Monday, 9 July 2012

Rumours of Kens demise have proved to be exaggerated

I am delighted to report, rumours of Kens demise have proved to be exaggerated. My money was on he was competing in the Highland games, well, he is into all sorts of physical activity these days. Whatever the truth, he is back tossing his caber with a vengeance. Say what you like about Ken, but he is one arch tosser. When not indulging in self abuse, he is chucking out abuse, as always the forum **** is getting it in the neck. The forum **** is Why Ken always refers these days to as **** is unknown to me, although he did use the abbreviation DCUK in this post extract today “Exactly...... So what is 'GREAT' about that is beyond me......? Just some sycophantic members who want to keep well in with their 'mole' on DCUK, oops sorry **** ! I always wondered how the idiot always knew so much about what is going on at ****”

Many who know Ken and remember his helmsmanship at **** consider him to a be a total ****, who am I to argue. One thing is beyond debate, his forum DiabolicalABC has proved to be a total failure, not even Bonkers and Nobhead will go near the place. They are members, but even these two despots have their limits. They joined and left Dodge as fast as their spindly legs would carry them, 

After having his armchair successfully amputated from his butt, it’s the outdoor life for Ken. Never slow in blowing his own bag pipe, stated yesterday.  “Anyway, this is not a 'rant' (as some will no doubt describe it).....just some helpful (I think) advice, from an experienced Admin/Moderator..…” Today he stated “You really couldn't make this up, the most vocal troublemakers are the ones dishing out weasel words to Benedict and the chump is falling for them.....…” 

Say what you like about Benedict, he has forgotten more about safe diabetes control than Ken will ever know, it did not take Benedict ten years to understand carb control is essential for good diabetes management. Ken was in the diabetes wilderness for over ten years, before lowcarbers put him straight, then he turned on most of them. Kenny boys muse, the once great but disgraced forum mod Sue said this afternoon  “A sure sign that a forum is going to pot is when members start questioning the Administrator on the board and arguing with him ! Worse still is the fact that he is not telling them not to argue and standing by his words but rather trying to explain and justify them. Where is the respect there then ?”  Has she gone barmy too ?

Last word goes to a **** member who posted this today on ****.

“A while ago, when I was in a very vulnerable state mentally, I made the mistake of joining 'Another un-named Diabetes forum', since then I have regretted my actions, even more so after seeing the forum owner/s in their true light, namely the nasty comments and insults they make towards members of this forum, including myself. Now, after many days of logging into this 'Certain forum' and messaging "Admin" many times for my name to be removed as I DO NOT wish to be associated with such a 'Forum', I have just been ridiculed and laughed at by said "Admin" who believe it's funny to keep my name as an active member(I've tried to get banned too in desperation, but with no avail).I know I can just choose to not log in there but out of principle I do not want my name associated with there AT ALL!”

Welcome to the Hotel Caledonia, you can check in any time you like, but you can never leave !


A blog dedicated to Ken


  1. Hi Eddie!!

    well all I can add to this is..Kenny/Cugila/Albert/kamon or whatever the hell he is known as these days,is,well,completely insane and certifiable,about as much use to a newly diagnosed diabetic as king Harolds prescription glasses!

    Enjoy your self ranting on the ghost forum Ken,I know I DO!


  2. the vulnerable poster you mention is not the only one who has tried to leave that forum and had their request ignored

  3. "Paul, feel free to wander around in Cyber-Space for as long as you like because as far as we are concerned you are again telling lies about us, just like the rest of your friends including the idiot Mitchell. You will get no sympathy from us as you have proved by the above and your other comments here that we were right to regard you with suspicion"

    This is the latest from "the fat ex copper that used to be a mod on a real forum" but now hangs out on a paid for blog, he calls a forum.

    Ken go on it's free and you will be able to afford more of that thick crusty white bread, you old fraud. BTW how's the leg ?


  4. "the vulnerable poster you mention is not the only one who has tried to leave that forum and had their request ignored"


    The thing with ken he's a control freak and while they are still members of his blog (can't bring my self to call it a forum) he must feel he has some form of influence on them, with him it's just delusions of grandeur.


  5. "well all I can add to this is..Kenny/Cugila/Albert/kamon or whatever the hell he is known as these days,is,well,completely insane and certifiable,about as much use to a newly diagnosed diabetic as king Harolds prescription glasses!"

    Paul I use the term "as much use as a rubber beak to a woodpecker" when referring to ken.


  6. Ken feel free to wander around in Cyber-Space for as long as you like screaming "Fours the fllllloooooorrrrr!"


  7. Aw diddums Paul Get a life, you do your share of being rude to people when you have the backing of your pals. Innocent? I think not.

  8. Aw diddums Paul Get a life, you do your share of being rude to people when you have the backing of your pals. Innocent? I think not.

    Hi |Anonymous!

    At least I'm not too cowardly to sign my name,very brave!


  9. I think I may have worked out who "Anonymous" is...

    subtlety not being his strong point and the secrecy skills of a 12' dinosaur hiding behind a pot plant

    ; )

  10. Spot the Loony10 July 2012 at 14:58

    Bonkers has reappeared at DiabolicalABC what a pair of rabid ranters Sid + Ken the brothers bonkers!

  11. I think I may have worked out who "Anonymous" is...

    It's Ken/Cugila/Albert/kamon/silver fox/millymetre/Wrunkelt/Zoroster/Angel eyes + a hundred and one others!

    No wonder he is Schizo.

  12. Oh you're good, very good. I love your researching skills, you really are the best. I'd really like to know just how you find out these fascinating facts.

