Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A Happy and Healthy New Year to all

Wishing all our readers a very Happy and Healthy New Year - from all on the low carb team.

Sugar Puffs rapped by advertising watchdog for suggesting that its 'honey goodness' was healthy for children !

The Honey Monster has been slapped down by advertising watchdogs for suggesting honey is good for children.

The cereal that the character promotes, Sugar Puffs, has been banned from claiming it contains 'honey goodness' – as honey is just as bad for the body as sugar.

The Advertising Standards Authority ruled that the boast amounts to a bogus health claim.

Sales of honey are soaring, apparently because of the belief that as a natural product it is better for you. But health experts point out that once honey is consumed it behaves the same way in the body as sugar.

The advert on the cereal's website carried the claims: 'Yummy Honey Goodness For A Monsterfied Breakfast... 20% More Honey'.

This idea that the cereal – which contains 8.6 grams of sugar per 30g serving – was full of goodness was backed up by claims that it was low in fat and salt and a good source of fibre, vitamins and iron.

The ruling came after a complaint by the Children's Food Campaign, which said there was no specific authorised health claim to back up the honey goodness line.

More on this story here.

The article stated "But health experts point out that once honey is consumed it behaves the same way in the body as sugar" Pity they did not also state carbs have the same effect. Carbs equals sugar not many dietitians know that.


Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Secret Danger Of Statin Drugs

MALIBU—This is the true story of the rise and fall of a successful healthy business man simply because he opted for a physical exam where the doctor pushed Statin drugs until the point of total disability.

My dad was the model of an Irish lad. Health insurance appeared a needless expense for a teenage immigrant with empty pockets and vast ambition. That was, until, as a married man, my mum’s hysterectomy strapped my dad with a $900,000 hospital bill. A common surgical procedure left my mum at death’s doorstep after it was discovered that a piece of gauze had mistakenly been left beneath the surgical incision, causing a devastating infection that eventually claimed her life.

The doctor made the mistake, but my dad was forced to pay the bill out of pocket to the tune of $900,000+. Having risen from broke immigrant to successful American businessman, my dad became another victim of the American healthcare system.

Following that nightmare, my dad opted to purchase a health insurance policy through Kaiser, hoping to prevent a premature demise. Per Kaiser’s policy, the evaluation for the policy included a physical. This physical revealed what we already knew: he was a model of health. Growing up, my dad and I played basketball daily, went to the gym five-to-six days per week, and went on at least one weekly run. This isn’t to mention his lifelong romance with his native sport, rugby.

What’s more, our family had a spotless medical history: no recorded physical or mental disease and no substance abuse issues. My paternal grandparents lived into their nineties. All of my father’s six siblings, of which he was the youngest, are alive and well, bearing no signs of multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, or other neurological diseases.

Though incredibly fit, his cholesterol numbers were high, a common hereditary trait in Irish families. Warned that his cholesterol put him at risk of a stroke, he was promptly prescribed Lovastatin.

Within hours days of taking the drug, he experienced dizziness. Concerned, he phoned the doctor but was told not to worry, that his body would adjust to this unpleasant side-effect.

The following day, my mum died. Heartbroken, my dad ignored his own health as his side-effects worsened. He began to experience numbing in his legs. Once the picture of vitality, my father began to fall asleep at his desk in the middle of the day. He knew something was terribly wrong. He made several more calls to the doctor after experiencing dizziness, blurred vision, unexpected falls, drowsiness, and numbing in his legs.

Once more, he visited the doctor but was told that his symptoms were the product of stress and aging. Assured his physical ailments were brought on by the emotional trauma of losing his best friend and if he were to stop taking the drug, he would surely have a stroke, they said. He continued taking Lovastatin.

Terrified of losing both my parents, I accompanied my dad on his subsequent visit to the doctor. I must admit, after my mum’s death, I developed a profound distrust of doctors. The surgeon whose mishap led to her death was a dear friend of the family, so I was even more dubious of a stranger’s treatment. With tears of anger in my eyes, I pleaded for my dad to be taken off the medication that was so clearly harming him. Digging into my purse, I pulled out four-hundred pages of internet research documenting negative side-effects of statin treatment and thousands of personal testimonies from

The doctor took time listening to my complaints but looked at me as if I was a hysteric, grief-stricken girl. He told me that I was confused, that the internet was not a viable source of information, that he was sorry for the loss of my mother, but that statins had nothing to do with my father’s fading health.

