Monday 13 January 2014

Low carb diet debates are all are bullshit, smoke and mirrors !

Over the years I have lost count of the arguments on forums and read so many anti low carb  propaganda articles in the media. Just about every dietitian and paid for nutrition expert on the payroll (and many are) kicks low carb in the head at every opportunity. But this is all total and utter nonsense. Check out the average low carbers meal plate, and do you know what I am seeing ? I am seeing fresh home cooked food (via the shop) straight from the farm ! The big question is, how could these junk peddling dietitians and junk food shills kick a ‘Fresh Food Diet’ or what I called The ‘Clean Food Diet’ years ago when I wrote most of the content on our website. Are the junk food floggers ever going to win an argument by telling us processed food from a factory, loaded with chemicals, using techniques more akin to a petro/chem plant is a healthy way to live ? not in a million years !

So, the bottom line here is, if you think about it, other than a few vegetables and some fruits, pretty much all fresh food is low carb. Meat, fish, eggs, dairy and most vegetables, nuts, seeds  and some fruits are all low in carbohydrates. Think about it, ! It’s the non fresh foods made in factories, much of it from junk, they are the high carb foods.

So, the message from so many dietitians, and so called food and nutrition experts is, eat high carb junk. Just what their paymaster in junk food want. The real earner kicks in when people eat the non fresh food junk, they become ill, and big pharma is there to dole out the junk medication. Money for old rope eh. So many make a lot of money out of telling you lies, feeding you food that will make you ill, and you can become a slave to ill health and medication for the rest of your life. That’s the big plan folks, and it has worked wonderfully for years, BUT !

All over the world people are waking up, big time. From ordinary people, to informed dietitians who put their patients health first, before money. So many now realise they have been sold a complete crock. Many people are seeing a remarkable turnaround in their health, by dropping the junk and eating fresh food. Often big improvements are seen in days or weeks, not months or years.

My friend Franziska a low carb dietitian in the US, has voiced her concerns for the future, regarding her departure from the mainstream dietary dogma, could this lead to trouble in the future ? What could be her crime ? telling her clients to eat fresh home cooked food, drink less alcohol, stop smoking, get a good nights sleep and exercise more ? If that advice ever leads to a court case, count me in on making a financial contribution.



  1. I totally share your incredulity Eddie.It has always surprised me that the diet you describe is seen as
    something odd and possibly dangerous. Maybe its because we can remember a time when starchy carbs did not form the main part of the normal diet. The fats part of things is more understandable in a way.We were old by the scientists and doctors that saturated fats were bad.I know the advice to diabetics re carbs is bad but I can't remember the government ever telling healthy individuals that they must eat huge amounts of fast foods containing starchy carbs.

    I often wonder if, by linking diabetes and obesity, as they have, they have made it more difficult for the public at large.I mean that they are then unable to recommend different diets for diabetics and non-diabetics.
    Critics of low carbing are almost always assuming that low carb means no-carb . For most it doesn't . Where it does it is the choice of the individual.

    How can any sane person really believe that cutting down or even cutting out bread , pasta, rice etc is dangerous? More dangerous than to be almost unable to walk because of obesity?I see this so often even in very young people. Those individuals who rather than exercising a little judgement and self control try to frighten others into sharing their unhealthy eating habits are sick.Some seem to want to make obesity the norm so that they can be in the mainstream.

    The human race has survived thus far without high starchy carb consumption.I recommend re-naming the antis 'high carbers' They are the ones who are advocating a dangerous unhealthy diet.


  2. Hello avid readers of mine,

    The problem with deriving modt of your calories via fat is that fat is ultimately going to increase the risk of fatty deposits forming on the walls of you blood vessels.

    I believe some low-carb advocate get away with it due to other life style changes and medication.

    Walking for example increase an enzyme called lioprotein lipase cause a drop in fat going around in your bloodstream. And as mentioned in other posts some of the medication diabetics take for type 2 offer some protection.

    If you take up a low-carb regime taking in most of your calories as fat. I would recommend stopping smoking, walking a few miles everyday and perhaps checking to find out if the medication you take has cardio -protecting properties.


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
    Email -

    P.S You lot are posting to much limited down to 10 threads a month, as it information overload.

  3. People are entrenched in their beliefs. Sometimes I will try to talk about a LC diet with people and they will immediately shut me out because "everyone eats carbs" "my RD says carbs is essential. Are you saying someone with a science degree & licensing as practicing RD could be wrong?" "but so-and-so eat carbs and they're thin" and the more callous "why should I care if my neighbour's kid is fat and diabetic and sick? ITS THEIR PROBLEM. PEOPLE SHOULD BE ABLE TO CHOOSE TO DRINK SODA IF THEY WANT TO." Ah... the stubbornness.

  4. "The problem with deriving modt of your calories via fat is that fat is ultimately going to increase the risk of fatty deposits forming on the walls of you blood vessels."

    Can you substantiate your comment with a link to a study that gives evidence?

    Check this study out.

    Cardiovascular event risk in relation to dietary fat intake in middle-aged individuals: data from The Malmö Diet and Cancer Study.


    In relation to risks of cardiovascular events, our results do not suggest any benefit from a limited total or saturated fat intake, nor from relatively high intake of unsaturated fat.


  5. Dr Jones said

    ""The problem with deriving modt of your calories via fat is that fat is ultimately going to increase the risk of fatty deposits forming on the walls of you blood vessels."

    Try this link out.

    "A meta-analysis published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, pooled together data from 21 unique studies that included almost 350,000 people, about 11,000 of whom developed cardiovascular disease (CVD), tracked for an average of 14 years, and concluded that there is no relationship between the intake of saturated fat and the incidence of heart disease or stroke.

    Conclusions: A meta-analysis of prospective epidemiologic studies showed that there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of CHD or CVD. More data are needed to elucidate whether CVD risks are likely to be influenced by the specific nutrients used to replace saturated fat"


  6. So Eddie, what you saying is you don’t recommend individuals with diabetes stopping smoking, walking a few miles everyday or taking medication to protect them from heart disease?


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
    Email -

  7. So Eddie, what you saying is you don’t recommend individuals with diabetes stopping smoking, walking a few miles everyday or taking medication to protect them from heart disease?


    Dr Paul Jones - Carmarthen University
    Email -

  8. Dr Paul Jones or his doppelganger said...
    So Eddie, what you saying is you don’t recommend individuals with diabetes stopping smoking, walking a few miles everyday or taking medication to protect them from heart disease?

    Come on Jonesy just were did Eddie mention anything of the sort.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
