Sunday 21 April 2013

Largest Manhunt in History Finds Great Dietition !

After the largest manhunt in history, conducted by detectives from the FBI to Interpol, assisted by intelligence operatives from MI5 to Mossad, an informed and  clued up dietition has been found. At a press conference today FBI Special Agent Jimmy (Popeye) Doyle stated "we never really thought we would find a dietition that knew what they were talking about. The hunt to find a dietition not on the payroll of big pharma or junk food outfits was thought to be a lost cause, but this find justifies the years of work and $billions spent"  Franziska Spritzler, RD, CDE was left stunned, when Doyle informed her how long the search had taken. Seriously folks check out this great site. A taster.


"While doing research for my ADA low-carb article, I read many studies on carb restriction for diabetes and weight management, but I didn't consider the beneficial effects of ketosis. At the time, I was still consuming close to 100 net grams of carbs a day and wasn't ready to try anything as extreme as a ketogenic diet.  But after having looked into the research on VLCKDs and experiencing their effects first hand, I'd like to see more obese and otherwise metabolically challenged people try them. Improved lipid profiles, slowing down of the aging process, and improvements in mood and cognition are just a few of the potential benefits attributed to ketogenic diets, along with weight loss and blood glucose control.  In addition to the studies, I've read countless online accounts of how ketosis has changed people's lives for the better.  And I plan to continue eating this way indefinitely unless I develop problems, at which point I would make adjustments as needed. That's how I got here in the first place, after all.

Now, as enthusiastic as I am about VLCKDs, do I realistically think that all dietitians, nurses, doctors, and other health professionals will come on board in the near future? Probably not, considering most of them think ketosis is unhealthy and that we need at least 130 grams (and preferably a lot more) of carbs at a minimum to support the needs of the central nervous system.  But I am cautiously optimistic that the tide is starting to turn as practitioners begin to look at the research and listen to their patients' accounts of success -- or perhaps even test their own postprandial blood sugars. Carb restriction may not be appropriate in every case, but I defy anyone to objectively look at the evidence and deny how beneficial it's been for so many, especially those who have struggled with weight and blood sugar issues for years."

More great information here.


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The best of health to you and yours.
