Sunday, 27 October 2013

DCUK The madness continues !

On October the 10th. a DCUK mod posted this on this thread here.

"When giving out ANY information regarding diabetes, whether it's medication, foods or from your own personal experience. please ensure that you check and check again that the information you have posted is correct. As giving out misleading information or quotes (unintentionally) could put another diabetic in real danger. If in doubt, don't post."

The thread went ballistic and as always when the mods come under pressure, and reach the end of their knowledge level and common-sense threshold, which never takes long to get to, the thread was locked. The great irony is the mods talk more nonsense than many of the members and appear not to spot serious and dangerous information when it hits them in the face. Don't forget the key words here are "As giving out misleading information or quotes (unintentionally) could put another diabetic in real danger."

Over the weekend I have read two posts where very misleading information has been posted. The first was  “my cholesterol went from 9.3 to 3.3 when I went from a very low carb diet to a 'medium' carb diet.” This implies a change of diet brought about a six full point change, and could be construed by a newbie or poorly informed diabetic, a low carb diet brought about very high lipid levels. Nothing could be further from the truth.

The second piece of complete and utter nonsense came from the Queen of high carb and misinformation expert, the one and only Phoenix. Who stated "When you are in diabetic ketosis sky high lipids are the norm." I and countless diabetics I know, use ketosis much of the time to control weight and blood glucose numbers. It is a perfectly natural and healthy state to be in. Indeed this is how we evolved. If food is scarce or not available, we use our stored fat reserves to survive. Again, any newbie or poorly informed diabetic reading " "When you are in diabetic ketosis sky high lipids are the norm." may well believe ketosis leads to very poor lipid levels, again nothing could be further from the truth.

If you accept the mods can't read every post and probably do not understand much regarding good diabetes control, lack of knowledge cannot be said about Phoenix. Without doubt she is one of the most knowledgeable and intelligent members of the forum. I find it very hard to believe she did not realise stating "When you are in diabetic ketosis sky high lipids are the norm," would not cause confusion, at the very least, for the newbie or poorly informed. Phoenix is a high carb insulin using diabetic, and is an advocate for the Hope Warshaw "50% carbs of total daily calories is not a high amount" ludicrous dietary advice. Nice try Phoenix but you will have to try harder if you are going to fool us.

So, DCUK mods, will you be adding some clarification regarding my comments ? or does chastisement, post alteration, post deletion, thread locking, and banning only apply to lowcarbers.



  1. Hi Eddie from the op

    Some diabetics can be in a bit of a confused. stressed or in an extremely worried state when newly diagnosed. As you can read from my post it's just a reminder to try and check and check again and no, members cannot just post what they like if the information is incorrect, misleading, inflammatory or even possibly dangerous. We are ALL here to try and help and support.

    I know what is valid or not, as a long term diabetic, many may not.

    Kind regards RRB

    You are right its madness over there.

  2. Familial hyperlipidemia, hyperlipoproteinemia and diabetes does some strange things on low carb. This chap my have a second issue.

  3. If the 'mods' do not know enough should they be there? Do they not have access to medical advisors?It seems not.

  4. RRB said...

    "no, members cannot just post what they like if the information is incorrect, misleading, inflammatory or even possibly dangerous"

    Sorry but this has been going on for years, the worst possible case scenarios are when insulin dependent T1s (phoenix, noblehead, jopar et al) meddle in T2 forums.

    They have been posting misleading and dangerous comments for over five years, phoenix was spouting the same nonsense when we were members.

    She was warning of the dire consequences of LowCarb and citing studies that bore no relation to LC >40% carbs, with sole intention of confusing newbies.

    Phoenix knows that Eddie, Ray, John and me have been LC for over five years as have Wiflib, IanD, Hanna who are still members of DCUK. All have kept medications to a minimum and some are still drug free, and last but not least we have yet to see any of these dire consequences of LC forecast by phoenix.



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The best of health to you and yours.
