Monday, 8 July 2013

The total bollocks of type two diabetes and obesity !

First an apology to Women or Children that may read this blog, sorry for the bad language, but I know no other way to illustrate the lunacy that is type two diabetes, and for many, the obesity epedemic. Check out any newspaper and many TV channels, and we are told, obesity leads to diabetes. I can shred that argument any way you like. But for the sake of this post, let’s go with the flow, look at it logically. So, we sat around eating junk until it was coming out of our ears and  had a sofa welded to our butts, Agree ?

What could be more logical if that was the case, than to change our life style. Drop the junk and get off our butts. Only half marks ! No, we are supposed to eat the crap that leads to insulin resistance, obesity in many cases, and get those big pharma drugs down our necks. This is the way forward, so we are told. It’s lies and nonsense, but it keeps the junk food outfits and big pharma rich, and the diabetes business, in business. If you believe this bollocks, how about this. I have a long weekend booked up with Halle Berry (a diabetic) and she thinks I am wonderful, she is besotted with me ! This is known in the UK as total bollocks.

Change your lifestyle, drop the foods that made you over-weight, engage in some modest exercise, such as walking and swimming. Get well and trust what you can see! Your BG meter, your weighing scales, you’re tape measure, the way your clothes fit, the complements you get from friends and family. Are you getting the message ?



  1. If we all ate mostly organic fruits and vegetables and nuts and seeds and real meat and fish (and that's mostly IT)...too many businesses and industries would disappear. Can't have another world wide Depression, can we? As compared to worldwide premature death? Yeah, we know where the government priorities are...

    Bollocks indeed!

  2. I'm with you all the way on that one Eddie! I am amazed every day at the bollocks we are told (and fed). Well said.

  3. Thanks ladies.

    A long time ago, I noticed some people I knew, never seemed to stop eating and were slim, my Wife Jan is one of these people. Graham eats over 1000 calories a day more than me and is a slim as whip. Clearly a calorie is not just a calorie for many people. The media go for the easy route, and slag over-weight people, but I think they are clueless. I hate the term we are all different, because I believe we are very much all the same, regardless of colour or creed, but so many have a broken metabolism, when will the medics appreciate this and wise up !


  4. Type 2? Metabolic disorder? Hormonal imbalance? Nonsense; it is because you are sinners.

    Just like short people are short because they commit the sin of avarice.

    You Type 2's wallow in the sins of gluttony and sloth and have been punished accordingly.

    Except that some sinners haven't and some people aren't sinners but have been punished.

    Type 1's have obviously been sinners in the past and are being sorely punished for it now, and if they haven't then possibly somebody they know has and that's good enough for the Celestial Diabetes Punishment Court.

    And, er, wait a minute it's all a lot of bollocks isn't it?

    I can't remember who said it but I think is is sadly true; incorrect beliefs are not displaced by the truth they are displaced when the people that hold those beliefs retire...




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