    First you revealed that Carbo is Tubs, and now...well now, you've sussed that Kenny boy (living in Scotland), is me, Zoroaster (living in Droitwich).You've outdone yourselves this time boys, Uncle Sherlock really would be proud of you!

    I think I've worked out how you do it. You're just like little chimpanzees aren't you? Throwing sh*t around, hoping some of it sticks.

    The Z man

  13. Anonymous said...
    "Aw diddums Paul Get a life, you do your share of being rude to people when you have the backing of your pals. Innocent? I think not."

    Paul has the guts to put his name to comments unlike you anonymouse, what have you got to hide? are you one of these anonymous online bullies, ex clique member with a grudge or just one of the cowardly anonymice from carbo/tubs blog? come on now don't be shy squeak up.


  14. Hi Zoroaster chuffed to see you read our blog. I bet you're not a lowcarber, not with the speed you bit the biscuit. Stick around you might learn something.


  15. Droitwich? That's carbo's neck of the woods,Hmmmm..

  16. Just a couple of things - have you noticed that one of the adverts on Ken's site is for a bakery!? Wonderful stuff eh!!! Who is more desperate the bakers or Ken?

    The other; perhaps I'm naive but Ken now refers to low carbers as BOBs - what does that stand for?

    Lastly, how is it possible the forum moderators (I understand that Daisy and Anna are) from DUK are members of Ken's loony site? That must be a conflict of interest? How can you support Ken when he spends his whole time slagging of the site that you mod for and the admin that your report to?



  17. If members of DCUK can come here and slag other members off then there is surely a conflict of interest there too?

  18. Hi Dillinger I believe the Bobs stand for band of brothers. It would appear there are many sisters fighting the good fight as well. Regarding your point, mods on being members of Kens blog, I think it is wrong, especially when most of his posts run down the forum and many of its members. Of course I would say that wouldn’t I. Ken did get one thing partially right the other day when he stated “Just admit that you HATE us Eddie” I don’t hate him, I don’t hate anyone, but I detest what he is. I believe he was a catastrophe as a mod. I believe Sue was a great mod until he came along.

    Ken and his clique where responsible for so many great people walking away from Dr. Katharine Morrison, Dr. J. Wortman, Fergus, Timo, Dennis, Trinkwasser. Many others were banned, people such as Wallycorker, Ray Davis, Graham, John Wilson, and countless others, all banned for taking on Kens band of misfits and spreaders of misinformation. Let’s not forget how they rallied around the biggest idiot ever to post, the resident and departed dietition.

    One fact cannot be denied, the same few anti lowcarbers have caused countless arguments and have been the cause of most of the thread locks. Around six lowcarb antis versus many hundreds of lowcarbers. It doesn’t take the brains of Einstein to work it out does it. Many of the people taking on the antis recently are comparative new comers. The constants over four years have been Jopar, Phoenix, Sid Bonkers and Noblehead. The big question is, why have four been allowed to stay and many hundreds of good posters been allowed to walk away ?

    In one sense I hope the antis stay. They are a constant source of amusement and entertainment for me, but their nonsense must have caused confusion and fear for so many newly diagnosed diabetics. I cannot understand how they could be good business for the commercial side of, but as I often say, welcome to the crazy world of diabetes.


  19. "If members of DCUK can come here and slag other members off then there is surely a conflict of interest there too?"

    Name the members of who slag off members on this blog, and who are the members they slag off? Are you confusing us with that moronic mutant Carbo ?


  20. Good point Eddie,I've never slagged a DCUK member on here in the few times I've posted on here(or seen any other members of DCUK do it either) BUT myself and many others get slagged off on Carbo's blog by DCUK members quite often(All under an Anonymous umbrella of course)


  21. Do you honestly believe that none of the anonymous posters on here belong to DCUK? If that is the case then why are they anonymous when their comments belittle DCUK members?

  22. "If members of DCUK can come here and slag other members off then there is surely a conflict of interest there too?"

    No, members can do what they like; it's the moderators who need to be and need to be seen to be neutral.


  23. Anonymous said...
    Do you honestly believe that none of the anonymous posters on here belong to DCUK? If that is the case then why are they anonymous when their comments belittle DCUK members?
    That's just speculation though,and besides,why are you anonymous?


  24. Works both ways Paul. Yours is also speculation regarding anonymous posters on Carbo's blog then?

  25. Anonymous said...
    Works both ways Paul. Yours is also speculation regarding anonymous posters on Carbo's blog then?
    You haven't answered my question,WHY are YOU anonymous? I don't run down DCUK members,but you are the one running me down(a member of DCUK,who signs comments) under a cowardly Anonymous identity so that makes you the coward with double standards.


  26. Hot off the press from the excremental Carbo blog !

    “I see Ediot has a new playmate. He is Paul1976, aka The Headless Chicken. He is used by the BOBS but hasn't the insight to see it and will be used by Ediot before long.”

    “I think you will find Paul the headless chicken is one of them as a troll.
    Look at all his earlier posts. He knew nothing and now he is a font of knowledge regarding LC and all the research papers that suit his way of thinking. The only thing he hasn't done so far is change his signiture proclaiming to now be sub 5% A1c.
    The way he writes is very similer to John wilson when he is in full attack mode. Funny as JW was banned from dcuk.”

    I like Paul, he is a young man that has some bad breaks. He posts on, Kens blog and here under the same name. He is no stoodge of mine or anyone else. John Wilson the member here and banned member of is over 65 years of age and a retired University Professor of mathematics. Try again Carbo miscreants.


  27. Anonymouse said...
    "Do you honestly believe that none of the anonymous posters on here belong to DCUK?"

    Think you should go back to carbo/tubolards bog pal thats were the real cowards post, you must fit in well with the rest of the cretins there.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
