Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Insulin pumps linked to lunacy !

You don’t have to look too hard, to find the type one, type two diabetic divide. Look at any newspaper article, and type two’s are usually portrayed as fat bloated couch potatoes, stuffing their faces with junk food, until they burst. If the newspaper carries a comments facility, within a post or two, a type one will be going ape. “Don’t confuse us type ones with those fat bastards” is the barely disguised tone. Let’s not beat about the bush, many type one’s feel they are some sort of professional diabetic, us type two’s are only part timers and brought diabetes upon ourselves. On many forums, the divide is even more obvious. For shear unbridled hatred, and revulsion of type two diabetics, look no further than some pump users.

Fired ex mod SarahQ, posted thousands of posts (then deleted them all) pushing carbs at every opportunity. Her forum signature at Carbo’s failed forum was “a balanced diet is a cake in each hand” burning Bernstein’s books was going to supplement her winter fuel bill. Phoenix another pump user and basing her diet on carbs, has spent four years meddling in type two’s affairs, with a special mission to rubbish lowcarb high fat. Then we come to Jopar. In recent weeks she has told us we brought diabetes upon ourselves, lowcarbers are liars and are a drain on NHS funds that should be spent on type ones. Test strips are a waste of money for type two’s she tells us, and she refuses to sign the test strip petition organised by members of

This bunch of lowcarb antis, pale into insignificance, compared to the self appointed head of eugenics,  A M Brennan. If this guy had his way, type two’s would be diagnosed in a van, in the surgery car park, driven away with the exhaust pipe connected to the passenger compartment, stopping off at the local rubbish tip on the way back to the surgery. These are some of his views over the weekend.

“I have not signed it and will not sign it, for a very simple reason: This kind of thing should not be decided by popularity contest nor politicians (ultimately a popularity contest again). 

At the end of the day, every pound spend on diabetes care means that there's a pound less available for helping the babies with cancer.

My understanding is that there is no evidence showing that testing is effective in T2. 

And please don't try appealing to my common sense and telling me that you can't know if your treatment is working without testing - that's an argument from theory, which is a bad”

What escapes this young mans highly jaundiced mentality, is the fact, many type two diabetics, paid into the NHS for 40 or 50 years before this oaf was even born, let alone made any contribution.. They paid for his pump, insulin and consumables. He tells us he pays eight pounds per day for his CGM, so that makes it alright. I wonder if it crossed his mind, that many diabetics cannot afford to spend that sort of money on food a day, for these people, test strips are an unaffordable dream. Without test strips, good diabetes control is impossible, especially so for the newly diagnosed. Maybe the have it alls, could show a bit more compassion for the have nots, I live in hope. One more comment, I have not forgotten it was two type one’s that showed many of us the way. Let’s be thankful Fergus and Timo did not come out of the same mould as the Jopar’s and  A M Brennan’s of this world.



  1. They know that their days as Low carb Anti's are numbered and now Trolling and derailing is the only tactic left for them....How pathetic!!


  2. Hi Simon

    It was ever thus. These days some good debates are going on. The Dangers Of Wheat being a good example. I see the Bonkers one made one of his more accomplished contributions when he stated “Wheat can be a real killer especially if a bale of hay/straw falls on your head” Who said Bonkers had nothing to offer ?


  3. Hi Eddie

    Yeah old Skeleton Sid,He's like a vintage Claret and just gets better with age don't you think!:D he's now earned his position of 'The Clown of DCUK' for sure!


  4. This is is comment from Dillinger too AMBrennan (wonder what the M stands for? Moron maybe)

    "I understand that you are a student AMBrennan, so inbetween lolling about and drinking cider perhaps you could click on the link and read that for yourself?"


  5. I see Jopar appears to have responded to this thread. I’m a good girl really she bleats. Four years of hate and stupidity from this woman and wonders why she is getting a good kicking on

    The antis are finished, and all can see their twisted motives. Jopar, get a life and get a job ! Stop spending day after day logged in 20 hours a day at the forum.


  6. I see Jopar appears to have responded to this thread. I’m a good girl really she bleats. Four years of hate and stupidity from this woman and wonders why she is getting a good kicking on

    The antis are finished, and all can see their twisted motives. Jopar, get a life and get a job ! Stop spending day after day logged in 20 hours a day at the forum.

    And so say all of us!! Spot on Eddie!!


  7. Jopar whinges about the costs of treating T2s and yet is extreme anti low carb, now if she had half a brain she would realise that Low Carb is the most cost effective way to treat T2 diabetes. If we were to follow the advice? of the likes of her and phoenix then the costs to the NHS would escalate, even more drugs and test strips.


  8. Such a shame its them and us attitude continues, you'd think people would want to help each other out.

    Come on people show some empathy here. Do Doctors say sorry I only treat lung cancer not breast cancer?

    I think not, it's up to all to do the best (not worst) for the community be it the diabetic community, or just your local community.

    No-where is ideal, but lets not make matters worse, how about trying to do our best to make things that bit better?


  9. You seem to be the voice of calm Glenys. In an ideal world what you say does make sense and I admire you for it.

    You would think everyone would like to help out there fellow neighbour or diabetic. Alas in this ever increasing mad world where the majority of people seem to be more interested in ME and not others some only show themselves in there true colours.

    The human race has still got a lot to learn.


  10. "Such a shame its them and us attitude continues, you'd think people would want to help each other out."

    Hi Glenys, most T1s on DCUK don't get involved with T2 affairs and vice versa, it just down to two or three T1s who promote the "them and us attitude"


  11. Hello Graham, thanks for your comment following mine. Type 1 or Type 2 we should all help each other out. I know it is seen as a different disease. I am a Type 2 which more commonly comes on when you are older, but my Christian beliefs encourage me to help everyone even those few who still seem to ignore a simple help each other message.

    Some would say I am banging my head against a brick wall, I think otherwise and am glad to see that others do to. An excellent example being the low carb team here. Keep up the good work as I in my little way try to do.


  12. Just seen your comment Wendy, 'the human race has still got a lot to learn'

    Yes it has and I will pray for it tonight.

    God Bless, and my apologies if my beliefs cause offence.


  13. "Without test strips, good diabetes control is impossible, especially so for the newly diagnosed."

    You must be good at DIY as you've once again hit the nail on the head Eddie.

    Once again more controversy with Type 1s and Type 2s but we all need test strips and sadly with the NHS in its current state and getting worse the situation looks grim.

    Please if you haven't already signed the petition do give it your most urgent attention.


  14. Does jopar ever switch her computer off?, it seems every time I log in she is online.


  15. Does jopar ever switch her computer off?, it seems every time I log in she is online.

    Ah,I can answer that one,Jopar is a Spambot or at best, a vampire!


  16. "Ah,I can answer that one,Jopar is a Spambot or at best, a vampire!

    I was thinking in the terms of vampire too, she's definitely not human.

    Or could she be a zombie!


  17. "I have not signed it and will not sign it,"

    Sorry this in my opinion is NOT the right attitude.

    To echo myself on a comment I made elsewhere I just want to state again the importance of us diabetics sticking together. If you have not signed the petition yet please do so, the more that do the better.


  18. Joe

    We have signed the petition.



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