Sunday 21 April 2013

More women than men suffer heart disease !

The stereotype of the overweight, unfit bloke as a heart attack in waiting masks a deadly fact. In fact, more young women suffer from cardiovascular problems than men, heart experts warn. Across the UK, there are 710,000 women, aged 16-44, living with heart disease compared to 570,000 men, according to British Heart Foundation (BHF) research.

Professor Peter Weissberg, BHF medical director, said clear signs of heart complaints are going unnoticed by women. “There’s a great tendency for women to ignore symptoms because they think of it as a man’s problem. Women are affected by heart disease and sometimes more than men.”

More on this story here.


  1. Make your mind up.
    This blog was vilifying the BHF a few days ago because of it's association with Flora and you have always denounced their stance on cholesterol so why do you think this article needs highlighting?
    Cherry picking again.

  2. Thank you for your comment. Have I said that all information from the BHF is not to be believed ? NO

    They are now on the junk food payroll.

    Unilever used the “heart healthy” symbol on their products for years in Sweden in a sponsorship/financial deal with the Heart-Lung Foundation, Sweden’s equivalent of the British Heart Foundation. The Heart-Lung Foundation has now terminated their relationship with Unilever because of their concerns over the limited scientific support that margarine is healthier than butter.



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