My dad heeded the doctor’s advice and I was commanded to drop the subject.

For two years he took lovastatin, and for two years his health deteriorated. Seeking a second opinion, my dad was diagnosed with Statin-induced Myopathy, a muscular disease that was crumbling his once chiseled form.

Armed with this diagnosis, he promptly stopped taking Lovastatin, a measure that helped, but did not fully cure his illness.

Thousands of dollars were spent on remedies for the statin induced side-effects. Hospital tests and emergency room visits became regular. Nasty falls left my dad with broken ribs and later a broken hip. Two years of freedom and independence were lost. Companionship and enjoyment of life were suddenly out of reach.

But I refused to believe this was the end, that I would never again see the strapping Irish lad of my childhood. I resolved to find a cure, and I did but not before I witnessed the fall of a successful healthy business man due to a physical exam where the doctor pushed statin medication until the point of total disability and death.


Eggs Wonderful Eggs - Great Way to Start the day !

Eggs wonderful eggs - what a great way to start the day.

"How about 'Huevos Rancheros' - a low-carb breakfast packed with vitamins and minerals, and very delicious too. With its kick of spice, this dish will help blow away any cobwebs and have you firing on all cylinders to have a great day.

This recipe serves one, but can obviously be doubled up.
2 large, free range eggs
1 green pepper, diced
1tbsp butter
1 clove garlic, crushed
Pinch dried chilli flakes (add more or less, according to how spicy you like your food
½ tin chopped tomatoes (roughly 200g)
2tbsp grated strong cheese (Parmesan or a mature cheddar)
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Melt the butter in a small frying/omelette pan and add the diced peppers. Cook, stirring occasionally until softened (about five minutes).

Add the tomatoes, garlic and chilli flakes. Bring to the boil then turn down to a simmer and leave, stirring occasionally, for five minutes. You should be left with a thick sauce. Make two indentations in the mixture and crack the eggs in. Leave until the whites are set – about five minutes. (You may need to move the whites around a little to cook.)

Add a little salt and pepper and top with the grated cheese. Place under a pre-heated grill until the cheese is melted.

This is delicious with some salad on the side or on top of steamed broccoli. Allow roughly 10-15g carbs per serving."

Thanks to Emma at The Diabetes Diet Blog for this recipe idea here.

All the best Jan

Sex, drugs and Rock and Roll !

Someone asked me today re. a bet about weight loss, what was my chosen charity. I stated my charity, should I win is 'Help the aged' as I only have a few days before joining the decrepit and one foot in the grave ones.

Jeez, sex, drugs and rock and roll has been my downfall. Take heed my friends, that kind of life is very shallow. But as shallow lives go, you could do worse.


Best use for potato ?

LEDs, or light-emitting diodes, need tiny amounts of energy to light up. To prove the point, you can even get one lit with just a few potatoes. Follow my step-by-step instructions to make a vegetable powered light and see for yourself.

More on this BBC article here.


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Plasma triglycerides predict ten-years all-cause mortality in outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus:



Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). American Diabetes Association standards of care set a series of targets recommended for the CVD prevention: blood pressure, LDL and HDL cholesterol (LDL-C and HDL-C), triglycerides and HbA1c goals. The aim of this study was to evaluate cardiovascular risk factors in a T2DM outpatient population in order to estimate their specific clinical value in predicting long-term overall mortality.


Our study population was composed of 1917 T2DM outpatients attending the hospital-based Diabetes Clinic of Ferrara for a mean follow-up period of 10 years; recorded information included personal, clinical and biochemical data, and pharmacological treatment.


