Hi to all my disciples and anonymous fellow miscreants.
Hi friends, not a great week on my stupendous and magnificent blog. I am thoroughly sick of reading about all the good news and low carb success on diabetes.co.uk. That gruesome forum had the unmitigated stupidity to fire me, my good friend SarahQ, and Jopar from our mods jobs. The low carb good news was increasing on a daily basis even in my day, but now it’s only the lowcarbers who are doing well, even some of the bloody medics are praising these low carb wretches now ! Where will it all end ! What’s wrong with being obese and celebrating the individual, more to the point, my shares in Oribilstat are going through the floor.
Has the Cherub lost the plot ? She stated at the big one on Monday “Clinicians need to wake up to the fact that moderate/ lower carb intake works for most Type 2's” what is she trying to do ? Usurp my methods or what ? What happened to the old bamboozle em with the low GI ploy ? It’ worked a treat in the past. Even Stephen Hawking never understood how it was supposed to work. Bonkers appears to have turned over a new leaf and is rarely to be seen ! If it wasn’t for Phoenix our saviour and (no Hope Warshaw aficionado) on so many occasions, I don’t know where we would be. Times are a changing, and it looks grim for us carb addicted antis.
On another negative note, I have posted some good recipes on my illustrious and magnificent blog and no-one hardly ever comments, why are you all so obsessed with Eddie and Graham ? What have I got to post to get a good response, other than slag off those lowcarbers ? Jopar is doing a good job, winding up the members, insinuating members are liars, and telling type two’s they brought it on themselves, provides much mirth, but has she overdone it ? Lets face it, you would have thought she might have learned something about diabetes control, being on the forum 24/7 for four years. While I am doing a bit of chastising, what’s Nobhead up to ? Has he gone into retirement ? His one line saturated fat wind ups, and links to some pre Boer War studies used to be great, come on Nigel, get out of your scratcher and make some effort.
Have I got it right, they tell me Kenny boy made a brief appearance on the big one, swiftly banned no doubt, that guy cracks me up. And what’s going on at ABC, he hasn’t been seen over there for a week, maybe he had another freak out and actually banned himself, he sure is capable of it, what a character eh. I’ll miss him when his gone, but will he ever be gone ?
So my few remaining and dishevelled
Carbo Chief Lowcarb Anti Generalissimo and your illustrious leader.
"I often have a wry smile reading somebody saying how the VLC and this is my menu, then you'll start adding up the hidden carbs and the >30g of carbs actually multiply s to 3,4 or even 5 times that"
ReplyDeleteFrom Jopar today. Does she think everyone is as thick has her.
Jopars been deserted by the rest of the anti's, even they must realise what a stupid prat she is.
ReplyDeletePhoenix and bonehead are desperately trying a damage limitation strategy, but it will be all in vain jopar has shown the antis to be a bunch of clowns.
ReplyDeleteThis quote says it all, and refers to jopars comments about type twos.
"But all I get with Diabetes so far is that I am fat, stupid, incapable of making decisions or managing my condition, and its all my own fault."
Carbos woken from his slumber and is now trip trapping down memory lane!
ReplyDelete"I often have a wry smile reading somebody saying how the VLC and this is my menu, then you'll start adding up the hidden carbs and the >30g of carbs actually multiply s to 3,4 or even 5 times that"
ReplyDeleteI see this comment has now been edited by a mod. What an idiot this Jopar is.
"It would depend on how your LADA was being treated if you'll using insulin then a bit pointless...
ReplyDeleteDesmond is about learning what a Carb is and where it's hidden too! And with any course you've got to have a framework to work from, and yes it's the eat well plate... But it also provides the information about your care, when reviews should happen, what types of tests and screening etc you should be having and why it's important to turn up for your eye screening! And translation of some of the lingo behind treatment, such as what is HbA1c...
Yes they do use props, two reasons it helps people visualise carb content, and make things a bit more interesting so you pick up more information, than sitting in front of somebody having drilled into you verbal information...
I often have a wry smile reading somebody saying how the VLC and this is my menu, then you'll start adding up the hidden carbs and the >30g of carbs actually multiply s to 3,4 or even 5 times that
Being open minded, and understanding both sides means, that you make your own choices that suits you as an individualPumping with Accu-chek Spirit pump since June '08"
The much edited Jopar post. To use her own words she is 'Non Campus Mentis'. Ain't that a fact.
