Monday, 17 March 2014

The Fallacy of Portion Control and “Balanced” Diet for Type 2 Diabetics

In this note the use of portion control and “balanced” diet for type 2 diabetics is examined.

1 gm Carb   = 4 calories
1gm Protein = 4 calories
1 gm Fat      = 9 calories

There are slight variations in the medical/nutritional guidelines for a balanced diet but most agree it is of the order of 45-55% carbs, 10-30% protein and 25-35% fat each day. In this note a balanced diet in the middle of the above guidelines - 50 % carbs, 20% protein and 30% fat - will be used.[Other % within the above guidelines could be used without changing the major conclusions reached below]. Assuming a male requiring 2500 calories per day, Table 1 below shows the calories per day and gm per day required per day for each food type.
Table 1
Food Type
Balance %
Calories per Day
Gm per Day

Consider now a male type 2 diabetic controlling his blood glucose levels by portion control to a low carb intake of 50 gm per day with a balanced low portion intake of protein and fat. Table 2 below shows the gm per day and calories per day for “balancing” the 50 gm of carb with other food types in the 50%, 20% and 30% balance.
Table 2
Food Type
Balance %
Gm per Day
Calories per Day

Thus, a male type 2 diabetic on a low carb (50gm per day) balanced diet has a calorific intake of 400 calories per day.

You can draw your own conclusions regarding type 2 diabetics claiming portion control and balanced diets of the kind promoted by the medical/nutritional guidelines.



  1. but. but. the government says...

    and not only that, if you cannot stay on that diet... then you are non-compliant...and out of the program.

    an then there is the Atwater factors, which are averages. Atwater through out 1/2 of his data, all the highs and lows, ... they must be wrong. The real number for carbohydrates is between 1.5 and 5, depending on the person and carbohydrate, and likely the gut bacteria.

  2. now that i'm at home again, i mean to try the Optimal Diet (Kwasniewski) ratios -- 1p:3f:0.5c. it certainly sounds plausible!

  3. Most calorie restriction diets fail for most people that is a FACT ! Most can stick to them for a while, but it takes iron will to keep going hungry for months or years. A life of misery for most I reckon.

    If we accept no one makes a conscious decision to become heavily overweight, other than people with serious mental issues, we have to accept obesity is a very complex issue.

    It is certainly not a question of calories in and calories out. I believe many people have a broken metabolism.

    The so called portion control for diabetics is a complete crock of lies, and I will post on the subject tomorrow.

    Everyone knows people that eat a great deal of food and stay slim, others eat less and become heavily overweight, despite having similar activity levels.

    As I said this very complex, but how easy to point the finger at the fat guy or woman. If people used verbal abuse against a black man or Jew etc they would end up in court, quite rightly, but the fat person is fair game for the media and the dullards.


  4. Portion control the last bastion of the delusional and dishonest.

  5. Eddie and Co,

    I can expose this diet regime you lot peddle as being impractical.

    I'm so confident that you will be unable to come up will adequate answers to my challenges to your diet dogma. I am prepared to put my money where my mouth is lets say £1000 if you can.


    Dr Paul Jones Carmarthen University

  6. Any time you are feeling lucky. Go for it !


  7. Overconfident Eddie said:-

    "Any time you are feeling lucky. Go for it !"

    I will email you across my first challenge, that will simple crush the premise that this diet regime you lot peddle is practical.

    Post it alone with a reply if you can.


    Dr Paul Jones:- Carmarthen University

  8. Could be interesting?

  9. Oh dear, "our resident dietitian". Why not accept the fact that one of the first papers ( academic peer reviewed published papers - not the the Daily Fail) on the minimal dietary requirements for carbohydrates was published in a sports/athletics journal. Your (self proclaimed) specialism is ... ?

  10. Jones the mouth said.

    I will email you across my first challenge, that will simple crush the premise that this diet regime you lot peddle is practical.

    We don't peddle a diet we use it to excellent effect, as promised coming shortly to coincide with our million page views a list of our team members and many other LowCarb friends who started the journey six years ago.

    You did imply that John our colleague was full of shit, obviously from your perspective as you talk nothing but absolute crap would suggest your full of shit yourself.

    By the way John does not use any medication and still maintains an A1c in the fives.

    God bless LowCarb

  11. Graham old boy,

    You PEDDLE a dietary lifestyle that is unaffordable except to a bunch of pensioners with decent pensions.

    Not to mention not environmentally sustainable if adopted on a mass scale.

    How the hell can diabetic who say is on jobseekers allowance with a budget just of 2 pound a day for food, follow such a diet regime. Its utter folly.

    My first challenge is going to be:-

    Based on your diet regime.

    Post a menu for three days consisting of (breakfast,lunch and dinner) totalling 2500 calories in total using a budget of just 2 pounds.

    Each meal has to be different and cover basic nutrition. Remember it got to be suitable for a sole diabetic.

    Lets see if Eddie and Co can.

    Please post your daft attempts in a new thread.


    Dr Paul Jones:- Carmarthen University
    P.S No excuses. OR admit your wrong.

  12. "You PEDDLE a dietary lifestyle that is unaffordable except to a bunch of pensioners with decent pensions."

    Jona when did we ever say a person can eat well on £2 per day ?

    You are living in the past lad. Get your head out of your Gonga and wake up !


  13. Eddie on the ropes said:

    "Jona when did we ever say a person can eat well on £2 per day ?"

    I don't say you did, what I said is the diet regime you peddle is utter folly.

    As its expensive for the vast major of diabetics and if it was not it environmentally unsustainable if adopted on a mass scale.

    I thought you might try to riddle out of give a answer to the blatant obvious.

    The diet is to bloody expensive and therefore a wast of time recommending.

    Round one to me :oD


    Dr Paul Jones:- Carmarthen University

    P.s I'm disappointed that you lot did not at least have a go at the challenge.

  14. Jona

    Come back when you are sober, have you been using using that Columbian marching powder ?

    You're talking complete shite lad, but thanks for adding to our page views, not long before we hit a million on this blog.

    Think mate, what chance do you have against me ?


  15. Eddie on the ropes said:

    "Come back when you are sober, have you been using using that Columbian marching powder ?

    You're talking complete shite lad, but thanks for adding to our page views, not long before we hit a million on this blog.

    Think mate, what chance do you have against me ?"

    Stop Avoiding the Question Eddie, and step up to the challenge I posed.

    Your reluctance speaks volumes.


    Dr Paul Jones:- Carmarthen University

  16. Try Dr Google, Dr Jones. There are a whole heap of lowcarb or Paleo on a budget links. Why should the team do your research for you?

  17. And as for sustainability, how sustainable is industrial agriculture?

  18. Indy Jill my spell and grammar checker said:

    "Try Dr Google, Dr Jones. There are a whole heap of lowcarb or Paleo on a budget links. Why should the team do your research for you?"

    Are these the same shit links to website of those that live on the wrong side of the Atlantic. That suggests that individuals that can't afford the high cost of grass feed livestock purchases a gun and blast wildlife.

    Paleo diet is nonsense and not in anyway how are ancestors eat. It American invention to sell books, supplements , fitness equipment and premium cuts of meat.


    Dr Paul Jones:- Carmarthen University


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The best of health to you and yours.
