Over the last five years some of our team have taken on forum and blog bullies. Let’s establish the sort of person we believe is a bully. At the top of the list, forum owners and forum moderators who abuse their power. The sort of forum moderators that ban a man like Dr. Jay Wortman. Jay is not only a lowcarb expert he is also a type two diabetic, in any sane world he would be regarded as a very valuable asset on any diabetes forum, not at diabetes.co.uk. With Jimmy Moore’s help, we assisted in the mods that banned Jay, being issued their exit visa’s from their positions, is that bullying ?
Forum old timers will remember other moderators such as SarahQ, Tubolard and Jopar. All fired from their mods jobs and all staunchly anti lowcarb. SarahQ was the mod who stated she would "burn Dr. Bernstein’s books to supplement her winter fuel bill", and loved to taunt lowcarbers with “I fill my face with carbs” Then we had the wonderful Jopar. Who let it be known in no uncertain terms type two diabetics brought it on themselves, and depleted NHS funds that could have gone to type one diabetics. Both of these individuals on insulin pumps, adequate test strips and endocrinologists on the their healthcare teams. Both took great pleasure rubbishing lowcarb, knowing full well many diabetics, including members of our team, had no choice but to lowcarb, to gain the excellent control so few diabetics achieve. Taking them on and their ilk, led to our team members being banned and other prominent lowcarb promoters also being banned. Taking them on and assisting in their downfall as mods, is that bullying ?
Tubolard aka Carbophile another diabetes.co.uk mod. Who stated on his blog I stay anonymous because I would lose my job if my employer read my blog. The Carbophile list of targets, who have received ridicule and abuse from his almost always anonymous antis, is a long one. Graham and myself have always been at the top of his hit list, is taking him on bullying ?
Back to diabetes.co.uk, recent lowcarb anti events led to a Doctor who was telling his good news re his/her patients on a lowcarb diet, being labelled a troll by long term anti Sid Bonkers. Bonkers stated he would apologise if the Doctor proved to be genuine. The Doctor proved to genuine, no apology from Sid, who tells all on a regular basis, lowcarb is not a safe option long term and most can’t stick to it. Is taking him on bullying ?
Still with me ? Good. For our team, taking on spreaders of misinformation, the sort of people that abuse their moderator positions, the sort of people that form a lowcarb anti clique, who bully people off of forums, usually backed by moderators who are also anti lowcarbers, these people are legitimate targets for us. People who hang out on the Carbsane blog, rubbishing good people from Zoë Harcombe to Jimmy Moore, they are also our targets. Is that bullying ?
One last point, 99% of all negative comments made on this blog, about its members and lowcarbing, are anonymous. These anonymous cowards with not even the courage to post under a known forum anonymous name, is that bullying ? We post using our real names, our faces are on this blog, we hide from no one, and we will meet friend or foe, face to face, we will never stop promoting the lowcarb cause. We will never back down to anonymous cowardly lowcarb antis, who perpetuate the misinformation and lies that have lead to diabetic misery for so many people.The bottom line, we will stop telling the truth about the bullies, when they stop telling lies about our lowcarb lifestyle, us and our friends.
Eddie Mitchell
Actually yes it is bullying Eddie - you have written some vile things about people which have nothing to do with their diet. There is also freedom to choose which you do not get. So carry on and I hope that some day you feel as bad as the people you bully. Although in fairness I think Graham is worse that you such a rude man,
ReplyDeleteBravely spoken anon. How do we know you are not the worst bully on the net ?, how do we know you have not escaped from a lunatic asylum ? For all we know you may be one of the idiots at DCUK who railroaded Doctors off and other people trying to help people to a safer place ! Maybe you are a rep for big pharma or target market children with junk food.
ReplyDeleteHere you are a nobody and your words are wasted. In fact unless you offer some facts to progress your argument your comments will be deleted.
Its a great idea I think every now and again to remind people of the history of all this.
ReplyDeleteUnless you were around reading forums etc at the time, and even if you were in some cases, it is hard for readers to understand that these Anons differ from normal trolls because they have an agenda.
They are not targeting individuals but all of us who have found a lowcarb diet beneficial and even life saving.
They want to deprive others of the information which might help them. They have had their day now. They can see the tide is turning against them and their views will soon be obsolete. This causes desperation particularly when HCPs and people like Franziska are speaking out. Do you keep an Anon Troll count Eddie?
Kath, Unbeliever/Blinkered. You got bullied by low carbers on ETYM. Is that not classed as bullying if low carbers engage in it?
I am sure Kath will be answering for herself later. Yes it was bullying of the worst kind by forum owners and mods. Hence she left the forum. And what was her crime ? To recommend some thought be put in to improving the forum ! It seems to be a common phenomenon, someone gets a tiny bit of power and it goes to their heads. Kens, Carbo’s and the ETYM have either gone or are a complete failure. What does that tell you ?
