This from Mr. Portion control, following another feeble attempt by phoenix to diminish the mind blowing confirmation, that modest weight loss and a 55% carb diet, with a severely restricted calorie diet followed on the Look Ahead Trial failed to improve CVD outcomes for type two diabetics. The participants ate a very much portion controlled diet and got nowhere. Sid any more jokes like that and we will sign you up as a script writer on the Novro Claphanger show.
Great post phoenix, as usual. Sid Bonkers
Phoenix knows more about diabetes than all of your blog posters put together.
ReplyDelete“Phoenix knows more about diabetes than all of your blog posters put together.”
ReplyDeleteThat may well be true, and that makes her all the more sinister and dangerous. She knows what uncontrolled diabetes can do, yet she takes away hope from people who have none of the benefits she has, and rubbishes their only salvation every chance she gets. What motivates a person like that ?
What worries me about LC'ing is that people who blog here about it now need a personality transplant.
ReplyDeleteBetter a personality transplant than a heart transplant don't you think.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your enlightening post. I am in awe of your courage anon one.
Thank you so much for reading our blog, hard to keep away for you isn't it !
"Phoenix knows more about diabetes than all of your blog posters put together."
ReplyDeleteIf thats the case would you recommend Type twos follow the high carb low fat diet that phoenix approves of.
Sid (not the Bonkers one)
"Phoenix knows more about diabetes than all of your blog posters put together."
ReplyDeleteCan you show me just one post where Phoenix has offered some constructive advice to the 93/94% of Type 1 diabetics in England and Wales who never achieve a HbA1c less than 6.5%
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete"What worries me about LC'ing is that people who blog here about it now need a personality transplant."
Have you considered a brain transplant? what's between your ears doesn't resemble grey matter. I suspect a case of dry rot, perhaps you should consult a tree surgeon.
Hope your soon out of the woods!
Kind Regards
"Anonymous said...
ReplyDeletePhoenix knows more about diabetes than all of your blog posters put together."
So you've fallen for that old game .... Phoenix is adept at making you think that .... Google is her best friend .... in reality she is no more professionally qualified .... than any other poster .... shame more people .... don't see through her act ....
Bit like you then - you think you are an expert !