Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Eat less, move more, have your heart attack on time!

More on the Look AHEAD trial the NHS style High Carb / Low Calorie + Exercise Intervention fails, and study is abandoned after 11.5 years of a 13.5 year trial.

"But these three things are typically packaged together as the lifestyle improvements recommended to newly diagnosed diabetics. Each of them (according to conventional wisdom) show help a little bit. The goal of the study was to demonstrate that these together these interventions would improve CV health outcomes for diabetics. The fact that these measures FAILED is demonstrative that the conventional advice is wrong"

A comment from Borofergie at diabetes.co.uk

"Also, what might the outcome have been if the intervention group had been repeatedly bullied, harassed and indoctrinated to maintain a normoglycaemic, low grade ketogenic diet for 13.5 years? Say to an HbA1c of around 5%?"

A comment from Petro Dobromylskyj

A comment made by Stan on the HYPERLIPID blog.

"Peter, you beat me to it, I just noticed a writeup in the NYT about the study! It is also possible that something else may have gone badly wrong there. For one, reduction of the caloric intake by half over 11 years should have helped but it didn't! Unless their dietitians only reduced their fat and protein while kept all those "healthy" carbs in?"

The ramifications of this failed trial are going to be massive. The trial illustrates totally the stupidity of a high carb-high medication regime for type two diabetics. Over $200 million dollars spent to find out what the clued up diabetics have known for years. It seems you can get funding for almost anything, other than a  long term trial to prove the benefits of a lowcarb no/minimal meds diet.



  1. Poison Ivy AKA phoenix has posted over at DCUK, she is still in denial about the deleterious effects of a high carb low fat diet on type two diabetics.

    Nothing new there then!


  2. "Poison Ivy AKA phoenix"

    I like that a lot Mel after all she is toxic in her insistence we T2s can eat a high carb diet.


  3. This is a couple of extracts from the ADA Diabetes diet - type 2 as used in the study.

    "You can improve blood sugar (glucose) levels by following a meal plan that has:

    Fewer calories
    An even amount of carbohydrates (30 - 45 grams per meal)
    Healthy monounsaturated fats"


    "(6 or more servings a day)

    Foods like bread, grains, beans, rice, pasta, and starchy vegetables are at the bottom of the pyramid because they should serve as the foundation of your diet. As a group, these foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy carbohydrates.

    It is important, however, to eat foods with plenty of fiber. Choose whole-grain foods such as whole-grain bread or crackers, tortillas, bran cereal, brown rice, or beans. Use whole-wheat or other whole-grain flours in cooking and baking. Choose low-fat breads, such as bagels, tortillas, English muffins, and pita bread."


  4. Quote from phoenix in reference to the study:

    "Storm in a very expensive tea cup?"

    Peoples lives are at stake and she calls it a storm in a tea cup, just how callous can you get!


  5. ' "Storm in a very expensive tea cup?" '

    My apologies but I think this is one strange lady, you only have to look at the numbers involved.

    High carb low fat is definitely a no go area for so many diabetics.



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