You may believe that one of the functions of the HCPs would be to inform their diabetic patients of the dangers of diabetes. Think again.
From: ABPI/Diabetes UK/Ask About Medicines. Diabetes Medicines Information Survey. June 2006.
9% of diabetics do not know that blindness can be a complication of not managing their condition.
18% of diabetics do not know that amputations can be a complication of not managing their condition.
30% of diabetics do not know that kidney failure can be a complication of not managing their condition.
32% of diabetics do not know that heart disease can be a complication of not managing their condition.
33% of diabetics do not know what questions to ask those who provide their care.
33% of diabetics don’t know what questions to ask in order to find out more about their treatment options.
33% of diabetics don’t understand what their insulin or tablets are for or how to take them.
35% of diabetics take their medicines as prescribed.
40% of diabetics do not know that stroke can be a complication of not managing their condition.
58% of diabetics do not know what the diagnosis means.
60% of diabetics do not fully understand the meaning of their diagnosis or what different medicines are available.
From: 10. Dr Foster/Diabetes UK. Wales, England and Northern Ireland. 2005.
33% of diabetics are unaware that they will have the condition for life.
From: Morgan CLI et al. The prevalence of multiple diabetes-related complications, Diabetic Medicine 2000;17:146-151.
50% of diabetics do not understand that diabetes can reduce life expectancy.
Might be that there are a high percentage of diagnosed diabetics that are too thick to take on board what is said to them?