Saturday 11 February 2012

Has Ken finally done a Captain Oates?

I joined Kens forum to talk to the organ grinder and get his monkey, now it’s his lady friend. Has Ken gone AWOL has he been caged, we need to be told.

“We really appreciate you taking time out from your self -appointed post as watchdog for Diabetes Forums and blogs but we don’t really feel that your presence on this particular Forum will have any positive input”

I couldn’t agree more, I joined to let Ken know he could comment on our blog, provided he stated who he was, he had said we would not allow him to reply, a falsehood. He may have commented on our blog, but when we receive raving and idiotic comments, from anonymous people or from an old friend etc. they are usually binned.

The main reason for this decision:

“The continuous snide insults posted on your blog about members of this Forum since you joined this Forum show that you have no desire to be a supportive member of this Forum. You may view this sort of behaviour as ‘entertainment’ but we are developing this Forum to help fellow Diabetics so that they can have a choice, through knowledge , of how they can control their diabetes using all the available information , including low carb, that we can give them. We are doing it ‘our way’ perhaps you could start your own Forum doing it ‘your way’. If members want ‘entertainment’ they can always come and read your Blog. Some more thoughts”

Start our own forum, good grief, we have enough lunatics turning up here, No we don’t do forums. Look at the trollery you and Ken have got up to, keeping an eye on Ken is a full time job over at don’t you think. "We are doing it our way" that's the point Sue, your way does not work for very many. Last year you stated you and Ken were on a 1000 calories a day to lose weight, after 15 years with diabetes.

“You state ad nauseam that you have saved deleted posts from various places. Once you copy and paste these what is to stop you editing the posts to suit your own ends ? Your blog is well known for ‘cherry picking’ ‘facts’ to suit your own point of view. Without any sort of link readers have only your word that they are what you say they are”

That’s rich coming from you and Ken. You two deleted posts and banned members at will when you were running the forum. Dr. Jay Wortman being a classic example. Not only deleted posts, but modified them to change the context and the spirit in which they were written. We have been threatened with legal action and had calls from the police. I have stated it is my opinion the ex resident dietitian was a complete disgrace, and much of her information was scientifically illiterate. When that particular issue hit the fan, posts proving our point were deleted. Back up copies can be very useful, the resident dietitian knew this, hence her departure from the forum. While we are on the deleted posts topic, why were 2500 posts of mine deleted by Ken ? Many had stood for years, were they all deemed to be useless. The same happened to Graham, hundreds of his posts disappeared. As did many other active low carbers posts.

“We all know that low carbing works but for those that cannot control their Diabetes because they are too far along the Diabetic path we try and offer other suggestions. Being told to achieve non Diabetic numbers when you can’t must be soul destroying for some. They have enough to cope with without being made to feel a failure as well”

I believe we are never too far down the road to turn complications around. Look what Dr. Richard Bernstein has achieved. Remember PeppiB, with less than 30% kidney function, his Doctor informed him his life would be cut short. Peppi started low carbing and his kidney function went up to 70% very quickly. His Doctor was stunned and amazed. Peppi thanked me publicly and privately for my help. Our little team have helped many people, despite forum banning, post deletions etc. etc.

“Your oft repeated phrase along the line of ‘ a child would need more calories’ is just daft !
Of course a child would need more calories ! They are growing rapidly and using a lot more energy than an over 50/60’s person with other medical problems and limited mobility”

I appreciate some can get by on a thousand calories, but that is not the norm is it ? Most normal and active people need far more, including a two year old healthy infant. Last week a young woman joined she is seventeen, a type two since 15 years of age, increasingly, teenagers not much more than children are becoming type two diabetics, and they won’t make it for long on a thousand calories day. As Jay stated before you banned him. Once weight loss has been achieved, a 1000 calories per day is not sustainable in the long term.

“That one makes as much sense as your other catch phrase ‘ ditch the carbs, you know it makes sense’ The word ‘ditching ‘implies getting rid of which in turn implies using none. A strange thing to say by someone who does eat carbs surely, so no, it does not make much sense !”

No carbs! Have you lost the plot completely ? When have we ever advocated no carbs ? Our blogs and website is full of food ideas and recipes, and all contain carbs.