Same old posters on ETYM. Are they praying for a miracle? Time to end the fiasco that is ETYM.
ReplyDeleteKath, you are the winner as they haven't got a clue on how to run a forum.
So which moderators at Diabetes.co.uk are you branding as bullies? Interested to know, as I think the current mods are very fair.
ReplyDeleteThe current mods are angels compared to some that we helped on their way, but there is a clear bias against lowcarbers. The recent Doctor from Southport is a case in point. Have you not noticed almost all the locked threads are pro lowcarb and then get derailed by the likes of Bonkers etc. Bonkers disappears into the woodwork for a few days, only to come back and start winding up lowcarbers with his stuck record rants. There is a reason for this and I will post soon on the subject.
If the problem lies with the users then I don't think it's really the mods to blame. Since they got a new admin there I personally think the forum is a nice place to post.. even with the likes of Mr. Bonkers about.
ReplyDeleteThe users don’t lock the threads, or delete members posts, both of which has taken place recently. As always there is a common trait to this, and has been for five years, a few lowcarb antis. They range from out and out clowns like Sid, who for the experienced is no more than an annoyance, to highly slippery individuals working to a lowcarb anti agenda. The problems arise when newbie’s are subjected to misinformation and the sort of dross we have seen from Gezza et al.
Oh for goodness sake somebody get a grip Eddie has been the worst -all the problems recently were caused by him. But I think he is being nice because with the legal issues on twitter etc he knows its only a matter of time before a complaint is upheld!
ReplyDeleteGet a grip Yorks, I have never been a member or posted on twitter. As for legal matters, bring it on I say. Some have tried running to lawyers and one batty dietitian actually went to the Police re posts on here. End result no case to answer for. Perhaps you could indicate where you think I have broken the law ?
ReplyDeleteCheck us out, no racist, homophobic, sexist or rubbishing peoples religion here. We keep within the law, but if I think someone is a bullying arsehole and one wave short of a ship wreck I will say so. BTW, who are you ?
Yorks said.
ReplyDelete"he is being nice"
Please refrain from that sort of comment in future. I have spent years cultivating an anything but nice guy image, comments like that could ruin my reputation.
From what I have read on twitter and elsewhere it would appear Eddie would have a strong case himself for legal action if he chose to go to down that route.
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be more up to speed than Yorks. If you want to take someone on for defamation i.e. me. It’s best not to put pictures of my house on the internet, on a burn the house down thread on a blog read by hundreds of thousands of people. Accusing me of being a homosexual won’t win any points or threatening to destroy my life’s work, it goes on. One bit of advice I can offer is make sure you have all the screen shots safely stored.
I suppose the bottom line is, if you can’t take the heat stay out of the kitchen. Or if you are gonna play the hurt innocent victim, make sure you are.
ReplyDeleteHi Irene
ReplyDeleteYes I have to say I felt bullied after my innocent suggestion on ETYM, as it was at the time, seemed to start some inexplicable fur-ore. I now believe it was nothing to do with me,my comment just sparked off an internal row and I suffered the fall out.
None of it had anything to do with lowcarbing. I am a lowcarber too.They didn't try to bully me because they were lowcarbers but because they thought my suggestion might affect them in some way and because there were already some differences of opinion behind the scenes. I wasn't happy about it but it can't be compared to preventing people from accessing information which could save their lives or limbs or eyes etc.
If people were honest and above board and didn't use dirty tricks to try to silence opposition instead of having open discussions we wouldn't be talking about bullying at all.
Anonymous said...
Is that post meant to mean something to me ?
Anonymouse said...
ReplyDeleteActually yes it is bullying Eddie - you have written some vile things about people which have nothing to do with their diet. There is also freedom to choose which you do not get. So carry on and I hope that some day you feel as bad as the people you bully. Although in fairness I think Graham is worse that you such a rude man,
Back again sunshine! So you reckon we should just let the bullies carry on regardless fat chance of that happening.
As for writing vile things about people just check out carbo/tubolards blog, then again your probably familiar with that place would not be surprised if your one of the anonymous posters there.
Freedom to choose of course there is you’re not one of these nutters that reckon we go round forcing people to go LowCarb are you! I well remember jopar stating Dr Bernstein had impinged her human rights Lol!
Will we feel as bad as the bullies we’ve bullied never in a million year’s sunshine; it’s just payback time for those that spent five years attacking LowCarbers.
Such a rude man eh! Now you’re beginning to sound like that mad dietition* Ally 5555 who reckoned potatoes should be a staple in a diabetic diet.
Numero uno rude person.
*I do know how to spell Dietitian /Dietician
I am sure that the list of names from DCUK put forward by Anon are people he/she considers to be aliases and second identities.