I have been loath to signpost this ravers bog, but check it out, form your own opinion. Links to useful diabetes and dietary information, err no. Lot’s of useful recipes and links, err no. Success stories of controlling diabetes and getting to a safe weight, err no. The big question, is he a shill for big pharma and the producers of junk and highly processed factory food, we need to be told !
As for his “readers” and anonymous posters of comments, good grief ! I can only say keep taking the meds.
He's not on the edge he's already gone over! A mixture of a low fat diet statins and orlistat is a sure fire recipe for insanity.
ReplyDeleteHe is a sad man with nothing of value to add.
ReplyDeleteJust seen the pic on carbos blog of Unhinged and Bracket, the tranny on the left is Unhinged.
ReplyDeleteLoved the "Unhinged" ROFLMA
ReplyDeleteSo who's on the right of the Unhinged one, he says it's not Carbs United so that narrows the field down as we can also disregard her doppelgangers SarahQ/CarbsRok/SueM.
Suggestion's welcome
Phoenix or Jopar.
phoenix or Jopar, I don't think so Geordie believe me I've seen the pictures of them and the late Hilda Bracket is far better looking and she was a He! It's not my scene though but hey whatever floats tubs boat! I can see were your coming from in picking out those two, they fit in well with CarbsUnited. They are all pumpers, all rabid extreme anti low carbers, they are all self proclaimed experts in Type 2 diabetes, and lastly they are members of tub's witches coven.
"Are you accusing Carbo/tubolard with necrophilia ?"
ReplyDeleteNo I would never accuse dear old tubs of that LOL, but he does have a penchant for showing his feminine side hence his reference to him being Hinge, and then his choice of name for one of his alter ego's the troll GothRosie, as I've said before whatever floats his boat.
"Are you accusing Carbo/tubolard with necrophilia ?"
ReplyDeleteGood grief Sir! Carbo may lead sheep, but you go too far Sir.
"How low can this war go !"
ReplyDeleteWhat war we won that a few months ago, this is a minor skirmish.
Aw diddums I seem to have upset one of tub's screaming banshee's, he/she/other reckons I'm irrelevant(irrepressible would have been more apt.) I get the distinct impression I'm not liked LOL,job well done then!
The irrepressible Dick
Iv'e been threatened with ironing by the the heroic anonymice, bring it on I'll meet them anytime anywhere. I would suggest though a hospital car park close to A&E, because I will be bringing the ultimate weapon a 500g pack of lard. One look at so much saturated fat could cause them to go into cardiac arrest hence the need to be close to A&E! Bring along tubolowfatlard if you wish, though it could be very traumatic for him.
ReplyDeleteThe intrepid Dick scourge of the low fat numpties.