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1 Users active over the last 24 hours: sugarless sue
Update 8 am 7/6/2012
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Sorry riga or rigor?
ReplyDeleteHowever, you spell it, you can not hide the facts and figures.
But goodness what was going on Fri Jun 01 to get 94 users ever on line?
I may be sorry I asked that question.
Check out the latest on ABC! It appears Ken has returned to sanity but EricD is off his rocker again!!
ReplyDeleteSorry ken but those AntiPsychotic medications are not working it would seem!
I’m pondering the mathematical odds of nutters like Ken and Eric ending up in the same forum, chuck in Bonkers and Nobhead and it must be a million to one.
After seeing those statistics on the ghost forum maybe sue should change her name to 'MemberlessSue' instead! :D
ReplyDeleteI like how Eric D complains about Eddie's use of apostrophes from a post shot through with spelling mistakes.
ReplyDeleteEricD another member of the extinct tuolards/carbos Diabolical LowFat Forum (DFL}, looks like he's backing another loser in DiabolicalABC, at least he's consistent.
Yep,you can't beat the good old 'Low carb,low fat,low protein,low calorie diet advice' that you get from Carbo and Kenny Boy's Ghost blogs.....NOT
ReplyDeleteCouldn't resist doing a bit of kenny Boy punctuation for good measure!
2 Users active over the last 24 hours: Google [Bot], sugarless sue
ReplyDeleteLegend: Administrators, Global moderators
Staff : The team
21.52 Friday the 8th.
Forum dead !!!!
1 Users active over the last 24 hours: daisy
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Staff : The team
ABC forum 5 minutes ago.
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1 Users active over the last 24 hours: Google [Bot]
Legend: Administrators, Global moderators
Staff : The team
Hello. And Bye.