A Cox proportional hazard analysis was performed, pointing out as age (HR:1.08; IC95%: 1.06-1.11), sex (males: HR:1.97; IC95%: 1.26-3.07), mean triglycerides levels during follow-up (III vs I tertile: HR:1.87; IC95%: 1.12-3.12) and lipid-lowering treatment (HR:0.56; IC95%: 0.35-0.90) were significantly associated with all-cause mortality, independent of confounding factors such as mean values of LDL-C, HDL-C, HbA1c, blood pressure, BMI, fasting glucose, and antihypertensive and antidiabetic treatment.


This finding suggests that more attention should be given to the management of cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetic patients with high triglycerides levels.

Full text:


The rise of the £300,000 plus NHS fatcats !

Investigation discloses doubling in number of NHS managers being paid equivalent of at least £300,000 a year, with some on as much as £620,000 annually.

The number of NHS managers being paid the equivalent of more than £300,000 a year has doubled in just 12 months, it can be disclosed.

In some cases, cash-strapped health trusts are hiring temporary executives for hundreds of thousands of pounds, an investigation by The Telegraph has found.

Patients’ groups said the “exorbitant” rates could not be justified, and nursing leaders said the sums were a “kick in the teeth” for junior staff who were refused a one per cent pay rise.

NHS board reports indicate that during 2013-14, 44 “interim” executives were employed on rates of £1,000 a day — the equivalent of £228,000 a year — compared with 24 the year before.

There was an even sharper increase at the top end of the scale. In the last financial year, 22 executives were paid the equivalent of at least £300,000 a year — compared with 11 the year before and just four in 2010-11. In most cases, the payments were not made directly to the managers, but via agencies, which were able to take a share.

More on this Telegraph story here.

With the NHS running out of money fast, and massive reductions in services and waiting lists getting ever longer, why is money being thrown at these bean counters? What makes a paper work shuffler worth massively more money than a heart or brain surgeon? I don't know. One thing is for sure, we are living in a crazy world.


Did you know ?

Now, us type two diabetics are labelled as fat and lazy by the media, who brought type two diabetes on ourselves. The most obese group of people on the planet are Sumo wrestlers, how many are type two diabetics ? Almost none, some are insulin resistant.

The leanest people on the planet suffer from Berardinelli-Seip Congenital Lipodystrophy, a very rare condition, these poor souls have no fat cells and cannot put on weight. How many are type two diabetics ? All, every single person.

More to type two diabetes than being overweight eh ! We are told that a very large percentage of the UK population are over weight and millions obese, the fact is many of these people are not diabetics and probably never will be. I won't go on about the millions type two diabetics in the world who have never been over weight in their lives.

PS. Don't tell those muppets at the Daily Mail etc.


Friday, 26 December 2014

Is Your Child a Diabetic ? Are You a Diabetic ?

For anybody, what we eat is so important and the more I read, the more I exchange views and ideas the more relevant this becomes......especially if you are a diabetic.

I have no doubt if you are a parent your child's health and welfare takes priority over everything. Whether it be a small sniffle to something worse .... in my experience you want to take that pain, that hurt, that illness away.

Our friend Lisa in Australia has a Type 1 Diabetic Son and I so applaud her. You may already be aware of her great blog and the story of hers and the families great fight, adventure, perseverance into the 'Diabetic Alien World'.  

How about her recent post :

"My son had his yearly full blood work done this week.

His Hba1c was 4.8.  His best result ever. Best result ever in the clinic.

Here are my secrets for achieving good blood glucose control.

- Do your own research every day. Find out the facts. Read scientific articles. Question the "kids need carbs" mantra.

- Do not eat the mainstream diabetes diet.

- eat a low carb high healthy fat diet. Never eat wheat and grains which are known causes of autoimmune disease, inflammation and so many modern chronic diseases.

- experiment with insulin basal and bolusing, making small changes each time until you work out the optimum levels. Record all your changes so you can find a pattern.

- Exercise regularly

- Test blood continuously throughout the day and night.  Correct all levels which are above your target.  I aim for 4.4 mmol. I get up during the night to test my son's blood."

Whether you are a diabetic child or adult, or someone looking after a diabetic. I'm sure you too could take a leaf out of Lisa's book, you too could improve your blood sugar readings.

Do have a look around at the low carb blogs, forums, articles that are readily available for us all to read. Do keep an open mind, never be afraid to ask questions, use your meter and just see what can be achieved.

