For years people such as Jopar, Sid Bonkers, Phoenix and Noblehead have spent a great deal of time and effort rubbishing lowcarb as a method of controlling high blood glucose for diabetics. Between them, many thousands of hours, what have they achieved ? How many are following their methods of control ? OK a bit difficult to assess as they do not promote any way of control. Sorry Sid’s portion control of cornflakes etc. and very low calorie diet does not qualify as a viable alternative for the majority of members. Sid is semi disabled and appears to operate a diet that would not satisfy a four year old healthy and active child. The former moderators Ken and Sue used a very low calorie diet to control weight and BG numbers, indeed it was their run in with Dr.Jay Wortman, who stated that type of diet was not sustainable in the long term, that lead to their exit from the forum. Very low calorie or semi-starvation diets do not work in the long term, this has been proved many times.
Jopar, Phoenix and Noblehead are insulin users, the majority of active members are type two non insulin users. As insulin users these people have far more leeway in their choice of foods and carb intake. As with Sid, they offer no real alternative to a viable method of blood glucose control for non insulin users, in fact they do not offer any viable method of control. These three individuals have choices. They can use more carbs and adjust medication to suit the information their BG meters tell them. All state they have good control, insulin, skilled diabetes specialist healthcare professionals. Two have insulin pumps, and all have adequate test strips to check BG. What has the average type two have in the fight against diabetic complications ?
The majority of diabetics are type two. Typically at diagnosis they are told BG testing is a waste of time and will lead to anxiety. They are told to eat starchy carbs with every meal. It’s hard to imagine a worse way to treat a person with a chronic disease. A disease left uncontrolled, will lead to life changing or life threatening diabetic complications. Remember, the typical diabetic and forum member does not have a pump, does not have insulin, most do not get free test strips ! What choices do these people have ?
Well, they can accept the advice from the NHS, ADA and DUK regarding diet. They can choose to believe the NICE guideline of HbA1c of 7.5 is safe. They can become a victim of out of date information, the greed of big pharma and multi-national food companies. Never forget, these companies spend billions of pounds per year promoting their products, many of which no one needs. Misinformation is their main weapon, together with lying, falsifying drug trial data, and bribery and corruption. This week we have seen GlaxoSmithKline pay $3 billion and plead guilty to promoting two popular drugs for unapproved uses and to failing to disclose important safety information. All is not lost, there is a way forward.
And that way is lowcarbing, for so many diabetics there is no other way to control diabetes. Check out the forum and you will see on a daily basis great news regarding lowcarbing. Lowcarbers are reporting safe weight reduction, non diabetic HbA1c numbers, improved lipid counts, and some require no diabetes medication. Think about that, a safe and natural way to control a chronic illness. These people realise what foods raise BG to dangerous levels. They have replaced carbs with other more satisfying and better nutritional foods, they have reversed the main symptom and danger of type two diabetes, elevated blood glucose. Surely no one other than a fool, or a corrupt drug rep, or a seller of high carb food would argue with that. This brings me to the post title. lowcarb antis. Stupid, mental or just plain evil ?
The lowcarb antis have seen all the success people have had with the lowcarb life style. Some antis dismiss these posters as liars ! Other more subtle attacks, demonise the foods lowcarbers have replaced carbs with, i.e. saturated fats man has ate since the beginning of time. The fact is these lowcarb antis will do anything to disrupt, antagonise and spread misinformation. They cannot deny the good news other than call people liars, they cannot inform people how they can control their diabetes, weight and lipids with minimal or no medication. Their main tool is creating thread locking, editing of posts and ridicule. When that fails, they accuse people of bullying, rather ironic when you think in Kens days as a moderator, they backed him to the hilt and bullied so many people away. Let’s make no mistake, these antis know so many have no choice other than lowcarb, so the question, are these antis stupid, mental or just plain evil ? is valid in my opinion. Make up you own mind. As always, anyone is free to come here and argue their case, we look forward to your comments and argument.
Post edit and update. Some of the comments from the lowcarb antis today.
From Noblehead.
“Your reply to Phoenix is bang out of order and was made with intent to cause trouble on the forum, Pheonix or any other type 1's/type 1.5 tell type 2's what dietary path they should choose and that is for the individual to decide”
This from a man that accused a member a short while ago of supplying us with confidential information about forum members. When asked to apologise, he run screaming to the mods for protection. Result thread locked.
From Sid Bonkers.
“This is exactly the sort of garbage that should be moderated as it just scaremongering rubbish. We know that over 60% of T2 diabetics are within NICE guidelines, thats over a million diabetics. They are not being sent blind and they are not having their feet amputated, what they are doing is eating a sensible healthy balanced diet having lost weight where necessary.”
