Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Pneu a mod at comments re. fat intake !

A forum member stated the following..

"So tell me this! Why is it that every health official and the government and anyone watching what they eat is adviced to keep the fat intake low. Now they don't tell you that for nothing."

Pneu replies.

I would suggest the following:

1. There is / has been a lot of money invested by food manufactures promoting 'low fat'. 

2. To turn around and tell a whole generation that you may have seriously messed up dietary advise would be particularly damaging to the government that decided to do so; and thus being political animals they wont.

3. The weight of evidence to support low carb - high fat has only really been gaining mainstream momentum over the past 5 - 10 years. 

I work closely with the diabetes team at my local PCT and they have to follow 'standard' advice if you ask them anything officially.. however there is a real interest in LCHF and active support of those who wish to undertake such regimes.

Further I would suggest as a method to control type II diabetes it has been demonstrated countless times by individuals on this forum to work.. not only as a means to control blood glucose; but in terms of offering additional benefits such as improved lipid profiles and blood pressure. LCHF is not a 'fad' or unproven method of control, it is recommend by a number of leading health authorities across the world.

I would suggest the best thing you can do is research your condition and take a holistic view of type II diabetes control.

Well done Pneu spotonski !


  1. All that Pneu is any good for is being Daddy's little helper. A Mod title gives him power he thinks.

  2. What a star that Pneu is eh. BG control that 95% of type one diabetics can only dream of. He so much reminds me of Fergus Craig the man that started us on the road to lowcarb salvation and he still holds BG in the fours. What stars.


  3. Anonymous said...
    All that Pneu is any good for is being Daddy's little helper. A Mod title gives him power he thinks.

    Let's get some facts straight shall we.

    Pneu was low carbing years ago well before my own diagnosis in December last year. He has been T1 for well over 10 years. You know nothing about him or the work he does on behalf of diabetics in our part of the world. It is nothing to do with power and everything to do with wanting to help people.

    After my diagnosis he told me what as a T1 he did to low carb. All I've done is taken his excellent initial advice and combined it with what boro and grazer told me so it works for me. If anything I give out his advice not the other way round.

    He wasn't made a mod until many weeks after I joined the forum. At that time both Pneu and I made our relationship known to Benedict so that there could be no conflict of interest.

  4. Apologies I should have stated the post was nicked without permission from Nonetheless this Father and Son combo have done more for diabetics than many of the forum members put together. As Pneu illustrates lowcarbing is not only for type two diabetics. Fergus Craig is the best controlled type one diabetic I personally know. He has held HbA1c in fours for years and is a 30 carbs per day man. Still running marathons and competing in 100 mile cycle races, pushing 50 years of age and 30 years a type one diabetic.


  5. If your going to make personal attacks then at least have the stones to do it as a name and not behind some annoy-mouse tag...

    As to being power hungry... I post on the forum to share my experience and help others.. I never asked to be a mod in-fact Benedict had asked me a number of times before I felt I had time in my real life to be a mod and accepted.. If you have issue with my moderation or personal opinions perhaps you should raise them with forum admin..

    As an individual I have always been clear on my beliefs and stance reference diabetes control.. if your going to say something at least have the conviction to say it as an individual otherwise your just another pointless troll.

  6. Eddie I have no problem with you reposting anything I type.. I have no agenda nor do I hide behind 1/2 truths or cleverly worded posts.. I type it as I see it.. people can either get on the bus or not.. frankly I am the one with the 4.x% HbA1c.. so I can't be doing to much wrong.

  7. Pneu

    Your Father must be very proud of you, you have helped him. By the time I was diagnosed it was too late to help my Father. He died from acute diabetic complications two weeks after I was diagnosed. I have a 39 year old son who is a type two diabetic, I have been able to help him. My grandchildren all follow a lower carb lifestyle but obviously not to my level.

    Good luck and health to you and yours.


  8. Pneu said...
    your just another pointless troll.

    tch tch it's "you're just a pointless troll" don't forget the apostrophe :-)

  9. The 'Daddy's little helper' post speaks volumes about its writer. What a petty, cheap and asinine thing to say.

    Obviously they are anonymous and obviously they are an established poster on the DUK site - I would be very interested to know who they are as I'm generally very tolerant of anyone who posts, but this sort of thing crosses a line.


  10. Why would "impartial" Mods contribute to this blog especially when they have suggested in the past that this blog is not relevant to DCUK.

  11. I don't necessarily agree with everything that is posted on this blog.. specifically the personal attacks.

    But this blog does contain a wealth of information about LCHF and thus has value in my eyes.

    As to my impartiality.. I am going to recommend what I know works for myself and for others.. however even in the post Eddie has copied here and in a later post last night in reference to the above I suggest the OP has to make their own mind up.. do their own research and manage their own diabetes.. unlike some I do not believe in forcing my opinions on others. I merely relay my experiences.

