Wednesday, 6 May 2015

This is no normal election: don't let your voice be taken away

With the future of Britain at a crossroads, Owen Jones makes an impassioned plea for people to vote on Thursday. He urges the electorate to blame the people with power, not those without it. Change rarely comes from the generosity of the powerful but is fought for from below, he says. Now is the time to take action, he concludes



  1. Hope springs eternal

    A Pope

  2. I for one will be bloody pleased when the election is over. Then it will be more talk about which party is working with which party. God help us all. But do vote cos if you don't you only have yourself to blame.
    Here endeth the lesson. Thanks

  3. Hi Ian!
    I don't know how things stand in UK and what deals the parties could do but politicians can't tell us the truth.Hope the outcome will be the best for your country.I think we are all responsable about the situation in which we are involved.
    Have a nice day,

  4. Good morning! I want to thank you kindly for your visit to my blog! I am sorry to say I am not current on your elections, so I can't comment properly (I'm in the USA)

    But I simply wanted to thank you, Eddie. Your recipe ideas are lovely; I believe in good fresh food, and moderate on the carbs too! Anita

  5. Many thanks to 'A Pope' and 'Josh' for your comments. Always good to see peoples view points and thoughts.

    All the best Jan

  6. Hi Olympia, great to see your thoughts and comment. We will have to wait and see what the election outcome will be.

    In the meantime I think I'll go and enjoy some good healthy real food ... maybe a nice salad.

    Take Care and

    All the best Jan

  7. Hi Anita - many thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment. Pleased to hear you like the recipe ideas.

    All the best Jan


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