told them what they must and must not do. Before my health problems I had good control using a G.I. based diet and am hoping that when my condition is resolved, with the medication that I am taking, that my weight will return to normal as will my diabetes control.
    4.9 is too low for me and I am well aware of that so I really don't need your ridicule as things are difficult enough as they are. There are not many people who would like a higher HBA1c but I am one of them.


  8. Hi Catherine

    So good to talk after all this time, how the years pass eh. It seems only yesterday you and the clique were railroading the likes of me and other lowcarbers off the forum. How’s old Kenny boy doing ? well I hope. I am sure you keep in touch with the old despot. After all, it was you who once said “Thanks Ken we need you and Sue here and you do a good job of looking after our interests and well being.” Was you having a larf when you made that statement ? All in all, the old forum seems to be running very smoothly now, and I think Kenny needed a break, let’s be honest, his therapy was going nowhere !

    What do you make of the new naughty boy Carbopile ? Have you seen the things he and his readers say about me ? They do love their petty torments, but hey, if it keeps them amused, etc, etc. You and I have chosen our sides of the street, and as combatants, we have to take the rough with the smooth eh.

    Anyway, enough of this merry banter, let’s cut to the chase. Thank you for informing us your remarkable HbA1c, is down to a thyroid condition, and possibly not down to a low GI diet and nil meds. Perhaps amending your forum signature to that effect, might stop others thinking it is the way to go for most type two diabetics. I am sure you are aware, very few non insulin using type two diabetics, can hold non diabetic HbA1c numbers, without a drastic reduction in carbs, let alone on a nil meds regime.

    Feel free to come over here anytime, we will always publish a post that carries a known forum name, anti lowcarb dross, posted anonymously, is almost always binned these days.

    Good luck and good health to you and yours.


  9. You always belittled me when my HBA1c was in the fives prior to my thyroid problems. I have never taken any diabetic meds and there was never a problem for me to follow a low G.I. diet. I have been assured by the Endo that I see every six weeks that things will eventually return to normal.

    I have made no secret of my illness on DCUk, it is in several posts of mine.

    Even my username is brought into question here. Cherub it will stay as it was the nickname my deceased husband called me. The husband that was killed in his prime in an RTA. I don't need approval from anyone to use it and will not be changing it any time soon.

    No more posts from me Eddie.


  10. Catherine do you think your the only one who has suffered a bereavement, I been through a lot of heartache over the last four years, but unlike you I will not be playing the sympathy card.

    You say you've been belittled do you, I think that's rather hypocritical to say the least, maybe you should look back at some of your own posts on DCUK were accompanied by the rest of the anti lowcarbers you poured scorn, derision and sarcasm at many lowcarbers including me. To make matters worse you were aided and abetted by a forum monitor.

    I agree with Eddie about your signature it's very misleading, if as you say your low A1c is the result of a thyroid problem and not just down to your diet. Surprisingly we do have one thing in common though, I also have to eat four meals a day plus snacks in an attempt to gain weight but of course we have completely different diets. I would find Low Gi impossible on a high calorie diet.

    Remember Catherine you reap what you sow!



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