    DCUK is a discussion forum.. you would be naive to think that individual posters, mods and administrators don't hold personal views.. that does not mean however that one is biased or unfair in their treatment of others.

    The fact that some people feel the need to resort to personal attacks just demonstrates to me the weakness of their arguments. If you have something constructive then please lets discuss like adults.. I have not yet once deleted a threat or edited a thread on DCUK because I disagree with a point of view.. what I can't stand is idiots like the first poster on here who have nothing constructive to add.

    Either have an adult discussion or go play elsewhere..

  12. Why would "impartial" Mods contribute to this blog

    Because, stupid, he is being called out personally, and responding personally.

    I hate idiots.

  13. Anonymous said...
    Why would "impartial" Mods contribute to this blog especially when they have suggested in the past that this blog is not relevant to DCUK.

    Sorry? I think you'll find the only times my son has responded on this blog is when people have had a go at him. Its nothing about impartiality. If you want to talk about mods not being impartial I think you should try looking closer to home.

    I've made a point of never posting on this or any other blog or forum and last night was only to factually correct what was a totally unprovoked attack on my son by some anonymous moron who patently knows nothing about him.

  14. There are unprovoked attacks of DCUK members all the time on this blog. Why is it so different this time? Is it because he is a lpw carber and you are happy to see others who do not LC getting ridiculed?

  15. It's easy to pretend you are big man hiding behind an "anonymous" tag. But then I can see why you need to do it, cos y'all lose all the arguments on DCUK.

    Sucks being you.


  16. Just so it's clear I will repeat what I have posted on the carbophile blog.. if any of you seriously have an issue with my moderation or believe me to be bias then perhaps you will have the personal conviction to post here under your actual forum Id's.. and claim responsibility for your annoymouse posts..

    if you do that then I will willingly write my letter of resignation to Benedict and let him decide the outcome.

    Otherwise you can all continue to hide behind the annoymouse tag like the gutless little idiots you are..

    I stand by my conviction, my posts and my opinions lets see if even ONE of you is willing to do so...

  17. Right I have posted my thread... now lets see if your just a bunch of cowards or if you will stand up for your opinions and be counted..

  18. Oh looky looky, the big brave anonymous poster attacking Pneu. Now why would that be?

    A. You're a coward.
    B. You loathe and detest the HbAic Pneu and his father achieve with a low carb diet.
    C. You have an agenda that is as clear as plate glass.

    You're as aware as any of us, any problem with any mod should be submitted to Admin. Or is it perhaps you can't do that due to not being a member of DCUK perhaps?



  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. By Sid Bonkers

    "So now you know what it feels like, perhaps you can understand how I feel when this 'stuff' is said about me on a daily basis, its not nice is it?

    Neither is it nice to see so many members of this forum posting to that vile blog on a regular basis either. Tells me all I need to know about them."

    I remember Sid coming on this blog to defend himself about comments made, yet he calls others who do the same.

    That tells us all we need to know about Sid HYPOCRITE.

  21. Another thread gone missing!

    This is the last comment before it vanished

    "this also raises the ethical of question of:

    Should a moderator on here be pm-ing new members here advising and encouraging them to go to another forum as they will get better advice there?

    And asking the new members not to reveal that they have been advise and encouraged, in order to stop the moderator from getting into trouble on here?

    MOds and Admin - please get in touch if you want the full story of what happened in my case."

    Makes you wonder if the mod involved pulled the thread.


  22. "Otherwise you can all continue to hide behind the annoymouse tag like the gutless little idiots you are..

    I stand by my conviction, my posts and my opinions lets see if even ONE of you is willing to do so..."

    Hell will freeze over before the gutless guttersnipes will even post under an anon forum name. The lowest forum of human life, for sure !

    Eddie Mitchell

  23. Eddie you need to grow up and just reflect - who cares ! You are making yourself look a d**k

  24. "Eddie you need to grow up and just reflect - who cares ! You are making yourself look a d**k"

    So bravely spoken, tell me what's it like to live in total fear and afraid to have one ounce of courage ? That's not living where I come from, but so few have the courage of their convictions. Keep coming back and adding to our page views. What a great blog eh ?


  25. Oh dear you are such a fool everyone is laughing at you - close this rubbish down before blogger does x

  26. 30,000 plus page views a month tells us to carry on. Thank you so much much to adding to the count. Please tell your friends about our blog, thank you.


  27. Anonymous said...
    "Oh dear you are such a fool everyone is laughing at you - close this rubbish down before blogger does x"

    Listen up sunshine even if blogger did close us down which is highly unlikely do you really think we would go away? If so you will find the laughs on you for we have a web site which blogger has no control over.

    LowCarbers do it laughing!!!

    Graham xxx

  28. "Oh dear you are such a fool everyone is laughing at you - close this rubbish down before blogger does x"

    Nope everyone's not laughing, Bonkers is foaming at the mouth, noblehead's bottom lip is quivering and phoenix is kicking her squeeze box around the kitchen.


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