The NICE guidelines are HbA1c of 7.5%. This equates to average BG around twice a non diabetic. Sid has a published HbA1c of mid fives. He stated today. “my sister and my mother in law of whom I have spoken before, both have HbA1c's in the 5% range neither are overweight and neither low carb” So he is in a safe place and so are his family members. Why does he feel NICE guidelines should be promoted as safe ? The facts.
Percentage of Registered Diabetics in England with HbA1c > 7.5 % 2010/2011 Type one 71.30% Type two 32.60%
From Phoenix.
“Finally, which is why I like to point out alternatives, I don't like to see facts turned on their heads. Blaming carbohydrates, from whatever source, for the incidence of obesity, calling them poison or suggesting that they are killers ( along with some really mangled science) is crazy”
Mangled science, check out the Ancel Keys lipid hypothesis if you want to know all about mangled science. Phoenix is an aficionado of Hope Warshaw, who is the US drug shill who states lowcarb is the old dogma, use the wonderful drugs that are available. Avandia, Actos, thanks but no thanks.
Having a very rare day off. I wait with bated breath for her insightful contribution to the debate.
Update number two.
Thread locked, last post Noblehead. Business as usual at the forum ! The same four get every thread locked that illustrates their lack of sound dietary information and safe type two diabetes control. Type one's also report less medication and better control using lowcarb. We will never forget Fergus and Timo, both type one's who led the way at the start of the forum.
The current batch of LCD posters are bully's and that is reflected in the lack of activity it is a poor place to post
ReplyDeleteWhen you eventually get a brain transplant Eddie please let us know.
ReplyDeleteYou would have more respect for them if, instead of the carping negativity, they offered some constructive advice to the71.3% of Type 1 registered diabetics in England who fail to achieve a HbA1c of less than 7.5%
ReplyDeleteA useful response to any of their negative post would be to respond with simple post the statistic:
71.3% of Type 1 registered diabetics in England: HbA1c > 7.5%
And ask them why?
"The current batch of LCD posters are bully's and that is reflected in the lack of activity it is a poor place to post"
ReplyDeleteBully's I don't think so, should they just kowtow to the anti's? Under kens reign they were part of the clique that spent their time ridiculing and bullying lowcarbers, times have changed its a level playing field now get used to it.
"The current batch of LCD posters are bully's and that is reflected in the lack of activity it is a poor place to post"
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think of Jopar, Sid, Phoenix and Noblehead ? With the exception of Ken, they are the biggest bullies ever to post at the forum. How the clique must miss old Kenny boy eh. Now they have to resort to calling people liars and fools. Ken used to ban anyone that took on his chums.
"When you eventually get a brain transplant Eddie please let us know."
ReplyDeleteThank you for your most insightful post. I can see you are one of the more accomplished lowcarb antis.
Have you thought of putting your heads together ? I am sure you could form a passable log hut. Keep on taking the pills.
Another good thread locked on DCUK now,'The letter in the telegraph'thread,The Antis win again with special thanks to their guardian Angel,Anna29,one of Kens members on DiabolloxABC and ex clique!
Picking up on Clique Finder General’s point
ReplyDelete71.3% of Type 1 registered diabetics in England: HbA1c > 7.5%
Can anyone tell me why Phoenix, Jopar and Noblehead fail to address this alarming statistic? It seems they have plenty of advice for in control Type 2 diabetics but none for out of control Type 1 diabetics.
"Another good thread locked on DCUK now,'The letter in the telegraph'thread,The Antis win again with special thanks to their guardian Angel,Anna29,one of Kens members on DiabolloxABC and ex clique!" Simon.
ReplyDeleteSimon a lowcarb anti, once tried to test me, I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.
First principles, Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What do the lowcarb antis do, what do they seek? Err sticky buns, NO ! What is the first and principal thing that drives them? Toast. NO !, err heroic amounts of toast, NO !, that is incidental. They covet, that is their nature. And how do we begin to covet, Simon ? We covet with our eyes. What needs do they serve by spreading misinformation? Anger, um, social acceptance, and, huh, sexual frustrations, NO, We begin by coveting what we see every day. Don't you think they love eating those Mars bars and chocolate digestives ? and don't their eyes seek out the things they want ? Err yes.
Look for severe childhood disturbances associated with roast spuds, rice, and toast. They were not born lowcarb antis and carb addicts. They was made addicts and antis through years of systematic sugar and starch abuse. They hate their own identities , you see, and they think if they can bring every newbie and confused
diabetic down to their level, they will feel good about themselves. That they won‘t wake up in the middle of the night, screaming and craving toast, they won’t be the only ones raiding the biscuit barrel, and shovelling pies and cakes down their necks, they won't be the only ones, that can’t say no to a fried Mars bar or a donut. Am I right, or am I right?