And do you know what ....... the LCHF lifestyle can and does bring improvements to health for non diabetics.

For those who are not aware, I have to say I am not diabetic but I live and fully embrace the LCHF lifestyle. The views and experiences I share are my own, but in my opinion, it is so worthwhile to do your own research keeping any other related health issues you may have in mind. 

Find Lisa's Blog Here

All the best Jan

Paleo Guacamole with Bacon

1 avocado
1/2 lemon, juiced
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 clove garlic, pressed
3 pieces cooked bacon
Salt and pepper

Full instructions including more great photographs from the excellent site 'Nutritional Grail' which can be found here.


Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Coldplay - Christmas Lights

The compliments of the season to all our readers. Thank you to the people that take the time to comment. Wishing all a happy and peaceful Christmas. Eddie 

Not forgetting seasons greetings to all our fellow low carb bloggers. Graham  

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Hypoglycemia and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality in Insulin-Treated People With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes: A Cohort Study


OBJECTIVE Hypoglycemia has been associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) events and all-cause mortality. This study assessed whether, in a nationally representative population, there is an association between hypoglycemia, the risk of CV events, and all-cause mortality among insulin-treated people with type 1 diabetes (T1D) or type 2 diabetes (T2D).
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This retrospective cohort study used data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink database, and included all insulin-treated patients (≥30 years of age) with a diagnosis of diabetes.
RESULTS In patients who experienced hypoglycemia, hazard ratios (HRs) for CV events in people with T1D were 1.51 (95% CI 0.83, 2.75; P = ns) and 1.61 (1.17, 2.22), respectively, for those with and without a history of CV disease (CVD) before the index date. In people with T2D, the HRs for patients with and without a history of CVD were 1.60 (1.21, 2.12) and 1.49 (1.23, 1.82), respectively. For all-cause mortality, HRs in people with T1D were 1.98 (1.25, 3.17), and 2.03 (1.66, 2.47), respectively, for those with and without a history of CVD. Among people with T2D, HRs were 1.74 (1.39, 2.18) and 2.48 (2.21, 2.79), respectively, for those with and without a history of CVD. The median time (interquartile range) from first hypoglycemia event to first CV event was 1.5 years (0.5, 3.5 years) and 1.5 years (0.5, 3.0 years), respectively, for people with T1D and T2D.
CONCLUSIONS Hypoglycemia is associated with an increased risk of CV events and all-cause mortality in insulin-treated patients with diabetes. The relationship between hypoglycemia and CV outcomes and mortality exists over a long period.

Ketogenic diet beats chemotherapy for almost all cancers, says Thomas Seyfried

The low-carb, high-fat ketogenic diet can replace chemotherapy and radiation for even the deadliest of cancers, said Dr. Thomas Seyfried, a leading cancer researcher and professor at Boston College.

In an exclusive interview, Dr. Seyfried discussed why the ketogenic diet has not been embraced by the medical community to treat cancer despite its proven track record both clinically and anecdotally.

"The reason why the ketogenic diet is not being prescribed to treat cancer is purely economical," said Dr. Seyfried, author of Cancer as a Metabolic Disease. "Cancer is big business. There are more people making a living off cancer than there are dying of it."

According to Seyfried, the medical community is reluctant to publicly acknowledge the efficacy of the ketogenic diet for preventing and treating cancer because doing so would cut off the massive streams of revenue hospitals generate from chemotherapy and radiation treatments.

"It's a simple economic issue," said Seyfriend. "There's no money in it for the hospitals, doctors, and drug companies to prescribe a ketogenic diet when they can make hundreds of millions of dollars from the standard of care. Radiation therapy is a huge revenue generator for hospitals."