"A trip down memory lane
ReplyDeleteCan anyone shed any light on why Timo, Fergus, and Katherine were sacked and not replaced by the horse and the duck as moderators of DCUK?"
Carbo's last stand. He is not fit to clean the shoes of these great people. He is a liar to the core.
Timo, Fergus, and Dr Katherine have one thing in common unlike tubolard they were not banned!
Anonymouse on carbo's blog!
ReplyDelete"There's a few ass's instead which must be better than a lame duck and a dead horse."
True, there's that big fat ass tubolard.
ReplyDeleteVery few have done more for the lowcarb cause than old Tubs and his friends.
He is a living example on the perils of carbs and the horrors for diabetics. Just think, he is around twenty years younger than us. Think of the money he will save the state in old age pension.
"phoenix wrote:
ReplyDeleteYMMV. We all have very different forms of diabetes; stick very low insulin production into the mix and those fats do indeed slosh around."
Borofergie's response:
Well I was actually talking to the OP who is a T2 diabetic. I'm unclear why low-insulin levels should lead to higher blood lipid levels. Wouldn't you expect the reverse to be true?
In a post by phoenix
"Those with a diet that was assumed to have a higher insulin load and were also obese had lower HDL. Those that ate diets with a higher insulin load had higher triglycerides" .
"Nullius in verba" Doh!
Even phoenix has sunk to jopars level by implying that members can't count!
ReplyDelete"I have seen people on here claim a much lower carb count than their menus would suggest"
Forgive me I'm on a roll tonight lol! but could not leave this one from phoenix:
ReplyDeleteUnusually from the anti's she posted her lipid panel:
"Trigs 0.83mmol/l
TC 4.72
LDL 2.97mmol/l
To me this suggests a suboptimal HDL, is this why she neglected to include it?
On my high fat diet I can better all her levels bar TC:
Trigs 0.52mmol/L
LDL 2.95mmol/L
HDL 2.04mmol/L
TC 5.23
Sound advice Eddie, and something I'll take up. My maternal grandparents were rural Irish, and economic migrants between the two wars. My mum still makes a mean Colcannon from a recipe she learnt at her mothers' knee (far better than the shite they serve at O'Neills). My paternal grandparents, OTOH, were from Leeds. My fatger's favourite snack was a banana and sugar sandwich (very probably a hangover from post war rationing) and they had to be made in the same way his mother made them, or they wouldn't be good enough; white bread door stops, with margarine, and Tate & Lyle sugar.
ReplyDeleteWhich food should I opt for?
"My fatger's"
Hi Tubs
ReplyDeleteI presume you are commenting on another thread when I stated "Eat the food we evolved from, eat the food that your Great Grandmother ate, eat to your BG meter, and you won’t go too far wrong."
I stand by what I said. The staple diet for many in times gone by was meat and three veg. The vast amount of junk in the shops these days did not exist. I say again, eat to your BG meter and you will not go far wrong.
Hi tubs, banana and sugar sandwich! I doubt that was a staple in most families in fact I’d never heard of such a combination, perhaps you come from strange breeding stock which would explain your obsession with toast "like fatger like son". Born in 1944 I can remember post war rationing and as soon as we could get butter again margarine was ditched, to this day my dear 96 year old mum has butter and lard in her fridge but will not entertain the fake low fat crap.
ReplyDeleteGreat work by jopar tubs don’t you agree, she has really shown the true objective of the anti’s!
Your old mate
"Which food should I opt for?"
ReplyDeleteCome on now tubs you must know our High Fat diet is contraindicated with your medications. Anyway why do you need us to determine your diet when you have a formidable trio of T1 pumpers at your disposal?
SarahQ "nutrionist" will show you how to balance a plate of toast in each hand!
Phoenix "T2 specialist Diabetolgist/Endocrinologist/Dietian" will ensure your low Gi diet will include a minimum 45% of the carbs you crave.
Jopar "Consultant Gibberologist" to explain to you it's your own fault you became diabetic because your a lazy sedentary fat slob! well I think that's what she said but then I'm not fluent in Joparese!
Peace love and Flora Cuisine!
Jopar "Consultant Gibberologist"
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ReplyDeleteLogged in 24/7 is she a vampire, does she ever sleep?