"The majority of diabetics are type two. Typically at diagnosis they are told BG testing is a waste of time and will lead to anxiety ... most do not get free test strips ! What choices do these people have?"
ReplyDeleteHere in America we have multitudes of people who have no insurance. Many of us are diabetics and want to stay as healthy as we can to avoid financial ruin as well as physical. Diabetics need to test blood sugars to make sure they have acceptable levels. Not to test is either ignoring the problem or is akin to being lost in the wilderness. Don't you have meters and test strips in the UK at a reasonable price that you can purchase with your own money like some have to do in the US? I would think this should be a priority of anyone with diabetes whether NHS pays for it or not.
I think it would be extremely difficult to not eat low-carb and control blood sugars without meds. Maybe that's why they don't give you test strips - they might not want you to know what their high-carb recommendations do to your blood sugars.
ReplyDelete"Don't you have meters and test strips in the UK at a reasonable price that you can purchase with your own money like some have to do in the US? I would think this should be a priority of anyone with diabetes whether NHS pays for it or not."
Some people here in the UK with families or retired on a fixed income, or unemployed cannot afford test strips. Getting them free on the NHS has been a postcode lottery for years.
"Maybe that's why they don't give you test strips - they might not want you to know what their high-carb recommendations do to your blood sugar"
Over here many healthcare pros believe diabetes is always progressive. Therefor they have a cop out when complications set in.
Of course their dietary recommendations almost guarantee failure, not helped by the have it all diabetic idiots that we highlight in the main post today.
another useful, helpful, informative thread bites the dust.
ReplyDeleteanyone know of another forum I can read? I know this place is useful and all, but talking to others would be good.
Claire please tough it out. This has been the same for four years. The antis are the same and they have got countless threads locked. They have seen off hundreds of lowcarbers. This is the reason for their existence, they have no other life. Bitter people with a jaundiced agenda. All with chips on their shoulders and nothing positive to offer.
ReplyDeleteAsk yourself why people would spend years of their lives rubbishing lowcarb or vilifying sat fat, and have zero to offer the newly diagnosed in trouble diabetic. They have never had a answer to the question. How do I control my weight and diabetes with nil or minimal meds other than lowcarb.
Why do they want everyone to suffer complications or rely on ever more drugs.
Why oh why do Type one diabetics feel the need to preach to us, how on earth do they expect us to increase carb intake without resorting to more and more medications. Type two can be progressive their way would surely speed up our progression.
Odd how the type 1 Ken clique members can ignore all the new type 1 member posts / questions... yet opportunity to have an argument on type II and they jump right in..
ReplyDelete"Don't you have meters and test strips in the UK at a reasonable price that you can purchase with your own money like some have to do in the US? I would think this should be a priority of anyone with diabetes whether NHS pays for it or not."
ReplyDeleteHi Suzie we are able to purchase a cheap meter and strips in the UK check out this post doubt you will find anything cheaper.
The way I see it if the T1's and T2's stuck to their own forums problems would be solved...simples!
Well maybe you should do the same but it does not matter they will never let you back so why do you bother about it
ReplyDeleteRummer is Jopar got a ban today. Perhaps if more of the type II community were vocal in their disgust then the rest of the clique might get the boot as well.
ReplyDeleteThe time for voicing your opinion is now. PMs to Benedict and the mod team I think.
The new LC brigade on DCUK are just like you lot, nasty.
ReplyDeleteAnd the moaners and complainers still hide behind < Anonymous >
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDelete"Well maybe you should do the same but it does not matter they will never let you back so why do you bother about it"
Are you that naive to think we could not rejoin the forum if we wished too, personally I can't be arsed besides there is a good LC presence on the forum.
I'll tell you why we "bother" the idiots that were rubbishing and warning us of the dire consequences of LC four years ago are the same anti's that are still at it today.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"The new LC brigade on DCUK are just like you lot, nasty."
Nasty! look no further than the moronic jopar you'll be hard pushed to find nastier piece of work than her.
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThe new LC brigade on DCUK are just like you lot, nasty."
I love the way you call them the LC brigade when they actually promote an eat to your meter approach..
That's what gets the anti's... how can you have an argument against an approach that's entirely sensible... answer is you can't... instead you use personal insults, 30 year old science and attempt to get threads locked and closed..
Now is the time for action,PM Benedict with your concerns and support Pneu who was the only good and fair mod on DCUK and should stay!
ReplyDeleteThe Anti trolls shall not win,if caring that ALL Diabetics do not become victims of the grim NHS statistics is a crime,then I plead Guilty as charged!
People should be able to make up their own minds... informative threads should stay open without the same old people causing problems and trying to get them closed / derailed.. if you have a reasonable argument if you can prove you position then make your point..