More on this story here.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Benefits of diabetes drugs dubious

In 1997, a group of experts convened by the American Diabetes Association changed the definition of type 2 diabetes, lowering the blood sugar threshold so that as many as 1.9 million more Americans had the condition.
The same pattern played out in 2003, in an even bigger way, when the association changed the definition of a condition known as pre-diabetes and — overnight — 25 million more Americans were affected.
In the decade that followed, the diabetes industry boomed — thanks in part to a 2008 declaration by two endocrinologygroups that pre-diabetes could be treated with drugs if diet and exercise didn't lower blood sugar levels.
Last year, sales of diabetes drugs reached $23 billion, according to data from IMS Health, a drug market research firm. That was more than the combined revenue of the National Football League, Major League Baseball and the National Basketball Association.
But from 2004 to 2013, none of the 30 new diabetes drugs that came on the market were proven to improve key outcomes, such as reducing heart attacks or strokes, blindness or other complications of the disease, an investigation by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel and MedPage Today found.
Instead, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drugs based on their ability to lower blood sugar levels, what is termed a surrogate measure. Many of the new drugs have dubious benefit; some can be harmful.
"We have an entire industry — a diabetes economy — that revolves around glycemic control," said David Newman, director of clinical research for emergency medicine at Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York.
But the disease is not well understood, is difficult to control and can't be cured, said Newman, an emergency room physician who founded, an independent group of physicians who analyze the effectiveness of medical therapies.
"We've called a sign of the disease the disease, but there are no rigorous studies that prove we understand how to treat the illness rather than its symptoms," Newman said.
To be sure, type 2 diabetes — once known as adult-onset diabetes — is a serious problem in America, often requiring drugs. The condition can lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, amputations and more immediate symptoms, especially in those with very high blood sugar levels.
The surging number of cases has closely paralleled increasing rates of obesity, sedentary living and an aging population.
But the number of people with diabetes or pre-diabetes and who are candidates for drugs has been magnified by organizations and doctors with financial ties to drug companies, the Journal Sentinel/MedPage Today investigation found.
The groups that made the changes each receive several million dollars a year from companies that make diabetes drugs.And each of the panels that moved to increase the numbers, or said more patients could be put on the drugs, had majorities of members who received money from such companies.
In one case, 13 of 19 members of a 2013 committee received more than $2 million in speaking and consulting fees since 2009 from companies that make diabetes drugs, according to an analysis of drug company data.
Many of the new drugs approved by the FDA can cause serious side effects, including heart problems, cancers and overdoses leading to an estimate of about 100,000 emergency room visits each year by people with dangerously low blood sugar, according to published research, interviews and other data reviewed for this story.
Separately, an analysis found about 3,300 cases in which diabetes drugs approved since 2004 were the "primary suspect" in a patient's death, according to reports to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. In another 20,000 cases, the drugs were believed to be responsible for hospitalizations.
"We may be using drugs that are great for lowering glucose but don't do anything for cardiovascular risk," said Clifford Rosen, an endocrinologist and professor of medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine.
It also is unproven whether many of the newer drugs are preventing other diabetes complications such as blindness and amputations, said Rosen, who also is an associate editor of the New England Journal of Medicine and has served on FDA advisory committees.
"Why haven't we done that?" he asked. "There is a lot of pressure from companies to go with the simplest and easiest approach."
Read full article here:


Check out the list of drugs, Byetta and Januvia have the worst record

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Friday, 19 December 2014

Serum 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D: A Predictor of Macrovascular and Microvascular Complications in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes


OBJECTIVE People with diabetes frequently develop vascular disease. We investigated the relationship between blood 25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OH-D) concentration and vascular disease risk in type 2 diabetes.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The relationships between blood 25OH-D concentration at baseline and the incidence of macrovascular (including myocardial infarction and stroke) and microvascular (retinopathy, nephropathy, neuropathy, and amputation) disease were analyzed with Cox proportional hazards models and logistic regression in an observational study of patients in the 5-year Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes trial.
RESULTS A total of 50% of the patients had low vitamin D concentrations, as indicated by median blood 25OH-D concentration of 49 nmol/L. These patients with a blood 25OH-D concentration <50 nmol/L had a higher cumulative incidence of macrovascular and microvascular events than those with levels ≥50 nmol/L. Multivariate analysis, stratified by treatment and adjusted for relevant confounders, identified blood 25OH-D concentration as an independent predictor of macrovascular events. A 50-nmol/L difference in blood 25OH-D concentration was associated with a 23% (P = 0.007) change in risk of macrovascular complications during the study and further adjustments for seasonality, hs-CRP, and physical activity level had little impact. The unadjusted risk of microvascular complications was 18% (P = 0.006) higher during the study, though the excess risk declined to 11–14% and lost significance with adjustment for HbA1c, seasonality or physical activity.
CONCLUSIONS Low blood 25OH-D concentrations are associated with an increased risk of macrovascular and microvascular disease events in type 2 diabetes. However, a causal link remains to be demonstrated.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

A Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all our readers.

