Saturday, 22 June 2013

Superman returns to the ETYM forum !

Just as all looked lost, and the forum facing its darkest hour,  the Man of Steel  Paul1976 returns to the ETYM forum. If anyone can save the ailing cakes club Paul is the man. A man who has faced great challenges, but does not know the meaning of giving up, a true legend in his own lowcarb lunch time.

Glad to see you are still around Paul we have missed you. Promise us one thing, don’t knock yourself out trying to turn that horses arse of a forum around. Even superman has his limitations

Regards Eddie


  1. I would hardly call it it's darkest hour, unless you are referring to your 2 posts Eddie, that was quite dark...

  2. Paul/Tubsolard likes upsets.
    He is still trying to stir it on DCUK by suggesting that Geezathorpe is Ken. He likes to wind people up but gets a tad upset when others give him as good as he gives them.
    What have you missed Eddie? Is it because he is so naive that he thinks the sun shines out of your arse????

  3. "Paul/Tubsolard likes upsets.
    He is still trying to stir it on DCUK by suggesting that Geezathorpe is Ken. He likes to wind people up but gets a tad upset when others give him as good as he gives them."

    You gotta admit though geezathorpe does have the same attributes as ken.

    Paul trying to stir it up! come on now he's a pussy cat compared with that obnoxious buffoon Sid Bonkers

  4. "Paul/Tubsolard likes upsets.
    He is still trying to stir it on DCUK by suggesting that Geezathorpe is Ken. He likes to wind people up but gets a tad upset when others give him as good as he gives them.
    What have you missed Eddie? Is it because he is so naive that he thinks the sun shines out of your arse????"

    Hi anon. You will never be fit to clean Paul's shoes. You are a gutless little shit. Goodbye.


  5. Anonymous said...

    "I would hardly call it it's darkest hour, unless you are referring to your 2 posts Eddie, that was quite dark..."

    Posts get deleted they the powers that be do not like. They are gutless and dishonest.


  6. Lowcarb team member said...
    Anonymous said...

    "I would hardly call it it's darkest hour, unless you are referring to your 2 posts Eddie, that was quite dark..."

    Posts get deleted they the powers that be do not like. They are gutless and dishonest.


    What's your point? Posts were deleted whilst looking, then reinstated. Your posts however were properly the usual nonsense and trying to wind up and cause more problems. Hence why you got banned probably. But then again, if its not your way it's wrong huh Eddie?


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The best of health to you and yours.
