Saturday 7 September 2013

DCUK quote of the day. An honest man’s dilemma.

"So I am in a weird situation, because in order to work and get paid (and I really need to start getting paid) I must advise these ideas despite me not having 100% faith in the principle. And I have to have faith in what I say because what means more to me than anything else is helping improve a person’s health"

An honest man’s dilemma. Chev knows the standard dietary advice is wrong, but can he find work and keep his job if he tells the truth ? Some years ago I met a young man called Josh, who told me he was just finishing his University dietitians course. I told him what I thought of most dietitians in no uncertain terms. He stopped me in mid sentence and said “I agree with everything you have said“. I asked how he would treat his patients. Would he follow the old carbs with every meal dogma, or would he go against the general flow. He replied “I guess I will have to cross that bridge when I come to it” I often wonder what that guy is doing now, and what advice is he giving to his patients.


Link to DCUK post here.


  1. ha ha - blown your cover I knew you were squire fulwood.

  2. Wonder if Chev is real sounds like a plant too

  3. "ha ha - blown your cover I knew you were squire fulwood."

    I expect squire fulwood would give you a good argument on that point. Try harder my friend. Have another guess, get it right and you will win a coconut.


  4. This plant is bigger than a cheese plant. He ain't fooling anyone.

  5. Unfortunately this is what happens and only a few brave dietitians go against the teachings of the Universities. The teachers need a job and the newly qualified need one too. A sort of catch 22 situation with the public not winning at all.

    Thank goodness those with more experience or sheer bravery do also mention the dreaded words - have you considered a low carb/high fat way of life?


  6. He may be a plant, I reckon this person seems far too accomplished to be an average dietitian. Forum old timers will remember the ‘resident dietician’ and probably agree with me. No names no pack drill, I’m trying to go straight.


  7. You're doing a great job at going straight Eddie.

    You have also done a great job with the new blog.

    Can you put a link up again nearer the top.? Its Saturday and as its well known that all lowcarbers are alcoholics {hic} some may be too merry to see it.


  8. "Can you put a link up again nearer the top.? Its Saturday and as its well known that all lowcarbers are alcoholics {hic} some may be too merry to see it."

    LOL !!!! :-D


  9. So surprised Sid didn't question this guys credentials and call him a troll , after all he did cast doubt on the validity of the infamous eatwell plate that Sid robustly defends.


  10. Anonymous said...
    "ha ha - blown your cover I knew you were squire fulwood."

    You guys crack me up have you been on the magic mushrooms, only hallucinogenics could account for your irrational assumptions.


  11. This dietitian just MIGHT be genuine,
    Sounds so sure of himself and eager to show off his knowledge -
    could be a typical newly qualified person in any field.
    They often make you wonder if they are for real.
    Mind you, with dietians most make you wonder.



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