Saturday, 22 June 2013 is Gezzathorpe the new Sid Bonkers ?

I don’t spend that much time checking out these days, I find it too depressing. Sure there is always lot’s of positive news re lowcarbing. Members are reporting returning to a healthy weight and far better control of their BG numbers. Many have reduced medication and some stopped meds altogether. So, why the depression ? Cretinopathy ! Cretinopathy is a medical condition I discovered around five years ago. It has not been recognised by the established medical world, but effects many diabetics. This chronic condition manifests itself in many ways, and is well illustrated in the screen shot below. Gezzathorpe a sort of Sid Bonkers apprentice, tells us today “The first article provides a definition of low-carb diet as "For a 2000kcal diet, the recommendation for carbohydrate is 225–300g per day (45–60%)" and goes on to say “As I have always thought, I am a low-carber as I meet the definition in terms of calories/carbs per day” he finishes his post with “I find myself in the interesting position of agreeing with Southport GP, Therefore, setting up a 'low carbers only' blog is pointless”

So there you have it, Cretinopathy in its finest form. Even someone with Gezzathorpe’s apparent lack of grey matter knows, that a diet of 225 to 300 carbs a day, would never be considered a lowcarb diet by anyone, other than some dieticians or a lunatic. Well as far as I know Gezza is not a dietician, but I find myself considering this question, is he a lunatic ? The other big question I have been asking myself for almost a week, how can a diabetic on a diet and exercise only regime consume 250 plus carbs a day and still get hypos ? A very unusual situation. Come on Gezza you have a lot to say, spill the beans and educate us, instead of trying to wrestle Sid’s number one forum hooligan position away from him.


Click on screen shot to enlarge

Link to thread here. 

Stop press. Bonkers has returned ! Stand by for some real lunacy. The dynamic duo should give us some great entertainment this weekend. Bring on the clowns !

Quote of the day from Bonkers "I simply do not like to see people hoodwinking others by braking forum rules" What did I tell you, this chump is one funny guy !


  1. 'I don’t spend that much time checking out these days, I find it too depressing.'

    Nothing changes

  2. I find ETYM even more depressing. I would rather watch paint dry than listen to the drivel there.

  3. Sid Bonkers said this on the Southport GP topic.

    "If you are a real doctor however, with nothing to hide, then I'm sure you will be only to happy to provide your name and the name of your surgery so it can be verified tomorrow when they open. And I will be happy to apologise and reply to you in a more positive manner. Until then I still believe you are a low carb troll."

    There has been NO apology from Sid even though he now knows the GP is genuine.

    Sid's nothing but a loud mouthed sarcastic bully.



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The best of health to you and yours.