I am having a break from blogging until after Christmas. I am not a religious person but this masterpiece has had me gripped for many years. 

I wish all good luck and good health.


DCUK Quote of the year from Phoenix !

"It's as well to remember that Accord did use a cocktail of hypoglycaemic drugs so is a mile away from just using metformin or diet and exercise alone. (and also intensive meant below 6% not low 5s or less; it doesn't really provide any evidence about that)" Phoenix here.

Old timers at the flog will remember the low carb antis were almost orgasmic when the ACCORD study was published. The study was set up to see if outcomes for type two diabetics improved with a high meds regime, set up to reduce BG numbers. So badly did the study go it was ended early, because far too many type two diabetics were dying. This was seen by the naysayers as proof non diabetic BG numbers was not worth achieving, in fact worse, non diabetic BG numbers could send you to an early grave.

The low carb antis trumpeted the grim news loud and wide, But, when you looked at the detail rather than the headline, it was easy to see why this study was doomed to fail. The subjects were long time very poorly controlled, many were morbidly obese, many had a history of heart problems etc, etc. In short many had one foot in the grave at the start. BTW no mention of diet was outlined in the study. So, the study was a farce and proved only one thing to me and others who can think straight, ramming highly elevated BG numbers down with a bag full of meds does not work, and it will never work.

Phoenix, by far and away the most well read and intelligent of the low carb antis at the flog, used the ACCORD study and many other at best dubious studies and information to push her high carb high med lifestyle. The question I am asking myself is, did she know the ACCORD study and many other papers and studies she copies and pastes ad nausea are a complete crock? 

As she said today at the flog ""It's as well to remember that Accord did use a cocktail of hypoglycaemic drugs so is a mile away from just using metformin or diet and exercise alone" Too right, using the correct diet and nil/minimum meds, and regular exercise is a mile away from what she and her fellow antis have preached for years. The $64000 question is, why has she played the roll of technical adviser to the antis for years, when she has known all along, the low carb lifestyle was the only safe and reliable alternative for countless diabetics, type one and two.


Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Low-glycemic index carbohydrate diet does not improve cardiovascular risk factors, insulin resistance

Importance  Foods that have similar carbohydrate content can differ in the amount they raise blood glucose. The effects of this property, called the glycemic index, on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes are not well understood.
Objective  To determine the effect of glycemic index and amount of total dietary carbohydrate on risk factors for cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
Design, Setting, and Participants  Randomized crossover-controlled feeding trial conducted in research units in academic medical centers, in which 163 overweight adults (systolic blood pressure, 120-159 mm Hg) were given 4 complete diets that contained all of their meals, snacks, and calorie-containing beverages, each for 5 weeks, and completed at least 2 study diets. The first participant was enrolled April 1, 2008; the last participant finished December 22, 2010. For any pair of the 4 diets, there were 135 to 150 participants contributing at least 1 primary outcome measure.
Interventions  (1) A high–glycemic index (65% on the glucose scale), high-carbohydrate diet (58% energy); (2) a low–glycemic index (40%), high-carbohydrate diet; (3) a high–glycemic index, low-carbohydrate diet (40% energy); and (4) a low–glycemic index, low-carbohydrate diet. Each diet was based on a healthful DASH-type diet.
Main Outcomes and Measures  The 5 primary outcomes were insulin sensitivity, determined from the areas under the curves of glucose and insulin levels during an oral glucose tolerance test; levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides; and systolic blood pressure.
Results  At high dietary carbohydrate content, the low– compared with high–glycemic index level decreased insulin sensitivity from 8.9 to 7.1 units (−20%, P = .002); increased LDL cholesterol from 139 to 147 mg/dL (6%, P ≤ .001); and did not affect levels of HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, or blood pressure. At low carbohydrate content, the low– compared with high–glycemic index level did not affect the outcomes except for decreasing triglycerides from 91 to 86 mg/dL (−5%, P = .02). In the primary diet contrast, the low–glycemic index, low-carbohydrate diet, compared with the high–glycemic index, high-carbohydrate diet, did not affect insulin sensitivity, systolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, or HDL cholesterol but did lower triglycerides from 111 to 86 mg/dL (−23%, P ≤ .001).
Conclusions and Relevance  In this 5-week controlled feeding study, diets with low glycemic index of dietary carbohydrate, compared with high glycemic index of dietary carbohydrate, did not result in improvements in insulin sensitivity, lipid levels, or systolic blood pressure. In the context of an overall DASH-type diet, using glycemic index to select specific foods may not improve cardiovascular risk factors or insulin resistance.
Note the LC diet was 40% energy, not by any stretch of the imagination could that be classed as LowCarb unless of course you go by the alias of Phoenix 

