Carbos latest post states the following.
“A word, if I may, about anonymity. I can explain my desire for anonymity in a simple phrase...I don't want my employers involved. I like being able to say what I want...when I want...without my employers becoming involved - or feeling that they are being exposed unnecessarily to unpopular views. It shouldn't be that way, but that's the world we live in. I'm sure others have their own, equally valid, reasons for wanting to remain anonymous.
There is a certain element of cowardice to anonymity - I don't want to lose my job for instance - I'm not self-employed or nearing retirement. That isn't to say that anonymity is necessarily indicative of cowardly behaviour, there are plenty of examples out there of the absolute need for anonymity to protect lives, but I'm sorry the world of diabetes isn't one of those examples. I will say, however, with hand on heart that I will always post as Carb O'Phile. it's my way of accepting responsibility for the words that I write and the impact those words may (or may not) have”
I can understand this, what decent and respectable employer would employ the likes of Carbo. It should be remembered every post that appears on Carbo blog he has to approve. So let’s have a look at some of the posts on his blog and latest thread. Please bear in mind I have offered to meet Carbo aka Tubolard on numerous occasions to discuss and progress the argument. Not only that I offered to help him on the forum three or fours years ago. Just before he was banned as a member, he stated on his profile in the hates section. I hate Richard Bernstein and Eddie Mitchell.
So. Some comments from Carbos readers and posters.
"Rest assured Eddie isn’t going into school’s taking pictures of little children; his company was dissolved last year, after 10 years of what the company accounts suggest after a very poor trading record!"
“Errrr excuse me? Karen....dangerous? Hmmm who is the plonker with not one, but 5 (!!)low carb blogs, one more vile and abusive than the other? Its not Karen thats for sure.
Nope its the Eddiot, a grandfather no less, a bloke that goes out taking pics of innocent little children in schools. Would you let him anywhere near your kids?”
"Eddie is guilty though, of having a filthy vial mind, he’s been known to post some perverted sexual activities he wished to carry out, and sharing crude Jokes concerning Gym slip girls, whether this is a indicator of other depravities is unknown, and it’s wrong and unfair to make these allocations without proof, but saying that I sure wouldn’t want him anywhere near my children purely based on his other vile characteristics…
See Eddie there’s wisdom about keeping Anonymous"
The lowcarb antis do love their petty torments.
Let me tell you how Schools work these days. Anyone working with children needs a full disclosure Criminal Records Bureau check. Anyone with the slightest blemish is considered unsafe. There is no grey area when working with children, you are safe, or you are not. I have worked in over three hundred Schools, some for the past seventeen years. I have photographed hundreds of thousands of children and young adults. I work with my wife and I am trusted by hundreds of teachers and School management teams, and Carbo allows these smears to appear on his blog. I have offered to meet him on numerous occasions, and other lowcarb detractors. It seems no one has the courage. How brave they are hiding in the shadows. Safe in their cowardly anonymity. It’s the liars, anonymous ones and spreaders of fear that keep me going. The sort of people that want to add to the gruesome NHS stats. we see. The carb and medication addicted that refuse to see a healthy lifestyle and quality food diet is the way forward for most diabetics. As I said earlier, Carbo has to approve these comments, and by implication, agrees with them.
My Father taught me many things. He was a simple man of rudimentary education. He was in his younger days a Royal Marine. He believed a man that was not a protector and provider to woman and children was not a man. Diabetes complications killed him, I try to live up to his beliefs. I will fight the liars and spreaders of fear, the cowardly gutless people, that hang out in the likes of the despotic Carbo’s blog, till the day I die.
The big question ? what does Carbo's blog say about Carbo ? A blog that has rubbished Dr.Jay Wortman, Fergus, Dillinger, Hana, AliB, Graham and so many others. Make up your own minds what this says about Carb/Tubolard. For me, a highly damage individual, with zero courage and a complete failure, as a mod, as forum owner, and a blog owner. To be fair he was not born this way. Years of systematic abuse, has brought him to the terrible place he now resides. I do not hate or dislike you Carbo, I think I understand, and am always prepared to to turn the other cheek, and help. Contact me via our contact page at
“Errrr excuse me? Karen....dangerous? Hmmm who is the plonker with not one, but 5 (!!)low carb blogs, one more vile and abusive than the other? Its not Karen thats for sure.
ReplyDeleteNope its the Eddiot, a grandfather no less, a bloke that goes out taking pics of innocent little children in schools. Would you let him anywhere near your kids?”
Does the above comment remind you of anyone Eddie, I'll give you a clue she's one of the long term antis!
What a disgusting lot they are at carbos blog, the creatures (I'm loathe to call them humans) that made those comments have warped and sick minds.
Ultimately the blog owner is responsible for allowing the comments, presumably he saw nothing wrong them that makes carbo just as sick and nasty as the ones who posted the comments.
ReplyDeleteThere is at least one decent person on carbos blog who made this comment.
ReplyDelete"Would I let Eddie near my kids? Yes. Why not? Are you suggesting that he is a pedophile now? Don't you think that's just a little over the top?"
Hi Eddie
ReplyDeleteGo on the search function on duk and type in nope. 13 pages of nope many users but Jopar comes up 21 times. Type in plonker Jopar again the number one user.
Theres carbos anon mate.
Do you know, I checked what you said Dave and you are quite correct. Call it coincidence if you want but it seems a little bit suspect to me for Jopar to come top of the list not once but twice.
Whoever wrote that comment saying Eddie was somehow a danger to children must be the lowest form of life, for carbo to sit on the fence brings him down to that level too.
ReplyDeleteBully boy bonkers claimed he was attacked by a low carber, that makes a refreshing change!
ReplyDeletePot and Kettle
Just when you thought carbo and his followers couldn’t sink any lower the latest link the provide shows what absolute scum they are.
I know about it Geordie received an e-mail directing me to the Revenge Website, does not surprise me in the least tubolard/carbo has seen fit to publish the comment containing the link. He's just as bad as the rest of the anonymous cretins that infest his blog.
ReplyDeleteWe shall be dealing with it later this week.
Big bust up again another locked thread on Dcuk, the antis have proved once again to be a bunch of complete idiots! There must be an asylum missing a lot of inmates.
ReplyDelete"Pot and Kettle said...
Bully boy bonkers claimed he was attacked by a low carber, that makes a refreshing change!
Pot and Kettle"
OK, if you want to call me names at least grow a pair and have the backbone to put a name to your insults. You are a gutless coward like many of the comment posters here.
"OK, if you want to call me names at least grow a pair and have the backbone to put a name to your insults. You are a gutless coward like many of the comment posters here."
ReplyDeleteDearie me Sid you are an agressive old chap aren't you, as for growing a pair no need I already have a voluptuous figure, I'm the envy of many flat chested friends.
Pot and Kettle
AKA Geraldine
"OK, if you want to call me names at least grow a pair and have the backbone to put a name to your insults. You are a gutless coward like many of the comment posters here."
ReplyDeleteHello again Sid, you must know by now I'm not a "gutless coward" like you I never hide behind the anonymous tag nor do I troll unlike your "friend" kenny who's latest troll name is the piddler. I know how much you hate trolls perhaps you can have a word with him and let him know just how you feel and try to persuade him to mend his ways, this may lead to being banned but as your not a "gutless coward" this should be of no no concern to you.
Looking forward to futher input from you Sid as you are our WMD in the fight against the anti's.
Goodnight Sidney.
Kind regards