Saturday, 16 February 2013

Slim Rice more crap no one needs !

I once read ‘never over estimate the intelligence of the general public‘. If this Slim Rice takes off I will be amazed, but I have been wrong before. It’s amazing what people will try when it comes to losing weight. You could fill a book with the crazy diets people have tried over the years and almost all do not work. Countless books and a zillion products, most totally useless. I may be late in discovering this new wonder product, this is what the manufacturers say.

“The Slim foods range contains 0g of almost all nutrition, and it is free from Gluten. It is an amazing food for Coeliacs, Diabetics and for those wanting to Lose Weight or Maintain their Weight. Let's take Slim Pasta Penne for example, it contains 100% less net calories, 100% less Carbohydrates, 100% less Sugar, 100% less Gluten and 100% less Saturated Fat than wheat pasta, yet Slim Pasta will keep you feeling full for up to 4 hours. And as for the nutrition, it comes from the sauces and ingredients that you add to it.”

So, the slim food range contains ‘Slim foods range contains 0g of almost all nutrition’ think about that, how can you call a product food and boast nil nutrition ! How about this ‘The Slim foods range comes prepared as a tasteless food, because it gets its flavours from the sauces/ingredients that you add to it.’ No folks it’s not April Fools Day. Some of you old timers may remember The Pet Rock craze, believe it or not for those too young to remember, people paid good money for a rock, gave it a pets name, then brought accessories for their new pet. And people say I am crazy, maybe, but not crazy enough to buy this crap. BTW check out the website address eat water LOL.

A little tip, try cauliflower rice it’s great and guess what, it’s highly nutritious and it is real food, and you guessed it, it’s a lot cheaper.


Slim Rice, which comes already cooked, is made up of 97 per cent water and the Asian root konjac.

Slime Rice here.


  1. "I just don't believe it."

    What is this made of, how many chemicals are people eating in the name of slimming?
    What price are they paying both in health and the wealth of their pocket?

  2. Speaking personally I will not be eating this. I googled it and wasn't too surprised to find that this is also known as devil's tongue and voodoo lily !
    UGH !

    Just off to buy a nice cauliflower makes more sense to me.


  3. I do believe this Victor and think that many of the fairer sex will buy this. So much is made of weight loss

    Ducking as those handbags are hitting me


  4. OUCH !
    You may well duck Doug as my handbag comes flying in !

    On a serious note I don't doubt this product will sell there is so much money in weight loss and all the different brands, but who would want to eat this is beyond me.

  5. it's just like miracle noodles.... but Eddie -- think how Guyenet will love this product! NO TASTE! :-) how low-food-reward can you get?

  6. Interesting article, recommended food cauliflower rice

  7. hey very nice post with information..thanks for sharing it..
    brown rice


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