ReplyDeleteMy position is one of provide people with the information and let them make their own minds up.. look at what works for others and make your own choose.. this can't happen whilst threads that provide this information are constantly attacked and derailed.
I want to make a point here. Pneu is one of the fairest and most unbiased moderators on the forum, and I should know I post there almost daily. I have not contributed to this blog before, although I am signed up as a follower and I read it almost daily.
ReplyDeleteThe simple fact is, from messages I personally have received today by PM on the forum and e-mail, if Pneu goes, quite a few of us will go. We will publicly show our support for him by voting with our feet. There is only so much any one can tolerate, and many of us LC or me an ULC can take, and we have just about reached the limits.
It's time we all made a stand.
I will not hide behind anonymous tags, I will sign and say who I am.
Joanna aka Defren.
For what my opinion is worth Pneu is the most knowledgeable mod on the forum. Any type one with an HbA1c in the fives clearly has diabetes under control. I have seen some crazy things on the forum Jopar and Ken being made mods for example, but I can’t believe Pneu is under any threat from anyone. Benedict is a very fair and straight guy and will see common sense prevails.
I do not feel under threat but I can no longer stand by and see good honest advise be continuously derailed by a core of individuals that can't lay down old grievances... neither can I continue to moderate on a forum where people are frankly rude and out of order continually breaking the rules without real punishment.
ReplyDeleteI am not one to tell people what to do... I mealy want to encourage real discussion.. that can not happen when one group go out of their way to make personal attacks and stop discussion from taking place..
DCUK could be leading the way in the global diabetes community and making a real difference.. that is where our efforts should be focused.. instead we have to concentrate on those that want to disrupt rather than build and discuss.. its a real shame
This whole subject is very sad - if you want to turn DMUK into a low carb only forum then be honest. As an onlooker you have all been behaving in the same manner. The forum is shocking at the moment and not a nice place to be.
ReplyDeleteWell Eddie put your money where your big mouth is and go back - or are you already on there?
I will open a book - how long before you upset someone?
I do not advice anyone to use forums like this - they are bad places!
Hello Anon
ReplyDelete“This whole subject is very sad” I agree, who would believe the same small cabal and ex Kens clique members could still be wrecking good debate and spreading lies and misinformation. Who would have thought after four years the antis have never put forward a safe and viable alternative other than eat foods you do not need and cover them with drugs. Poor Sid aka the pharmacist on more drugs by the week. Who could survive on Sids diet, other than Sid ? Phoenix aka the slippery one, on a pump and very high carb diet and besotted with Hope Warshaw, pushing out of date information and a shill for big pharma. Jopar aka the Jokar a psychiatrists wet dream, and rudest and most obnoxious member on the forum. Noblehead aka I’m with you on this one Sid, what a sly gutless little wimp he is eh. Insulting members then running to the mods screaming rape.
“Well Eddie put your money where your big mouth is” I have been putting my money into helping others for four years, our website just one of the projects I pay for. “go back” I have gone back and been banned again. Kens recruiter Daisy banned me the last time. “I do not advice anyone to use forums like this - they are bad places!” Are you a medic or a dietition ? You sound as if you are in the advising business. As for the forum being a bad place, have you seen the huge amount of success members are having in the fight against diabetic complications and medication reduction. HbA1c in the fours being reported, or are they liars as well ?
Tell me Anon, how would you get a type two diabetic into the fours, bring about huge weight reduction on nil or minimal meds other than lowcarb ? Hell will freeze over before you can answer that one. Perhaps we should all scoff up the starchy carbs with every meal and all go onto insulin eh. Maybe we could use the sort of wonder type two meds that have been banned for causing heart attacks and cancer, please let me know anon.
"The time for voicing your opinion is now. PMs to Benedict and the mod team I think."
ReplyDeleteTrouble is half the mods work for cugila and his gang.
"This whole subject is very sad - if you want to turn DMUK into a low carb only forum then be honest"
ReplyDeleteWho is trying to turn DCUK into a low carb forum? Fact is the anti's don't appear to have any alternative to offer, perhaps if they started their own threads to explain their diet they would get more people interested. But don't hold your breath as they spend most of their time trying to run down low carb!
I joined DCUK around four years ago in those days the same anti's jopar, bonkers, nobhead, and phoenix etc were using the same tactics as they do today. The thing is after all this time none of us on this blog have any of the complications forecast by these self styled diabetes experts.
ReplyDeleteA look at the forum will show long term lowcarbers like Hanna, IanD, Clearviews, Dillinger have not succumbed either and of course Fergus is still holding A1c's in the fours. The T2's amongst us are still not showing any progression all on minimal or no medication and as such we are less of a burden on the NHS. How different that would be if we had followed the 45 to 60% carb diet that phoenix pushes for T2's.
'Rummer is Jopar got a ban today.'
ReplyDeleteShe has been banned.