Wednesday, 16 November 2011

When does a diet plan become ridiculous ?

When my old mate Ken was running into the ground, he promoted a very low fat, very low carb, very low calorie diet. When a Doctor, and low carb expert, questioned Ken on his diet, Ken and Sue defended the diet for all they were worth, and promptly banned the Doctor.

Fast forward six months, and Albert aka Ken was posting a very similar diet on d. Ken has admitted over at Carbo’s cess pit, Albert and his mates, and I quote “post ridiculous diet ideas to wind up the avid low carbers” i.e. the same diet as the dynamic duo’s.

This leaves me confused, is a diet sensible if your name is Ken or Sue ? But becomes ridiculous if your name is Albert aka Ken. We need to be told.



  1. OMG, just came across this blog and been reading through old posts. I was absolutely gob-smacked to read that Karen aka Chocfish was not a low carber. I had a lot of advice from her (including a half hour phone call) when I joined the former low carb forum. She seemed so genuine and knoweldgeable. I feel absolutely betrayed.

  2. You are not alone. Karen has betrayed many in her time including our little team. She had us fooled for a long time. I am sure she will thrive in her new home at Carbo’s cess pit.


  3. Karen - Chocfish - Whitbyjet - .... If the truth was ever revealed about her reprehensible behavior towards less fortunate members of the old forum you would feel more than betrayed.


  4. Wow! have you seen Kens rabid rants, there must be an asylum missing an inmate.

  5. What about this from the biggest liar ever to post on a diabetes forum.

    Mr Carbophile - I take off my hat to you!!

    As for Ken/Sue/Ediot/Duck - this is the greatest performance I have seen in a long time, Komik Kutz pure, havent laughed so much in ages.
    Dont you people realise just how much in common they have?!

    Thank heavens I dont need to be part of a forum.


  6. Whats going on? as anonymous said on carbos blog "The original question was asking how to shut Eddie up." From what I've read from you guys that's like kens diet impossible!



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