Monday 13 January 2014

Let the low carb antis eat the junk !

So, having established in my previous post today, a low carb lifestyle is all about eating home cooked and prepared, whole fresh foods and dropping the factory produced junk, we can leave the junk for the antis. I said long ago there is a big downside if everyone followed our lifestyle. If everyone followed our fresh food approach, supply could not keep up with demand, the price of the foods we eat would go through the roof. Look at the situation another way, the junk eaters and naysayers are subsidising the price of our food, how cool is that. 

The cereals, cheap pasta, cakes biscuits, rice and spuds, much of these foods has sat around in storage silos and warehouses for months, in some cases years. Some foods when they get to the shops have shelf lives of months and again even years. Many young kids were not even born when some of this  junk was harvested, makes you think eh.

These low carb antis are growing on me big time. How generous of them to unselfishly eat the stuff we won’t touch with a barge pole, and not only that, they are prepared to take extra medication as an antidote, how cool is that. So my friends, next time you meet a low carb anti or get involved in a discussion on a forum with an anti, say thank you Sir/Madam, thank you for subsidising my fresh food, thank you for taking that extra medication on my behalf, so I can reduce mine, and in some cases, do away with medication altogether, that's not just cool, that's cooler than a polar bears nuts.

Oh yeah oh yeah let the low carb antis eat the junk !

As usual thinking outside of the box.



  1. You know, I do wonder about that - certainly at the prices they are now, it would be hard for the mass to have access to quality, low carb foods without there be a surge in demand and a shortage in supply. But then sometimes I think we put so much energy in processing/marketing/inventing food products, how cool would that be if we divert the resources back to sustainable organic farming? People would learn and care about their food. What we put into the food supply, we get back in reduced health care costs.

    Anyways, gone off a tangent there :D People often argue that the low-carb way of eating is unsustainable if everybody does it. I think there is a way. Humans are quite the innovative animals. I think we can figure something out.

  2. I don't know about thinking outside the box, you would probably be better inside one, a padded cell or a coffin spring to mind.

  3. "Anonymous said...
    I don't know about thinking outside the box, you would probably be better inside one, a padded cell or a coffin spring to mind."

    I thought of that a long while ago, that's why I work with a team. When I shuffle off the team will carry on, how cool is that!


  4. I remember reading about the fact that among all foods at restaurants stakes generate the lowest profit margin,at a grocery store, the cost of a main ingredient is almost negligible for foods like cereals. The owner of my favorite local natural food store gets most of his profit from selling organic junk food(like organic mac/cheese boxes and cereals from organic grains sweetened with organic cane juice) to vegetarians, so Eddy indeed has a point.
    Sometimes I guess, what it would be like if everybody started to live like my family - no boxed foods,snacks, grains and soft drinks, no need in several meds to manage symptoms of insulin resistance, no money spent on seasonal flues and different vitamins, never keeping a balance on a credit card? Not a good thing for the economy to be sure. On one hand, government spent a lot of money due to the situation that people live longer while getting sicker earlier in life, on another hand, such people support significant part of the modern economy. Diabetes is taxing national health systems, but contributes a lot to the economy which eventually pays for heath systems. Pharma companies get a lot of profits, production of over-sized items,,20396291,00.htmll from clothes and umbrellas to coffins and stronger scales for very heavy people is on a rise, just general volume of food items is huge for the population where almost everyone eats or have a snack every two hours, fast food places are mostly in a business because most people just can't wait from one meal to another and experience "food emergencies" and impulsive eating behavior.

    We are bad for the economy, guys,and the people who follow all official recommendations indeed support our healthy life style, there is no doubts about it.

  5. Certainly if we all did choose to eat 'real food' what would we do? The whole food industry would need to change, the pharmaceutical companies would see a change. The changes all round would be staggering. Wishful thinking, but anything is possible, however, I do think I'd be waiting a long time to see any significant change.

    But as AlmondD'oh says "People would learn and care about their food. What we put into the food supply, we get back in reduced health care costs."

    With the subject of obesity and it's many related health problems being so much in focus is 2014 going to be the start and continuance of some change for the good of us all?

    All the best Jan

  6. Anonymous ghoul said...
    I don't know about thinking outside the box, you would probably be better inside one, a padded cell or a coffin spring to mind.

    Padded cells! I think they are all reserved for those suffering from the effects of a low fat diets.

