Friday, 10 February 2012

Oh dear !


  1. I've know monkeys that could spell and punctuate far better than Sid.

    Furthermore, the monkeys were actually able to remember the point of their argument when they got to the end of their diatribe.

  2. Do you ridicule all dyslexics or is it just me?


  3. Sid, I am disappointed in you. You are the last person, I thought would go for the old sympathy ploy. So many times in the past, we have seen the tactic used, as a last gasp of a loser to win the argument. Is dyslexia a valid reason for your modus operandi on the forum ? Is the diet you promote, suitable for the average active type two diabetic, indeed, any type of diabetic ? Is your constant harassment, of people trying to promote a sustainable method, for the long term control of type two diabetes with minimal medication, acceptable ?

    I admire loyalty in people, and your loyalty to Ken is commendable, but you have backed a loser. As a court jester you are doing a fabulous job, as an educator for the newly diagnosed and the long term out of control, you are a disaster.

    We have some common ground Sid, both diabetics, both musicians, both anglers, and….. I’ll let you work it out. You won’t find me using the sympathy ploy.


  4. Yeah, whatever, I had forgotten what nasty people you and Graham were, still I'm flattered that you actively follow my every post over at DCUK when I dont give the pair of you a second thought.


  5. "...I dont give the pair
    of you a second thought."

    So how do you know you've been mentioned on here then? You must be following quite closely!!!

    Definately the village idiot.


  6. Talking about idiots - Carbo seems to have been quiet lately.
    Has someone found him a straightjacket?

  7. Goodness me Sid for someone who doesn't follow this excellent blog too closely there are quite a few comments from you.

    I'm sure the team members and general readers here welcome the comments, the more the merrier.


  8. "Do you ridicule all dyslexics or is it just me?"

    I wasn't ridiculing you, Sid. I was simply pointing out the possible benefits of Ken swopping some of his team members for primates.

    He could then look forward to the prospect of some relatively intelligent conversation, plus there's a good chance we might get to see Ken get hit full in the face by some flying monkey faeces.


  9. Sid and Ken, what a team a great boon to the advancement of the lowcarb cause.

    Keep up the good work boys, your low fat lunacy is much appreciated.


  10. "Sid and Ken, what a team a great boon to the advancement of the lowcarb cause."

    What a double act eh! not exactly the chuckle brothers, may I suggest the Kranky's or the Brothers Grim!

  11. "So how do you know you've been mentioned on here then? You must be following quite closely!!!

    Definately the village idiot."

    Actually I only looked in after seeing Eddie had posted on Sue and Kens forum, and dont worry I wont be back in the near future so you can say whatever you like about me.

    As for the village idiot I think that sums you up not me :)

  12. That's not fair, Sid isn't an idiot.

    In fact he is more evolved than most of us. So much so that he can choose to get fat from just the fat content of two tins of celebrations, and is immune to the carbohydrate.


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The best of health to you and yours.
