Tuesday 13 March 2012

Low Carb Great Myths Kidney Damage !

When I started low carbing almost four years ago, a Dietition informed me low carbers could suffer kidney damage. Others echoed the dietitions warnings. Evidently, low carbers often increase their protein intake when they dump the carbs, and this could damage, the already under attack diabetics kidneys. As with every organ in the body, diabetes can have a devastating effect, hence the very high kidney faluire rate and many diabetics on dialysis. Over the weekend a friend of mine, a type two diabetic, and low carber, informed me she had just received details from a full bloods test. She was very happy that all was well, and her kidney GFR was 130 and plasma creatinine was below lab range.

On checking my last test results last night a similar result. My lab does not give a total GFR number it just says 90> each time, (a good number) labs work in slightly different ways. My lab state a range of 80-115umol/L is normal for Plasma Creatinine Level, mine came in at 67umol/L and in the normality column says below range. The site in the link says this shows nothing more than an efficient and effective pair of kidneys.

It’s been a long time since I counted carbs or calories. Keeping carbs below 50 has become second nature. Calories are around 2500, but never less than 2000 per day, it varies from day to day, depending how I feel. I usually have three meals a day. I have replaced the missing carbs, with more good fats, and more protein. As a crude guesstimate, I would think the ratio is 70% more fat and 30% more protein. While the numbers keep coming in the healthy range, I’ll stay with what I am doing. I am very lucky and my health team do a full bloods on around fifty tests 4 times a year. Something will kill me, but for the time being, It won’t be kidney faluire from low carbing. Coming soon, The Great Scurvy Myth.



1 comment:

  1. My first blood tests 3 months after being diagnosed when I was being compliant and following the DUK low fat diet, my plasma creatinine level was 70umol/L my lab range is 59 to 104umol/l. After changing to low carb it's now 61umol/L, bear in mind I'm now a 68 year old fart and would expect to see some age related deterioration in my kidney function, thanks to low carb I've yet to see any.



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