"We don’t all need the often quoted standard amount of calories recommended. Note the word recommended not ‘you must eat’ but you may eat’. Remember ‘we are all different’? It works for calories as well as Diabetes"

“You have spent the last few years running down those that do not agree with your way of control. You attempt to discredit those that use medication even though you take medication. You deride those that can’t eat a lot of fat by using mathematical calculations based on the false premise of standard calorie intake. Do I want to be permanently ill by trying to eat a lot of fat ? NO, I would rather be fit and healthy under my own personalised diet which keeps MY Diabetes under control and my HBa1c in the 6’s which I am happy with and still on diet only after 5 years”

To low carb effectively in the long term, good healthy fats have to be a mainstay in the diet. If memory serves you do not have a gall bladder, I can appreciate you have to control fats, “permanently ill by trying to eat a lot of fat” might apply to you, but not others. The main thrust of Kens clique has been a crusade against fat, this of course is the old boggy man the NHS and DUK like to trot out, while their diabetes stats get worse by the year.

“By the time you read this reply you will have been banned from posting on this Forum again. I’m sure you will formulate a suitable reply on your own blog to ‘entertain’ your ‘rabid, lice ridden' followers. While you are doing that we will continue to develop our Forum as a place of help and support no matter what you think and say”

Sue, for what my opinion is worth, you were the best forum mod I have ever known. When you Dennis, Fergus, Timo and Dr. Katharine run the place it was fantastic. When Ken got his hand on the tiller, it went down hill rapidly. But as I said in my post yesterday, the things we do for love.



  1. Best thing ever when Ken was removed as moderator, with him at the helm it turned into the cugila self appreciation society.

  2. "Once you copy and paste these what is to stop you editing the posts to suit your own ends ?"

    Everthing I have copied and pasted is posted without any "editing" whatsoever.
    Wherever possible I include a link, but thanks to the power crazy idiotic cugila deleting posts and whole threads this is not always possible.

    Now lets look at your "beloved" ken who's always pleading innocence.

    I posted a new thread in the low carb forum at DCUK this is the original post;

    "Why we gain weight! Gary Taubes Video
    by graham64 » January 12th, 2010, 7:39 pm
    This will be of interest to all "lowcarbers",it's an hour long but well worth watching


    An short while later it had disappeared, I found it hidden in another thread, my comment edited and link non clickable, my post was also locked.

    You can find it here;

    "Why we gain weight! Gary Taubes Video
    by graham64 » January 12th, 2010, 7:39 pm

    This will be of interest to all, it's an hour long but well worth watching


    You may well remember I reported this to Dan and kenny kenny was relieved of his mods job.

    This was the e-mail I sent to Dan;

    Hi Dan
    What's happening with forum, I started a new thread yesterday and when I came back later it had disappeared, only through doing a search through my posts could I find it embedded in another thread. Then the link which did not contravene forum rules had been made non-clickable. In my reply to another poster I added the clickable link, I checked today only to find both posts had been deleted along with the link, nothing offensive or controversial was in either posts. I have had no indication from the mod as to why the posts were removed.
    I agree forums need moderating but to my mind this is over the top, others have had the same experience so I know I'm not the only one.

    Kennys nothing but a liar and Sue you were complicit in his actions so your just as guilty as he is.


  3. “He may have read alot but he misses the point about fat - it does matter. Excessive amounts of saturated fat and fat in total are having huge effects on obesity ( I do not mean the fat from meat and eggs etc by the way!)”

    On page three of the thread you posted from a dietition talking about Taubes. I bet Taubes knows meat and eggs contain saturated fat.

  4. Yes my posts were moved too, just didn't bother much with it after. Found your blog abd stayed

    Thanks for sense and fun great mix

    M S

  5. "Yes my posts were moved too, just didn't bother much with it after. Found your blog abd stayed"

    There are many more like us, some banned for just disagreeing with kenny or his cohorts. Others intimidated into silence or left the forum because of his overbearing knowall attitude, since his demise the forum has become a far better place.


  6. I have been following the low carb diet for nearly a year now and have great results, my latest HbA1C was down to 5.9 from 11.3 a year ago. I think the work Eddie and his team do in promoting low carb for diabetics is brilliant - BUT I think the constant sniping between this blog and the more carb addicted lot on other forums/blogspots really detracts from the message. For people like me who don't know the people /history involved, it just comes across as childish and meaningless. You and your team clearly have a lot of useful stuff to tell the world Eddie, so why on earth lower yourself to the level of your opponents? I have to say it doesn't seem to achieve much. Please don't take this the wrong way but I hope you can appreciate the perspective of an 'outsider' who just wants info and encouragement not ancient history and gang warfare!


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
