Wednesday 31 October 2012

Open post to phoenix.

"Presumably I should have just ignored i the problem and left it to the insulin to sort out because it's obviously my secret weapon. I certainly had no choice in the matter of whether I should take it or not." phoenix

That is true, but you do have a choice on what you eat and how much insulin you use. That is your choice, and your choice is to follow the type of diet and carb intake promoted by the NHS, DUK and ADA. Many others have no choice ! A test strip on prescription is a dream for many diabetics, let alone insulin and a pump, test strips and the highly skilled training that goes with it.

You have so much to say at, your own blog, and blogs such as the raving Carbsane asylum. Why don’t you come over here, and tell us how we can hold non diabetic BG numbers, stable weight, and good lipids on your daily intake of carbs, on nil or minimal diabetic meds. Perhaps we could all follow your high carb diet, I am sure our Doctors can't wait to issue us with pumps, insulin and test strips etc. Get real woman, and be grateful you have choices. You have it all, and all you do is sit there day after day spreading doom and misinformation. 

As you said, “I certainly had no choice” but many diabetics do have a choice, a change of lifestyle or ever increasing meds ! Why are you so bitter and twisted and jealous of others who are prepared to sacrifice their favourite foods and work hard to be self sufficient and not be slaves to big pharma and junk food outfits.

You know who and where I am phoenix.



  1. Eddie you really are a *ucking twat.
    Phoenix has an artificial pancreas due to her own pancreas being attacked by her autoimmune system.
    You f*cked your pancreas by stuffing your face.

    So stop bitching because you can't eat carbs.

  2. Thank you for your most informative post, It’s rare we get a true intellectual posting on our blog. Clearly you are far more accomplished than the typical lowcarb anti. Tell me, have you authored any books ?

    Let’s cut to the chase, how many posts do you see being made by type two diabetic lowcarbers in the pump forum or type one diabetic forums ? Not very many if any is the answer. We know from the NHS stats 93% of type one diabetics fail to achieve a safe HbA1c. The big question is, why does phoenix and her ilk want to bring everyone down to a very poor HbA1c, and all the complications that follow very poor diabetic control ?

    Please come back and thrill us with your acumen and staggering intellect again. BTW be sure to let phoenix know I eagerly await her reply, thank you.


  3. NICE do not sanction pumps for type 2's that's why you do not see them posting in the pump forums.

    Phoenix and your so called anti low carbers have very good A1c's and are complication free after many years of diabetes. Which is more than you can claim.
    All you are doing is making yourself look a bigger fool than you normally do.

  4. With respect I think you should do a little research. Jopar has talked of her retinopathy and her husbands. She has also told us about hypo sensing dogs that saved her husband life. Noblehead has suffered from acute retinopathy.

    Kegstore a diabetes forum member and lowcarb anti who stated in his forum signature “all the usual ropothes” died in his early forties. Carbo ex forum mod and staunch anti lowcarber is still morbidly obese more than four years on.

    Other people that espouse a low fat low calorie diet are physically infirm or on disability allowance. As for phoenix I am in awe of the woman. I just wish she would turn that fine intellect and huge knowledge into helping people rather than being a shill for Hope Warshaw and big pharma.

    As for your statement.

    "NICE do not sanction pumps for type 2's that's why you do not see them posting in the pump forum"

    It's because they keep their noses out of other peoples business. We do not care how others control their diabetes. The antis have nothing better to do, as none of them work and don't have much to do other than spread misinformation and fear.


  5. You are not fit to breathe the same air as Phoenix.
    Why would she want to talk to a sexist bully who envies people with a brain?

  6. "Why would she want to talk to a sexist bully who envies people with a brain?"

    Because she would lose in a straight debate on a level playing field. Just as the lowcarbers walk all over her at She may fool a few, but the switched on see where she is coming from and expose her for the sad and chip on the shoulder person she is.


  7. Anonymous *ucking twat said...

    "So stop bitching because you can't eat carbs."

    Pehaps you should tell phoenix, that according to her we T2s can eat plenty of carbs a la Hope Warshaw.

    Of course to follow that regime would require medications and cause a rapid decline in beta cell function, maybe that's what phoenix wants.

    By the way do you suffer from Tourette's syndrome or are you just a foul mouthed imbecile?

    Kind Regards

  8. Anonymous said...
    "NICE do not sanction pumps for type 2's that's why you do not see them posting in the pump forums."

    You will rarely see T2s posting in the T1 forums full stop, the same can't be said for phoenix and other T1s who are never away from the T2 forums.

    "Phoenix and your so called anti low carbers have very good A1c's and are complication free after many years of diabetes. Which is more than you can claim."

    I see your another one that's come here via Fantasy Island!
    After over four and a half years following a LC diet all of us have very good A1c's and are free of complications and on minimal or no meds.

    "All you are doing is making yourself look a bigger fool than you normally do."

    We would be fools if we followed the idiotic dietary recommendations of the ADA/DUK for T2s which phoenix is in favour of.


  9. Has anyone else noticed that Phoenix seems to be logged on for most of the day, I know whenever I log in or visit she is rarely missing from the registered users list.



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