Thursday, 20 June 2013

Eat To Your Meter Forum Priest to administer last rites ?

Hi Folks, having been accused in the past of bringing the forum to its knees, destroying the lowcarb forum and causing everything from global warming to the price of fish, I thought I would give the ETYM forum a break. The last thing I wanted was to see the place fail, but it’s on life support and fading fast ! As Al Pacino said in the Godfather" just when I thought I was out, they drag me back in". So, what took me back to the place today and had me posting ? Regardless of what you may think I am loyal to my friends and people who have helped me. A forum mod and very nice person who has supported me in the past was getting some stick. I could not let it go without comment. While I was writing my post the thread concerned was locked, so I started another thread called Thread locking, it stayed on the forum for three minutes, then swiftly disappeared. No surprise there, other posts I have made went the same way, hence I very rarely post these days. The screen shot I took at the time below is small but said the following.

Hi Blinkered

I agree 100% with you. Looking at the forum recently it looked no more than a directory of personal blogs. Perhaps that is why the forum has failed to attract a meaningful amount of new members. So many of the early members have long gone (including board members) and checking out the last members list pages, many names are clearly spoofs.

This forum is going nowhere fast, a great shame, at the start many great members joined. It could have been a fantastic resource, but as I said some time ago, it rapidly became a cakes and commiserations outfit. As a social club great, but it could have been so much more. I made a lot of noise six months ago and was told just wait and see, we know what we are doing. Maybe not !

Good luck and health to all.


So, what happened to the total honesty promised at the start of the forum “the total transparency to the members” remember some of the owners complained bitterly about the strong arm tactics used at The thread locking, the deletion of members posts, the disappearance of threads, the banning of lowcarbers, including some of the ETYM board members.. A mod said this today “I removed this thread along with another which has also been restored, so I could take advice” advice from who ? Father Xmas, the Pope, maybe the Lawyers ? The ETYM forum is no better than at it’s worse. Ego tripping mods being sucked up to by a bunch of toadies, talking about cats and Kentucky fried chicken binges. Let’s be honest who would start a diabetes forum or blog and not include diabetes or diabetic in the title ? That is a point I made at the start of the forum and was told we know what we are doing, just wait and see, well I have seen and the post I made at ETYM today stands valid.

Remove around a dozen members and 90% of the posts made over the last three months or more would not have been made. Am I pissed off ? Yes I am ! With the talent and experience the early members had it could have been the best diabetes forum in the UK, not the largest but the best. Most of the stars have gone, and who can blame them. While the forum is run as an ego trip for a few board members nothing will change. Just like Kens defunct forum, history is repeating itself, but even Ken had the grey matter to include diabetes in the forum name. For the ETYM to be successful big changes need to be made, if the aim is to be a cakes and commiserations club, well I guess you’ve cracked it.


Click on the screen shot to go full size.


  1. I call it the Defren Appreciation Society.
    She has lost weight, lost hair, lost teeth and relies on her "magnetic personality" to lose members. A disgrace. Who cares about her shoes and handbags and her dreams of becoming young again? What has all that crap got to do with diabetes?


    The forum is a joke. Blinkered is the only person talking sense.

  3. Blinkered/Unbeliever did not deserve what happened.

    I think Defren is so full of her own importance, narcissistic, that not only has she lost her teeth, hair and forum members but she has also lost the plot.
    These so called blogs are not even blogs but the ranting of some people who need as much attention as they can get.

  4. Lol, you are so full of it, what's it? Oh nothing as usual. You pop in out of the blue and pick up on something negative as always, why don't you pop in more often and pickup all the positive things? Oh yes that's because you won't get your fix then will you......

  5. Lol, you make me laugh Eddie :0)

  6. Well that's about the only action that has happened on ETYM since it's inception.
    I see you are banned from there again Edward. lol I bet you are really upset NOT.

  7. Have I really I hadn't realised. Cutting my wrists as I speak.


  8. Lot of action tonight on ETYM. Viewing numbers and answers much higher than usual.Eddie sure knows how to rattle their cages. I feel sorry for blinkered, she's trying to do a good job I wish her well.


  9. Bio said...

    Lol, you make me laugh Eddie :0)

    Anything to oblige Bio.


  10. Anonymous said...

    "Lol, you are so full of it, what's it? Oh nothing as usual. You pop in out of the blue and pick up on something negative as always, why don't you pop in more often and pickup all the positive things? Oh yes that's because you won't get your fix then will you......"

    Hi Anon, I see you are one of the more accomplished negative posters, luv it !



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