    Coffins! No not yet we've still got a few years of anti low carb exposes left.

    Nightie night
    Graham xxx

  7. Hello avid reader of mine,

    Thinking inside the box,

    We are hardwired up evolutionary wise to do two thing and two thing well stuff our face in time of plenty to help over the periods when food is scarce and to reproduce.

    The problem is in the West food is plentiful and food manufactures have learnt to exploit are craving for high fat and sugary foods.

    Whilst some can get by on a low-carb regime the same as there are some who can get by without sex the vast majority can’t, as soon as people see a cram cake 40,000 years of evolution takes over.

    I for example can’t help myself, when faced with wine gums or cream puffs.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
    Email -

    P.S You lot are posting to much limited down to 10 threads a month, as it information overload.

  8. People are usually faced with cream puffs at the end of their meal, when they are not hungry already, there are also enough of LC deserts(cheese-cakes, ganach,almond flour-based cakes) which are easy to not over-eat due to the absence of sugar and flour. I guess,the adequate substitute for cream puffs would be a chocolate roulette(yolks+chocolate+whipped whites baked) with whipped cream inside. I try to minimize the use of sugar substitutes and mostly make savory cheese cakes nowadays.

    We are not like food monks.I love tasty food, and it is the main reason I cook all I eat. I yet to buy a food at a grocery store that tastes better that the one I make myself. Most LC choices are tastier than regular foods eaten for an occasion.For example, coffee with heavy cream and eggs with bacon for a breakfast will hardly make anyone to feel deprived. I live in US, and here the normal food for a breakfast is a cold cereal with milk - the creature of a religious self-depriving culture. " W.K. Kellogg (April 7, 1860 – October 6, 1951), was an American industrialist in food manufacturing, best known as the founder of the Kellogg Company, which to this day produces a wide variety of popular breakfast cereals. He was a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and practiced vegetarianism as a dietary principle taught by his church"

  9. It is funny to observe how people defend their decision to eat grain-based foods which are often taste not much better than a cardboard. Cream puffs are tasty, but not tastier than many LC foods , so the main reason for sticking to carbage is not the taste of food, but laziness and the fear of change. In reality people are afraid of change of their routine so much, that facing diabetic complications and/or ugly rolls of fat on own body seems to be an easier to accept perspective for them. Often you do not need even to cook to get a LC food - just drop at a burger place and request a burger without buns, or go to the store and buy the ready-to-eat chicken, microwave a pack of frozen cauliflower and liberally put some butter on the top. How many people would look at the perfect stake when hungry and think - "O,I wish it would be the plate with cream puffs"?

  10. Hi Galina

    As always you hit the nail on the head. How much of eating junk is down to laziness and believing the rubbish in the media.So many antis will never admit they are addicted to sugar and starch. That's cool with me until they try to take others down with them.


  11. Eddie said -

    "So many antis will never admit they are addicted to sugar and starch."

    40,000 year of evolution means the vast majority of people crave sweet and fatty foods.

    If you want to call it addiction then so be it, but its part of our survival mechanism.

    Galina L. said..

    "It is funny to observe how people defend their decision to eat grain-based foods which are often taste not much better than a cardboard. Cream puffs are tasty, but not tastier than many LC foods"

    You never had a Devon Cream Puff, yum yum. I had a late night session with a couple of them.

    Eddie do you like a puff?

    Anyway you lot are focusing on daily carb amounts instead of weekly.

    Reducing your weekly carb amounts instead of daily means you can getaway with the occasional indulgence.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
    Email -

  12. Presumably Dr.Johns,
    The combination of ingredients is always important, but my guess the best part of your cream puffs was the whipped double cream. Not an impossible ingredient to eat on a LC diet. Probably, cream puffs are not the worst food to indulge occasionally, unless you have real need to be strict with your diet. I would use a Swiss sucralose instead of sugar, but I don't think an almond crust of chocolate sponge would be spoilers (I don't normally use microwaving to cook cakes). I like to moist spongy crusts with some cognac. It is very convenient to be able to make own food exactly how I like it.

    I've discovered that appetite is under influence of hormones which are under influence of consumed foods. I enjoy my freedom from being abnormally hungry a lot, but I have to admit, food used to taste better when it used to be irresistible.
    I enjoy how I look, how well I feel, how nice clothes fit me.


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The best of health to you and yours.
