My old antagonist Carbo, posted a thread with a recipe on Monday the 10th of October, it has received to date, two comments. The blogs latest post, posted by his oppo, Carbs United, another carb addict and high medication stalwart, “Indigestion strikes vocal low carber” sole purpose to slag me off, has received in far less time, 68 comments, and going up by the minute ! OK much of the grief has been aimed at Ken, but not all.
What can we learn from this ? Clearly no one on Carbo’s blog is interested in recipes. No one is interested in the latest diabetic information. No one is interested in a low carb way of life, or recipes that can help BG numbers. Those with a bare minimum of diabetes knowledge knows, reduce the carbs or up the meds. Some like Carbo obtain safe BG numbers, while shovelling carbs down their necks. But there is usually a price to pay. In Carbo’s case, continuing obesity.
We have seen the gruesome NHS statistics regarding serious complications and the lamentable number of diabetics that get to a safe HbA1c. It seems to me, most of Carbo’s commentators are hell bent on making sure the terrible statistics continue for others. Who are these people ? Reps for big pharma, salesman of junk food, or diabetics with complications, who missed the low carb boat.
Time will tell, as we have seen with Kens unravelling. If his forum ever becomes successful, I will eat my hat and disappear into oblivion. And that’s a promise !
Did you notice that after each of his trolling identities were made public - Millymole, Wrunkelt, Albert etc, there followed a strop with Ken portraying himself a victim (note similar behavior now on the blog reference by Eddie!) and then deleting all his posts? Ironic that this was occurring whilst he was serving as senior mod on the old forum and breaking his own rules!!
I don’t know how you keep going Eddie. You have done the diabetes community a service by getting rid of Cugila from the forum. The dotty dietition has also gone to ground. Keep exposing the people with an agenda that is not to help but cause confusion and fear.
ReplyDeletePlease satisfy my curiosity. How do you manage to make statements about peoples health diet and medication, when you have no knowledge of that persons medical history or even who that person is?
ReplyDeletePsychic you aint, psycho you is
“Please satisfy my curiosity. How do you manage to make statements about peoples health diet and medication, when you have no knowledge of that persons medical history or even who that person is? Psychic you aint, psycho you is”
ReplyDeleteWell, let’s see if I can put this commenter straight.
90% of diabetics are type two’s. Around 80% are over weight. Almost all have severe beta cell reduction, stats say around 50% of beta cells are already destroyed at diagnosis. Many have insulin resistance. An over weight diabetic can have up to three times the plasma insulin as a slim non diabetic, so insulin quantity is not always the problem. For many, acute insulin resistance is very often the main issue. They are producing adequate insulin, but it is not doing the job of controlling BG. Little or no insulin = no weight gain. So, what’s the remedy, reduce weight and minimise the plasma insulin sloshing around. Remedy, reduce the foods that require the most insulin to metabolise, err, carbs. As weight reduces, so does insulin resistance. BG numbers plummet and lipids improve big time. The big problem for some, lowcarbing requires self discipline and some work.
Some prefer to go the med’s route. They have used drugs such as Avandia, Actos and others. The big problem, as you probably know, these drugs and others have been banned for causing many unnecessary deaths. The ACCORD study proved multi med regimes caused so many deaths the study was abandoned early.
So my friend, I’m sticking with fresh unadulterated food, exercise and a couple of Metformin pills a day. I can hold non diabetic BG numbers with no diabetes meds, but Metformin has proven CV benefits, so I stick with it. I believe most type two diabetics would do well to follow this regime.
You go your way, and I’ll go mine, I wish you good luck and good health.
I'm loving it tubs and his sheeple devoting almost all of his blog to us. What's best of all is the comments they give us the incentive to carry on this blog. Just a fact for the sheeple, our first encounter with Dr Jay was AFTER Ken had banned him, inadvertantly Ken was the architect of his own downfall.