Sunday, 22 April 2012

Tinker Taylor Liar Troll ! Part two.

Karla awoke with a shudder from the usual nightmare. Laying in her chair and in a cold sweat. Was it the never ending nightmare, or the surfeit of junk she had been eating since dawn. The thought quickly left her mind as she put on the kettle, put the cat out, the loyal cat that would always be her friend, and went in search for her chocolate digestives. The tea and bikkies cheered her up and she felt more positive. How dare the team cast me adrift she thought, after all I had done for that mad man Eddie and his ungrateful team, and all of them refusing to return my barrage of emails, instant messages and pms. How could the great Karla be dumped like yesterdays empty hobnob packets.

What ever the cost, no matter how long it took, she would destroy the team. Another plan was required, a plan to re-establish the lost communication with Eddie, a fool proof plan that he would fall for hook, line a sinker. The old diabetic in trouble ploy. It had worked beautifully before, why not again. From her vast network of email accounts and invented characters she brought out Lindka Palmer.
Palmer would contact Eddie via the address on the lowcarb website and pretend to be a diabetic in trouble requiring help. Eddie was always a sucker for a trying to help people. She could lead him along and waste his time, when he trusted her, the trap could be sprung. She would thank him profusely and offer the services of a Revenge Man website.
Sent on Friday 24th. June 2011

Dear Mitch
Please look here and then tell the Revemgeman what needs to be done, I think these horrible people need to be taught a lesson.
I am very angry,k you have helped me, you and Karen did, I will back you up till the day i die and continue from my grave.
I know you and the Revengeman can come up with something perfect. Wipe the smile of their starchy faces.
All the best

How Karla had cursed her own stupidity at the time. Eddie who had smelt a rat, but gave the diabetic in distress, the benefit of the doubt, realised he had been fitted up like a box of kippers. Not only had Eddie realised Karla was back to her old tricks, he had refused to have anything to do with the troll, and her scheme to anonymously rubbish Carbo. She realised, she had failed to take into account, Carbo was the anonymous coward, and Eddie used his real name, and would never stoop to the level of Carbo and the clique. Cover blown, but revenge man could be used at a future date, she thought, as she lunged at a box of celebration chocolates. As she shook with rage, she vowed to get even with Eddie. Whatever lies she had to tell, no matter how long it took, revenge would be hers. Revenge man would be used again in the future, and this time he would not be thwarted, because she would post the filth herself.

To be continued…….


  1. Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist.

    Looks as if Carbo is attempting to clear his tracks!

  2. Carbos just as bad as the rest of them on his blog, it really shows just how sick they are.

  3. Yes the whole blog post has been removed, it stinks and carbo does not come out of it smelling of roses.


  4. I believe this is the kinky type thing you want to use...

    Kindest regards, Carbo.

  5. Hi Tubs

    "I believe this is the kinky type thing you want to use..."

    "Kinky" does spreading lies about people turn you on ? Each to their own eh tubs.

    Great to see Phoenix, Jopar and the cherub posting on your blog. We have long suspected they were behind many of the anon posts, nice to see confirmation. Are the antis on the ropes or what ?

    Keep up the good work mate, never has anyone done more for the lowcarb cause, and illustrate the perils of a high carb diet for an over weight diabetic.


  6. I'm very confused, having just read the link provided. All it is is a sympathy for Edie for when he gets sued.
    So what's that got to do with the silly bitch Karen x troll names?

  7. Carbo

    Many lies and falsehoods have been posted on your blog. Your blog comments must be authorised by you before publishing. Therefore, by implication you are as guilty as the liars you support. Let me put it another way. You recently stated you feared you might lose your job if your employers new who and what you are, I think for any straight person that would speak volumes. As you have said in the past your blog is for you personal pleasure. What percentage of the posts and comments do you feel would be of help to the average diabetic ? Very few links to good information, very few links to good food ideas or recipes.

    In short your blog is no more than a way for you to hide in the shadows, a weak and frightened man. A man perhaps has been dealt to many bad hands, and the scars go to deep to heal. Twice you sign posted my family address on your blog, while you cringed in fear and refused to meet me on more than one occasion. You have rubbished many good and honest people, but more and more we are seeing your fellow miscreants, such as Phoenix, Jopar and the cherub come out of the woodwork. While these characters try to pull the wool over peoples eyes at, they hang out at you place, who would have believed these angelic pillars of the forum community, would have ended up at you home for the failed and the fallen.

    As I said earlier, you and the antis have now been seen for what you truly are, failed forum mods, failed owners of a forum and failed human beings. Inadvertently you and your kind have done wonders for the lowcarb cause. We look forward to seeing you over here more often. BTW any luck with the weight loss ?


  8. I saw the comment on carbos blog that made a reference to children, just how sick can you be, carbo allowed it to be posted. Your a disgusting cowardly person carbo is it any wonder you hide behind an alias.

  9. "Lies Edie. Where have I lied?"

    How about every time you have denied being tubolard?

    Talking of tubolard it's good? to see a reunion of some of the DFL forum members on your blog. You already have carbs united aka SarahQ,CarbsRok/DFL mod SueM on your blog, now being joined by catherinecherub/aka ex DFL mod butterfly, Jopar DFL mod, phoenix aka DFL member HelenM. Coincidence or what tubs, your forum proved to be a disaster zone no wonder they crept back on the DCUK forum.

    At least phoenix is now trying to distance herself from you by removing the permanent link on her blog to yours.


  10. Makes one wonder just what tubolard/carbo has to hide, has he got skeletons in the cupboard he does not want his employers to know about, choosing to remain anonymous would point in that direction.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
