Friday, 27 January 2012

Fat ex-copper that used to be a mod outed ! Part Two.

Please read part one first.

The Jimmy Moore pod cast, was the last straw for the management. Miggs was fired, but he was allowed to stay on as member. The clique launched a campaign bleating for Miggs return, Miggs was left dazed and confused. His “I only want to help people speech” went down like four pound of condemned veal. Other than the clique and a few lost souls, the silence was deafening. The management had made some mistakes in the past, but the reinstatement of Miggs was never remotely considered. Miggs continued his campaign, rubbishing the new admin, and rallying his rabble, only Miggs could not see his position was totally untenable. Miggs asked for his account to be closed, his only options was to blow his brains out, or do a Captain Oates. He did neither.

He returned as Albert, and the king of slap-stick, started where he left off. At the same time, he raved and ranted over at Carbo’s cess pit, whining how misunderstood and unfairly he had been treated. Carbo, being pretty shrewd, and no friend of Miggs, allowed him to self destruct. Surely Miggs had learnt a very hard lesson, surely he would never be back at Well, Miggs started his own forum. At last a place he could be King of the hill, a home from home, for the clique, far away, from those horrible, low carb, high fat, fanatical, bastards. Sadly his own forum was not enough. Like his therapy, his forum was going nowhere. Unbelievably, he rejoined as Angeleyes. Exhibiting classic troll techniques, i.e. building up his post count on the word game, and winding up people, that did not fit into his ideas on hypos and fat, in fact anything that was beyond, his limited understanding, it was game on. And what a game it was. Borofergie, gave us an absolute master class, in how to deal with the likes of Miggs. A much (and now forum mod edited) abbreviated account.

Miggs: Yes I am a runner are you an Endocrinologist ?

Fergie: Please accept my profuse apologies Angeleyes. I was confusing you with a fat ex-copper that used to be a mod on here.

Miggs. I'm very pleased to hear you are well read, there are too many people who claim to be many things on the net, qualifications and such like. They really should be checked out as many spout utter rubbish at times.

Still, can't stay here 24/7, you will get me confused with someone else! We should meet up sometime and discuss things over a drink or two, diet of course.

Fergie: Yes, you're right of course. I'd hate to be part of a forum where people pretended to be someone else and invented numerous pseudonyms to agitate people and support themselves in arguments.

Miggs: I suppose we are all not who we say we are, just names on an internet forum. You know, borofergi, I mean is that your real name, I think most people on the net prefer to remain anonymous. Saves weirdos getting in touch and spouting rubbish in places such as blogs etc. They are all frightened to fes up to people in real life. They are not something I would wish to be associated with, don't you agree?

Fergie: Sorry Ken, my bad, I assumed that everyone was on LinkedIn: Fergie posted a very comprehensive CV and fully identified himself. Finishing with the line, Give my love to Albert.

Clearly, game set and match to Borofergie. Not for the first time, Miggs had exposed himself (don’t try and get a mental image of that) as a complete lunatic and charlatan, a complete and utter buffoon of the highest order, a man grappling to hang on to reality, a very sad spectacle indeed. Easily the most unedifying sight ever seen over at Miggs, please for the sake of your own sanity, call it a day lad. Old hands like me love the entertainment, but just for once, think of the confused and newly diagnosed. In my opinion you have proved beyond all doubt, you are a menace to the diabetic community. Get back to your Rubber Ramada of a forum, enough, is enough !



  1. Heavens above - will there be a part 3.

    We'll have to wait and see. I'm sure you will keep us posted.

  2. eddie - do you have a life poor chap. No one cares - don't suppose this will appear.

  3. "Eddie - do you have a life poor chap. No one cares - don't suppose this will appear."

    Wrong on all three counts sunshine, of course Eddies got a life maybe that's what your short of. No one cares! then why do you bother to comment. I let you work on the third one just hope you don't overtax what few brain cells you may have left.

  4. For a good example of the behaviour of the Miggs squad exhibited on see the exchange in the post:

    "Reducing Carbs and Eating fat with raised cholesterol"

    Posters repeatedly try to provide the latest evidence only to be deluged with hearsay from yesteryear. Its still going on.

    A "Carbman" posted the results of a huge long-term study, a 5–23 year follow-up of 347,747 subjects.

    The results "showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat".

    Later from Sid Bonkers

    "The big fat debate again eh?

    It is generally accepted that saturated fats are not good for you"

    The relevant post then descends into a discussion of the amount of fat on wild animals.

    It was ever thus.

  5. Reading the above post you have to remember that Albert is Ken who is also Angeleyes, .....

  6. I wonder if Sid and Nobhead feel even the slightest embarrassment at the behaviour of their Fat ex-Cop mentor?

    Surely, even through the deepest of schoolboy crushes, they must be able to see that his behaviour has now gone beyond deranged.

    I suppose we should give them some credit for standing by their friend, even after he has gone completely mental.

  7. "I wonder if Sid and Nobhead feel even the slightest embarrassment at the behaviour of their Fat ex-Cop mentor?"

    Bonkers he's a few cornflakes short of a packet, and what can you say about nobhead poor old chap lack of fat has long since taken it's toll. They wont feel embarrassed at all, they are just as mad as the Fat ex-copper.

  8. Well done Borofergie and others who contributed to this somewhat sad and worrying episode.. The world wide web and I include forums, blogs etc in this is indeed a very strange place. Caution is best when dealing with, writing to, replying and caution is always the preferred word I would use whether you are young or that little bit older, that I suspect the majority of us here are..In my own way I do feel a little sorry for this person 'Miggs' as you now refer to him. On the other hand I feel he has done nothing to help the newly diagnosed who feel frightened and confused with this disease of ours called diabetes. If only we could all act a little more responsibly and that goes for the layman/woman and health care professionals. But life isn't like that is it?



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