Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Not often you get to meet a hero. Franziska Spritzler, RD CDE.

Every now and again you meet a person that blows your brains out. In today’s jaded times, there are rare nuggets of gold in a world of spin and hype, such a person is Franziska Spritzler. 

Over the last few months our team has got to know a US Dietitian by the name of Franziska Spritzler, RD CDE. Franziska is one of the growing band of Dietitians that believes in a lowcarb lifestyle, as a very viable way to control weight and diabetes. Franziska, together with her husband has been visiting the UK this week, and we met up today in St. Albans. Jan and myself spent some time with Franziska and her husband, and had a wonderful time. She is truly a fantastic and lovely lady in every respect. Franziska is a hero to us, and works very hard for the lowcarb cause. Her clients and patients can count themselves very lucky. Franziska is not a diabetic and as you can see, is certainly not over weight, but she firmly believes a diet based on sugar/starch is not the way to a healthy life. Both of these ladies are lowcarbers !

Jan and Franziska in St. Albans park.

Check out Franziska's great blog here.



  1. I am sure that you had a great deal to talk about Eddie, and much useful information was exchanged. She is certainly a walking advert for her diet 1 Nice photo Btw. Who was the photographer?


  2. Well Eddie she obviously is a very easily led youung woman to be fooled by you - poor girl.

  3. Keep taking the meds. Keep shovelling the carbs down your neck. Good luck with your feet, eyes and kidneys. Franziska’s eyes are wide open and she knows the way forward. Who are you, a shill for big pharma or junk food. Maybe you are just a carboholic with zero self discipline and hell bent on an early death ? Tell me, why do want to take others with you ?


  4. Must have been a great and interesting day! Would SERIOUSLY recommend anyone who hasn't seen Franziska's site and blog to take a look,she sure knows her stuff and is such a refreshing change to the usual dogma that so many dieticians repeat..A real asset to the low carb cause.



    P.S To the Anonymouse@19.24 pm...You are about as subtle as a condom machine in the vatican! Give my love to the dogs! xx

  5. Hi Kath

    We had a very nice day, with lots to talk about. Franziska is a very lovely person who believes strongly in the low carb high fat lifestyle.
    Eddie took the photograph.

    All the best Jan

  6. The reason I made the comment is that she must be very easily led to be taken in by such a warped man as Eddie. To be honest Jan seems a nice lady but this young woman is very naeive and has not read this blog and the bullying that goes on here. My comments have nothing to do with diet! If I was her I would disown myself from this site as it is probably professional suicide.

  7. “The reason I made the comment is that she must be very easily led to be taken in by such a warped man as Eddie. To be honest Jan seems a nice lady but this young woman is very naive and has not read this blog and the bullying that goes on here. My comments have nothing to do with diet! If I was her I would disown myself from this site as it is probably professional suicide.”

    “My comments have nothing to do with diet!” What are your comments to do with, selling drugs, pushing the diet that leads to 93% of UK diabetics never getting to a safe HbA1c ? Please tell us what you are all about. I beseech you to tell us the way forward. Come on, go for it, what are we doing wrong ? Ten grand says you are clueless, ten grand says you have not got a clue.


  8. Hello Eddie

    Could the anon believe a healthy diet is starch and sugar. Probably.


  9. Anonymouse, we only bully the bullies especially members of kennys clique who ganged up on the Lowcarbers at DCUK.

    It would not surprise me at all if you were a member of that clique, for they are the ones that squeal the loudest when the tables are turned.


  10. Oh so you admit you are a bully you should be so proud and what about silly girl have you hidden this

  11. Anonymouse said...
    Oh so you admit you are a bully you should be so proud and what about silly girl have you hidden this

    Oh dear, have you been on the hard stuff, would you like to re-submit your comment in a more intelligible form.

    Kind regards

  12. I just want to say that is a very nice picture, my wife called me over to the computer to show me.

    I have to add, I do hope in your discussions you told Franziska about the low carb cakes.

    They are delicious, sorry couldn't resist

    Doug ( laughing out loud )

  13. Eddie , if you live in St Albans you are probably quite well off, how the hell can I live on a low carb diet on the dole in Bradford? I worked out a vegan diet would be cheaper ie beans lentils rice etc, There are loads of asian shops/supermarkets here selling that type of food cheap. Dr Neil Barnard (if you've heard of I don't know) wrote a book for diabetics on a vegan diet . I have to pay £6 water rates a week £10 electricity, about £3-4 mobile phone £21 buss pass ( last two essential due to job centre pressurising on job search) - take out also £9 rent which is not covered by housing benefit, forget about clothes, shoes, haircuts, t.v. licence etc I have. Question is ,please can you stop me going vegan?? (Got about twenty quid a week left out of the just over seventy J.S.A.) Before anyone shouts out scrounger I worked on building sites as a labourer for more than twenty years, more hard work done in any five years of that than a lifetime of middle management.


  14. Franziska Spritzler, RD CDE is not a silly young girl, she is in her mid-40-s, indeed is a hero, and a good illustration that LCarbing is very helpful in keeping a person young.

  15. "Question is ,please can you stop me going vegan?"

    Please see today's post.


  16. Hi Galina

    As you say Franziska is in her mid forties and does not look a day over thirty. What an example to set for the lowcarb cause. Her clients don't know how lucky they are.


  17. 'good illustration that LCarbing is very helpful in keeping a person young.'Franziska looks great as does Jan. I feel healthier and wish I had known about low carbing benefits before I got diabetes.

  18. Hi and thank you for your kind comments. Franziska does look great and is a very nice person, as is her husband. I wish them all the best in their future plans. As for me I am a lot older than Franziska but I still manage to get around the shops buying our lovely low carb food and Eddie's fishing paper LOL

    All the best Jan

  19. Hello Doug

    Do you know !!

    We did talk about the various low carb cakes and sponges with Franziska yesterday. In fact she bought the subject up when talking about our low carb food and recipe blog. She thought the recipes and ideas were excellent for both diabetics and non diabetics.

    Link here http://www.lowcarbdietsandrecipes.blogspot.co.uk/

    Thanks again for your support

    All the best Jan

  20. Maybe one day we will be able to stop talking about "low carb" because it will be mainstream.

    Immediately we put a label on a way of eating someone will come along to disagree.

    Lowcarbing is not a fad diet but one which would improve everyone's health and they would not find it restrictive. This is what Franziska and others can help to achieve then maybe we would be able to agree that diabetics should eat a "normal, healthy " diet.

    I am old enough to remember a time when it was not the norm to eat the large amount of rice potatoes bread and pasta we see being consumed today. I suppose that is why T2 was thought of as a disease of the elderly because it took longer to manifest itself.



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The best of health to you and yours.
