Thursday, 9 February 2012

Wallycorker board of Trustees on standby !

Over on one of our favourite forums, the thread ‘The cure for type two diabetes’ has been highly informative and very entertaining. Some of the funniest posts have been deleted. (all locked away in our extensive deleted post archives) have been made by the recovering Carboholic Patch.

It took me back to a time when Cugila stated he had been ill. To which a joker replied “nothing too trivial I hope” So, is there a place for bun fights and arguments on blogs and forums ? Are forum members put off by verbal punch-ups? My experience and research says no.

It is worth noting that the highest number ever recorded on the forum was while the bun fight was in full swing, just recently. Most users ever online was 194 on February 7th 2012, 11.51am. The Romans realised long ago, the punters soon got fed up with two geezers having a sword fight. The mob wanted more blood, and the man eating Lions proved to be a huge attraction. Sure most people join a diabetes forum for advice or help, but these days they also want entertainment, Patch is in a class of his own.


  1. Re: The Cure for Type 2 Diabetes
    by Patch.Sid wrote:Patch, if I ever have a heart attack/stroke/an accident


    We live in hope. Do remember to keep your phone charged...

  2. you are a complete wierdo - why are you saving other peoples posts - it is bizzare behaviour. I am sure a shrink would have a name for you!

  3. Love the humour over there, not always appreciated by the killjoys, but I guess most of the members appreciated it I certainly did.

  4. "you are a complete wierdo - why are you saving other peoples posts - it is bizzare behaviour. I am sure a shrink would have a name for you!"

    Calm down dear think of your blood pressure!

    Why are we saving posts? I think you can put that down to our experience with the hatchet man cugila editing and deleting posts. I don't think it's bizzare at all, in fact the archives have been an invaluable aid in our search for facts.

    Why does it bother you anyway what have you got to hide? could it be we've got a folder with your name on. lol

    I think you might benefit from an anger management course, try this online one:

    Henry Nutlooper's Anger Management Course


  5. I find this all bizarre - you save posts written by people you don't know. What do you do - spend all your time looking at blogs and forums? Funny the Internet is breeding a new type of weirdo - I find this all quite amusing.
    Your personal attacks on individuals are quite unpleasant but it is easy to do that via a blog!

  6. "Funny the Internet is breeding a new type of weirdo - I find this all quite amusing."

    I have a feeling that the likes of Ken were weird long before the internet's inception.

    And what kind of weirdo finds weirdos amusing?

    And who DOES guard the guards?

    We need to be told.

  7. “I find this all bizarre” but you can’t keep away can you. “you save posts written by people you don't know” Well, when you get threats of legal action, it’s good to have some evidence don’t you think. “What do you do - spend all your time looking at blogs and forums” No, we have others who save items of interest and post or e mail them to us. You would be amazed who helps us. Many things are rarely what they appear to be.

    “I find this all quite amusing” I feel a song coming on.

    For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has not, to say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels, the record shows I took the blows and did it My Way!

    As I said yesterday, punters are looking for entertainment these days. Please come back and keep entertaining me.


  8. I find this all bizarre - you save posts written by people you don't know. What do you do - spend all your time looking at blogs and forums? Funny the Internet is breeding a new type of weirdo - I find this all quite amusing.
    Your personal attacks on individuals are quite unpleasant but it is easy to do that via a blog!

    Dear Bizzare Wierdo, futher to your comment; I concur the internet is breeding ground for all sorts of wierdo's, and you will be pleased to know our so called personal attacks are aimed at them.
    The worst are those that hide behind the "Anonymous" tag. As you choose to conceal your identity you could for all we know be a psychopath or a cyberbullie, only you can dispel our assumptions, if you've nothing to hide reveal who you are! Alternatively you will find a warm welcome with the other dubious anons at tubs blog. You probably know that already though don't you!


  9. Anonymous bullies are scum and the lowest form of life.


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The best of health to you and yours.
