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Friday, 4 May 2012
Nobhead blows a gasket !
Well, just when I thought a quiet weekend was coming up on my favourite forum, it appears Nobhead is after Sid’s crown for the rudest and biggest chump on the forum. Over the years the clique have derailed countless threads and made posting grim news about low carb diets a fulltime job. Everything from scurvy to St.Vitus's Dance was heading our way. The Arch Duke of the sat fat will kill ya posts, is our old friend Nigel aka Nobhead, and didn’t he live up to his name today when he posted this.
“Stephen, I find it rather odd and worrying that you have spent time reading my back posts in order to cherry-pick certain quotes, I am sure you will have your reasons and may want to impress certain people but overall I find it a cause for concern given recent events.
As you may/may not know be aware but someone on this forum has been copying members posts and providing this material to a certain nasty blog, the Admin and Moderators are aware of this activity but can't find out those who are responsible, therefore I would hate the shadow of doubt to be cast upon yourself although I am sure your intentions are not dubious in any way.”
Several forum members berated him, for insinuating, our lowcarb super hero Borofergie, would stoop to ‘providing us with material’. Members felt Nobhead owed Fergie an apology and retraction of the offending comments. Although we hold Fergie in the highest regard, and with respect to this great man, we don’t need any help from him or others to discredit and lampoon Nobhead. Old Nob has being making a complete fool of himself for years, but today he catapulted himself into the Bonkersphere for stupidity. Nob and his cohorts have completely lost the plot, more importantly they have utterly lost the argument re the benefits of lowcarbing. As their arch henchman Ken proved they can’t bow out gracefully, no, they hang around at Carbo’s cesspit, telling lies and rubbishing the forum, and many of it’s active members. So, did Fergie get his apology ? Far from it, the Nob then posted this.
“I shall say no more on this matter now as I have left this in the hands of Admin and will not respond to bullying or victimisation.
Thank you!
p.s ......Stephen I don't wish to have any pm's from you so please do not send them as I won't reply.Last edite”
As is often the case, Daisy turned up and pressed the panic button. The Administrator was on the case before you could say ‘you’re be hearing from my lawyers’ and the whole thread was removed. Will the Heinz baked beans thread return ? Will the offending posts be deleted or edited ? Will Fergie receive an apology ? When will the antis stop trying to cause trouble, and then have the bare faced cheek to scream rape, and going bleating to the management. Nob come over here anytime and I’ll introduce you to our management.
As always, thank you to our deeply embedded mole, for sending us the removed and edited posts.
The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.
The best of health to you and yours.
Quote from noblehead on an older thread.
ReplyDelete"It is and never has been anyone's business how members control their diabetes, we as members are only here to advise and offer support......nothing more and nothing less, so with this in mind I do hope that the Admin and the Forum Moderators will keep an eye on such tactics and take appropriate action where necessary."
Perhaps noblehead should reflect on this comment before he sticks his nose into Type 2 discussions which of course is none of his business. I do hope Admin and the forum Moderators will keep an eye on his and jopars disruptive tactics, especially in an area they have zero practical knowledge of.
Nobhead rages against findings of Which
“A blind taste test of ketchup comparing branded and supermarket own brands. Of all the ketchup bought in the UK 60% of it is Heinz – but despite its popularity our consumer panel of 130 scored it poorly. In fact, it came joint second from the bottom out of the 13 sauces tested. Our tasters rated Sainsbury’s, M&S and Tesco ketchups the best.
And when we did the same test with baked beans last year the findings, although not as extreme, were not dissimilar. Heinz came joint 4th behind Branston, Asda and Morrisons baked beans.”
Yet despite these findings Nobhead insists he will still buy Heinz Baked beans and ketchup.
Quote from noblehead re Dr Jay:
ReplyDelete"I, like many others suspect the 'Physician' was directed here by the 'person who cannot be named' with the intention of causing trouble, this he has certainly done!
Should you require a link I can provide it."
Actually it was nobleheads mate kenny who brought Dr Jay to our attention.
Check out the date when Eddie first made contact with Dr Jay it was after he was banned.
Eddie// Apr 25, 2011 at 12:23 pm
Hi from a kindred spirit.
Please check out
Kind regards Eddie