Wednesday 6 May 2015

Crunchy green beans with radishes

Crunchy green beans with radishes

How about trying this classic French way of preparing beans and radishes, so few ingredients are needed ... it compliments a nice piece of Salmon with Lemon Dijon Basil Sauce, see link below.

Serves 6

(2g carbs per serving)

350g fine green beans, trimmed
1 bunch radishes, finely sliced into rounds
juice of ½ lemon


Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and cook the green beans for 4-5 mins until tender. Drain and toss with the radishes, drizzle over the oil and lemon juice and season with a little salt and black pepper.

A really nice tasting - and crunchy side dish, original recipe idea here.

It goes well with this Salmon dish. 

Bon Appetit 

All the best Jan


  1. This is my kinda dish, fresh and very pleasing on the eye, must make this.
    Amanda xx

  2. I like this idea. Simple recipes can be so effective and as I grow both beans and radish, it's one to remember for later in the season.

  3. Hi Amanda and many thanks for your comment.

    Have to agree the colours in this simple recipe idea do may it look so pleasing ... and it tastes great too.

    All the best Jan

  4. Hi Jo and many thanks for your comment.

    You are so fortunate that you grow both of these great vegetables. I'm sure you will enjoy this good tasting dish.

    All the best Jan

  5. I know what will be on my shopping list for my next trip to the store. This looks delicious! I shall also be trying your salmon recipe below this one. A lovely combination of taste and very pretty on the plate.

  6. Hi Denise and many thanks for your comment.

    I am sure you will enjoy this tasty side dish with the salmon. Great tasting foods.

    All the best Jan

  7. What a colourful side dish. I will give it a try.

    Liked the salmon one below too.

    Jenny S

  8. Will most certainly try this.....I absolutely love green beans. I have never thought of serving them with radishes.

    Sounds right up my street :)

  9. Hi,
    Great idea! We love fresh beans and the radish will be a fun touch. Thank you for sharing.

  10. Hi Jenny and many thanks for your comment.

    This is a colourful and tasty side dish - I am sure you will enjoy it, especially if you try it with the salmon dish !

    All the best Jan

  11. Hi Cheryl and many thanks for your comment.

    I'm sure you will enjoy this dish, the green beans and radishes compliment each other so well

    Enjoy ......

    All the best Jan

  12. Hi Carla and many thanks for your comment.

    I love sharing great recipe ideas, the beans and radish go so well together.

    All the best Jan

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  14. Hi rcubes and many thanks for your comment.

    I love to exchange recipe ideas, and I'm sure you will find many on the blog you may like to try.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

  15. Lovely recipe idea.


  16. Hi Nona and many thanks for your comment.

    So pleased to read that you like this recipe idea. It's so simple yet so tasty.

    All the best Jan


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