Monday, 8 July 2013

Quote of the day !


From Gezza at 

Make sure Sid knows that Gezza



  1. Could also be true of ETYM members when they just ban people for speaking the truth.

    I will call myself Dave rather than incurring the wrath of Bio,( who is he?) and making myself anonymous.

  2. Is ETYM a true forum for discussion and debate, or is it a small private club for one forum board member and her friends. ? You tell me.


  3. You need a sick bucket handy to read this from Grazer on the forum with a similar name. Why doesn't he tell them it's the Defren show?,3762.0.html

  4. ETYM should be called Defren's journal. There is nothing there for diabetics because every topic comes back to the Drama Queen.
    She has been a diabetic for 5 minutes and has all the answers.
    An attention seeking b**ch.

  5. To be fair, others could have waded in big time and stated their case, they have not ! Others could have worked harder to see the forum become successful, they have not ! Others could have spent their money paying for the forum, they have not !

    I believe it’s never too late to turn a bad situation around, but big changes have to be made, or the forum will go the same way as Kenny boy’s, David’s forum, and Carbo’s cesspit !


  6. Grazers post.

    As a board member and joint owner of, and the person who purchased the relevant domain name, perhaps I can answer this point.
    First of all, the domain name was of course freely available and has not been used with any intention of causing confusion. Indeed, when I purchased the domain some months ago, I was not aware of your organisation. There are very many organisations with “Diabetes” in their name, and I’m sure our members know who we are as yours will know who you are. The name has been adopted purely because it better reflects our mission in life than our old name – that of supporting people who suffer from Diabetes.
    Secondly, we are not a commercial organisation. We are a group of five diabetics who utilise their time (and money) in trying to help others, particularly the newly diagnosed who we believe are badly let down by the system and the advice it dispenses. Our link to home health UK was made purely to obtain a discount on meter purchases for members of our group. We receive no money whatsoever from home health.
    I’m sorry if you feel we are treading on your toes. Personally, I’d like to see as many organisations as possible assisting people who have this potentially chronic disease. That, of course, would mean many organisations with “diabetes” in their name. I would hope that we could live side by side, and perhaps even learn from each other in our mission to help the many millions of fellow sufferers.
    I hope that you will visit our site, where you would be very welcome.
    Kind regards,

    Looks cool to me, lacking in imagination, but if it helps one diabetic to a safe place, that will do great.

    But what the new forum could have been ! A leader instead of an also ran ! A star outfit instead of a dead duck.


  7. It's more than likely the name was nicked from
    That's what I call a successful forum.
    It was nothing but free advertising for h etym lot as Fergus posted the link on Patti's forum.
    Defren........ has anyone noticed how like Ken she is?

  8. Anon

    Join the ETYM forum say what you think ! state your case, if you want to get some respect. I am sorry, but I stated my case and was banned. Do the same, save your posts that maybe deleted and post them here.


  9. Love or hate ETYM at least we are doing something a little more productive then anonymously insulting others..

    Jesus what sad little lives you people must lead to be so fascinated by the actions of individuals that you have never met and frankly are doing you no injustice.

    If you lot could put as much effort into furthering the LCHF message as you do bitching like teenage girls then I am sure we would be helping many more people than we are.

    Love or hate us, Eddie or anyone else that has a forum / blog at least we have put our hands in our pocket and spent our time and money to help others..

    I do grow so tired of this community and the idiotic cases of hot wind that I see posting the same old crap anonymously.. makes you wonder why anyone bothers to be frank.

  10. "Love or hate us, Eddie or anyone else that has a forum / blog at least we have put our hands in our pocket and spent our time and money to help others."

    I have been doing that for five year Pneu. Only too pleased to pay for YOUR forum.

    BTW I hate no-one. I have big respect for you and your old man.



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