The diabetes community was left flabbergasted this morning, when they awoke and discovered the latest debacle on the forum. Long term forum members, and blog watchers, were left stunned by the antics of Ken, aka too many names to mention, but hereafter to be known as multiple Miggs. Aided and abetted by his long time cohorts and lickspittles known as the clique, he took bullying, trollery and stupidity to a new level. Believe me when I tell you, for Miggs to improve on past lunacy, it takes a very special talent indeed.
But first some back ground for new readers of our blog. Miggs is a long time type two diabetic, who remained clueless for over ten years. He joined, and was very swiftly shown the way to diabetic salvation, by a small group of people, mainly lowcarbers, including yours truly. He thanked us on the forum, and in an online diabetes magazine. He informed us, the standard dietary information he received from the NHS, had been disastrous, and he had seen the light. All was well, until he was promoted to forum moderator. The forum went down hill immediately. His style of moderation, made Stalin’s Gulags, look like a rest home for retired dotcom millionaires. Thread locking, banning members and deletion or alteration of members posts become the norm. The clique comprising of the aptly named Sid Bonkers, aka the village idiot, Nobhead, aka I’m with you on this one Sid, The Cherub and Phoenix, aka the slippery one (Why does an insulin user, on a pump and receiving top class treatment, constantly meddle in the affairs of type two’s, many of which can’t even get their hands on some test strips) we need to be told !
Well, Miggs reign of terror came to an abrupt end, when he picked on the wrong man, Dr.Jay Wortman. Jay is a type two diabetic, a highly qualified Medical Doctor and a low carb expert. Jay politely questioned Miggs on his unsustainable diet, Miggs attacked like a rabid and brain damaged pit-bull. As was the norm, for anyone who dared to question the font of all knowledge. Jay was swiftly banned, his posts deleted and ridicule from Miggs and the clique was posted on the forum.
Our special Black Ops, Special Agent and Head of low carb Anti Counter Intelligence, Dick Duck aka Graham, was swiftly on the case. Within minutes of Jays banning, Dick contacted me and supplied his interim report, including contact details for Jay. I contacted Jay, and commiserated, and informed him he was part of an ever growing list, of banned low carbers. Within hours, I received an email from our good friend, the legendary Jimmy Moore. Miggs was toast, (well he is very partial to two thick slices of crusty white) did he go quietly, not a chance.
To be continued when I get back from the pub.
Good grief, what can one say, I'm flabbergasted.
ReplyDeleteI was T2 member but got pissed off with the continual interference from some of Type ones, who don't appear to understand the meaning of the word "resistance" as in insulin resistance.
ReplyDeleteYes, and very often on a pump, and more test strips a month than many type two's get in a year, if at all !
ReplyDeleteImagine the grief if a low carbing type two meddled in the type one or pump forum.
Is it a guilt trip ?
Kenny boy should read this from Antony Colpo.
ReplyDeleteThe Greatest Scam in
the History of Medicine
Why Your Fear of Cholesterol
Could Be Killing You
"If you're like most people, you honestly believe that keeping a low blood cholesterol level and avoiding fatty foods are the keys to escaping the deadly clutches of heart disease.
For years you've been watching your cholesterol levels like a hawk. You've been meticulously trimming the fat from your meats, drinking skim milk, and eating only the lowest fat foods you can find. Your doctor has even placed you on statins, those 'miracle' cholesterol-lowering drugs that allegedly slash your risk of heart disease by one-third!
Guess what?
You are wasting your time - and money!"