Thursday, 25 October 2012

CarbSane Explains Why She Is A Taunter Of Gary Taubes !

Evelyn Kocur AKA Carbsane is a legend in her own lunch time. She spends her life stalking Jimmy Moore and Gary Taubes. If you ask her the time you get ten thousand words on the history of horology. Check out the link below to a Jimmy Moore podcast. Listen to Evelyn talk for over an hour without drawing breath. She has clearly mastered the trumpet players art of circular breathing. Marvel how Jimmy, no slouch in verbal communication is left almost dumb. Listen to the podcast and come back and tell me this woman is not one wave short of a ship wreck. BTW my good friend phoenix idolises her.

"Check out why she believes counting calories (not carbs) is king, why she thinks long-term low-carbers overestimate the carb counts in foods, the “crazy theories” promoted by Gary Taubes that she’s seen out in the blogosphere and where she thinks he gets it most wrong, what important nutritional concept she thinks is blatantly ignored by the low-carb community, what she agrees with Taubes about, whether she thinks Taubes has done more harm than good, her anger and disgust with how Taubes “cherry picks” the data that supports his theory, why she thinks Taubes lied for his own personal financial gain, her research into carbohydrate metabolism, why the older research cited by Taubes is invalid, why she thinks insulin is good in the body, and what she thinks a diabetic needs to do before beginning a low-carb diet change."

Words of Jimmy Moore



  1. Sorry gave up after 10mins of listening to her rabbiting, it was bang head on the wall time.

  2. Thanks for the LLVLC link.

    Sounds as if Evelyn is about to burst a blood vessel.
    And what's with that insane little laugh she keeps coming out with ? Definitely noticed it more towards the end.
    Guess Jimmy went for a lie-down afterwards.


  3. "Sorry gave up after 10mins of listening to her rabbiting, it was bang head on the wall time."

    Brace yourself I had to listen to it all !

    The woman is gaga and no mistake, I can see why phoenix is attracted, peas out of the same pod eh.


  4. "Guess Jimmy went for a lie-down afterward"

    Jimmy is one tough guy but I heard he was in traction for a week after that podcast.


  5. Word going round the blogsphere is due to weight gain she's now been tagged with the name Heavlyn Kocur.

  6. Well Gary Taubes and Peter Attia -- or, if there was ever a time to refer to them by their superhero Asylum names, Fatman and Glucagon -- have launched their project, NuSI, the Nutritional Science Initiative.

    Who is she to talk shes morbidly obese.

  7. Smart women seem to be Ediot's nemesis. Phoenix can run rings round him as can Carbsane so he has to ridicule them.

    From the carbo blog.

  8. I think she is actually the alter-ego of Sid Bonkers!!!

    Has anyone seen them in the same room at the same time?

  9. You complain about stalking Eddie, can you explain and even justify the stalking you do?

  10. “Smart women seem to be Ediot's nemesis. Phoenix can run rings round him as can Carbsane so he has to ridicule them.”

    Smart women ? Phoenix the Carboholic on a pump, Carbsane the obese non diabetic with a chip on her shoulder the size of a house, and totally fixated with Jimmy Moore and Gary Taubes, give me a break. Perhaps one of these intellectuals can come over here and tell my how I can hold HbA1c in the fives, excellent lipids, and stable weight for over fours years on two metformin pills per day other than lowcarb. Maybe when hell freezes over eh.

    The people have worked phoenix out, and the Look Ahead Trial has blown her into the weeds. She is fighting for her forum life and she knows it. Whatever happens she is yesterdays papers and she should know that to.

    I hope she sticks around. As for Carbsane, well we have got to have some fun don’t you think ?


  11. "You complain about stalking Eddie, can you explain and even justify the stalking you do?"

    I write and post under my real name, my mug shot is on here and others places.

    And an anon, a cowardly, slavering guttersnipe like you questions my integrity.

    You are living in a world of milk shakes and masturbation. Come back when you grow a pair.


  12. “I think she is actually the alter-ego of Sid Bonkers!!!

    Has anyone seen them in the same room at the same time?”

    I see where you are coming from Claire, but I suspect Carbsane flushes more intellect down the loo most mornings than what Sid has between his ears.


  13. Smartarse said...
    "Smart women seem to be Ediot's nemesis. Phoenix can run rings round him as can Carbsane so he has to ridicule them."

    OK then why after spending over 4 years over at DCUK why do we not see any T2 success stories attributed to the wise words? of phoenix.

  14. "I think she is actually the alter-ego of Sid Bonkers!!!"

    Different gender same gene pool !!!



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