The best diet plan.

                               Embedded image permalink

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Dietary Intake of Saturated Fat Is Not Associated with Risk of Coronary Events or Mortality in Patients with Established Coronary Artery Disease


Background: Data from recent meta-analyses question an association between dietary intake of saturated fatty acids (SFAs) and risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Moreover, the prognostic effect of dietary SFA in patients with established CVD treated with modern conventional medication has not been extensively studied.
Objective: We investigated the associations between self-reported dietary SFA intake and risk of subsequent coronary events and mortality in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD).
Methods: This study included patients who participated in the Western Norway B-Vitamin Intervention Trial and completed a 169-item semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire after coronary angiography. Quartiles of estimated daily intakes of SFA were related to risk of a primary composite endpoint of coronary events (unstable angina pectoris, nonfatal acute myocardial infarction, and coronary death) and separate secondary endpoints (total acute myocardial infarction, fatal coronary events, and all-cause death) with use of Cox-regression analyses.
Results: This study included 2412 patients (81% men, mean age: 61.7 y). After a median follow-up of 4.8 y, a total of 292 (12%) patients experienced at least one major coronary event during follow-up. High intake of SFAs was associated with a number of risk factors at baseline. However, there were no significant associations between SFA intake and risk of coronary events [age- and sex-adjusted HR (95% CI) was 0.85 (0.61, 1.18) for the upper vs. lower SFA quartile] or any secondary endpoint. Estimates were not appreciably changed after multivariate adjustments.
Conclusions: There was no association between dietary intake of SFA and incident coronary events or mortality in patients with established CAD.

Quote of the day.

I don't dream at night, I dream all day, I dream for a living. Steven Spielberg

White man's diet killed them now us.

"Australia, until 1960s, Aborigines came under the Flora And Fauna Act, classified them as animals, not human beings." From the History in pictures twitter site. Arguably the worlds greatest and hardiest hunter gatherers destroyed by white man guns then white man's diet. Pay back time.


Doubling saturated fat in diet does not increase saturated fat in blood!

Hot off the press.
Doubling or even nearly tripling saturated fat in the diet does not drive up total levels of saturated fat in the blood, according to a controlled diet study.

However, increasing levels of carbohydrates in the diet during the study promoted a steady increase in the blood of a fatty acid linked to an elevated risk for diabetes and heart disease.

The finding "challenges the conventional wisdom that has demonized saturated fat and extends our knowledge of why dietary saturated fat doesn't correlate with disease," said senior author Jeff Volek, a professor of human sciences at The Ohio State University.

In the study, participants were fed six three-week diets that progressively increased carbs while simultaneously reducing total fat and saturated fat, keeping calories and protein the same.

The researchers found that total saturated fat in the blood did not increase -- and went down in most people -- despite being increased in the diet when carbs were reduced. Palmitoleic acid, a fatty acid associated with unhealthy metabolism of carbohydrates that can promote disease, went down with low-carb intake and gradually increased as carbs were re-introduced to the study diet.

