Thursday, 20 June 2013

Eat To Your Meter and how it operates !

This was posted on the ETYM forum  tonight.

“One of these days the real reason why Eddie left the board will be told. He jumped before he was pushed, and people will find out why one day!!” I posted the this as a follow up.

Please tell all mate. I have all the emails from the early days. A sad debacle for sure. Board members squabbling like kids. Did Borofergie and Dillinger go before they were pushed ? What about all the other members who started the forum off and never post, long gone, never to return. Get defensive all you like, I wouldn’t expect anything less. The facts speak for themselves, you’re going nowhere fast. Have the sphericals to admit the truth and make changes or stay a social club for pussys and hard luck stories. No disrespect to the few in touch members trying to help others. Eddie

Deleted in seconds, why is the truth such a sin at the ETYM forum ? We post the negative comments that come in here about me, they delete. BTW I resigned from the board, I was not pushed. It took three days and threats of posting the fact on this blog,  before it was announced on the forum I had left. It was only me asking what happened to Dillinger that got the truth revealed. Evidently Borofergie is too busy to post, Yeah. Why am I smelling the shit of the bull, fantasists living in a dream world, but the truth always outs !

Left click on screen shot to enlarge.


Situation update banned, again. Oh dear nothing changes, another day another dollar, but the fight goes on !


  1. It's called a power struggle. They all want to be the head honcho, just like the wanted all the power at DCUK.
    Power is like a candle flame, one breath and it is gone.

  2. Anyone would think these mods were on a huge salary and a company Merc. So many mods are clueless and turn a forum into a fiefdom for massaging their egos. So often the good knowledgeable mods walk leaving only the chaff. Look at DCUK over the years. Fergus, Timo, Dr. Katharine, Benedict, Pneu all gone. Good to see Dennis back on the DCUK forum.


  3. Blinkered has proved that ETYM does not care about their members. She has openly said today that she has been bullied and is looking for answers but nobody in authority is listening and it seems other members are too scared to put their had above the parapet.
    Used and abused, I hope she leaves them all to it, they don't deserve her.

  4. I wonder how many of the members that ETYM stole from DCUK have decided that it is a waste of time being there?


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