"It's unusual for a marker to track so closely with carbohydrate intake, making this a unique and clinically significant finding. As you increase carbs, this marker predictably goes up," Volek said.

More on this study here.

Christmas comes early for all us low carb high fat freaky eaters, Ho Ho Ho.


Cheesecake - I’m in Heaven !

You only have to read around blogs and forums to find out the one weakness we each have, although, yes some may have more than one!

From my teens 'til now, which is a good few years my number one food weakness or delight has been cheesecake, I just adore it. The family know it, my friends know it …it is one of Jan’s “things”. A standing joke when dining out at restaurants, or with friends has been ‘the cheesecake test’ …i.e. what does Jan think - guess I’ve become our circle’s Number 1 cheesecake guru!

All well and good if like me you are not diabetic, have no health related illness and can eat a slice of cheesecake without any adverse affect. But if you are diabetic then the standard cheesecake is not the best thing you can eat to maintain good blood sugar numbers.

Eddie has never been a cheesecake lover …..cheese definitely and if you mix in a few green olives then he is in 7th heaven.

When dining out he goes for the cheeseboard, I go for the cheesecake.
But …..WAIT ! What do I see ? Only 31 fantastic low carb cheesecake recipes ‘to die for’ as the saying goes. Well “I’m in Heaven” is my saying.

Just check out these wonderful LOW CARB cheesecake recipes that Carolyn, a writer, runner, mother and diabetic, is featuring on her fantastic blog. And no she is not an “evil mastermind” just a great person who lives for food. Why not check out her recipes and “experiments” as she creates delicious low carb, gluten free recipes.

Read more here.

Enjoy …… Enjoy

All the best Jan

DCUK The Bonkers one returns with a vengeance !

A new member joins the DCUK forum, another member recommends the "Introduction to low-carb for beginners" Bonkers immediately goes on the attack.

"Well thats one way Andy but personally I prefer the advice given out by the forum which is posted to the newly diagnosed usually by Daisy. Not everyone wants to eat such a restrictive diet" Posted here.

Admin disclaimer issued.

All members should be aware Sid Bonkers is a health hazard and any advice or comment made by the Bonkers one should be ignored. He is clearly a very confused and disturbed man. Sid states he is low calorie (portion control) low fat and low carb. Before hiding and editing his forum profile he claimed to be on approximately 12 different medications. 

On a more serious note, clearly Sid is acting in a way to disrupt the DCUK forum and cause confusion for a newly diagnosed member. Long term low carb anti, and ex Kenny boy clique member, and now mod, the Cherub has posted for calm, will a warning be issued to Sid for his rant? no way. Will his posts be edited or deleted? will he be banned for his constant antagonism of forum members? not a chance. Yet again we see undeniable evidence of the way the management operate at the forum. A special few have very privileged status and they sure ain’t low carbers. Over six years on, and nothing ever changes at the forum of flog. Will it ever be thus?


Shift workers 'sicker and fatter'

Health Survey for England data showed they were in worse health despite often being young.
The lead researcher told the BBC that the rise of zero-hours contracts may be increasing the numbers doing shift work and could raise "pretty serious problems" for the nation's health.
Scientists said it was "fairly clear now" that shift work was unhealthy.
The report, by the Health and Social Care Information Centre, showed 33% of men and 22% of women of working age were doing shift work.
They defined shifts as employment outside 0700-1900.
Rachel Craig, the research director for the Health Survey for England, told the BBC: "Overall, people who are doing shift work are not quite as healthy as their counterparts doing regular working hours."
The data showed 30% of shift workers were obese, compared with 24% of men and 23% of women doing normal hours.
Meanwhile, 40% of men and 45% of women on shifts had long-standing health conditions such as back-pain, diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease compared with 36% and 39% of the rest of the population.
Ms Craig said that, overall, young people should be in better health: "You'd expect less ill-health and fewer long-standing conditions that reflect lifestyle like obesity, so it makes it an even stronger relationship [between shifts and poor health]."
There is mounting scientific evidence on how disrupted sleep affects the normal rhythms of the body clock and leads to a wide-range of diseases.
Full BBC article here.