Monday, 21 September 2015 and why you must follow the money.

"We have endless debates and arguments about what constitutes a healthy diet. It seems one man's carb is another man's poison. One common concern, however, is that newly diagnosed visitors will get mixed messages from the conflicting opinions" Fergus Craig. Aug 27 2008

Seven years on, nothing changes at the "Largest diabetes forum in Europe"

Back in 2008 at the forum I call the forum of flog, because selling to diabetics and lining up the members for big pharma drug trials is the managements primary objective, the low carb diet was a very hot topic. Despite new members reporting universal success with their blood glucose control via a low carb diet, a small group I call antis rocked the boat big time. The antis then and now offer no viable alternative to the low carb diet, other than what I call the carb up and shoot up method. This method has proved to be a total failure as confirmed by the year after year abysmal audited NHS diabetes survey statistics. The carb up and shoot up method, is basically eat what you want and cover the usually sky high rise in BG numbers with as much medication as you require. 

Big pharma as you would expect, promote this method at every opportunity, as do outfits such as the NHS, DUK, ADA, BDA and many other organisations, diabetics should be able to trust. Now, at this stage you may be wondering, who in their right mind would not prefer to eat whole fresh food (almost all low carb) and control their type two diabetes (around 90% of diabetics are type two) with diet, when the only alternative is drugs. Drugs that have been proved to be very ineffective and some so dangerous they have been banned in some countries, because they have killed and maimed people.

You may also be wondering, why a small group of highly vocal and extremely high posting anti low carb members, have been allowed to rule the forum for over seven years, and why these promoters of complete failure have been made mods. The reason is simple, it's all about money, there is no money in promoting a low carb diet, the money is in selling products, services and very expensive medication, a well controlled low carbing type two diabetic does not need. Type one diabetics who low carb usually report vastly improved control of weight, blood glucose numbers and well-being, again huge savings in medication costs are made, with many type ones reporting a drastic reduction in insulin requirements. That's the financial savings which could be £billions, the savings in early death, amputations, blindness, kidney failure and human misery is incalculable. 

Back to the money. The owner of the forum Mr. Arjun Panesar tells us "One of the ways the website makes money is by charging to put organisations such as pharmaceutical companies doing medical trials in touch with forum members who have diabetes" and "We’re aiming to become the world’s largest diabetes community within the next 18 months, not just Europe’s. Financially, we’re aiming at turning over £8m a year" Not bad going when you consider the vast bulk of the work is done on a free of charge basis by the members, even the on message mods are unpaid. Clearly Mr. Panesar is no mug when it comes to putting a business plan together, and it appears to me, the more diabetics fail and require ever more products, services and medication, the more successful his business will become.


"One of the ways the website makes money is by charging to put organisations such as pharmaceutical companies doing medical trials in touch with forum members who have diabetes" Here.

"We’re aiming to become the world’s largest diabetes community within the next 18 months, not just Europe’s. Financially, we’re aiming at turning over £8m a year" Here.


  1. An interesting debate.
    I am not diabetic but follow a low carb diet. The reason being it controls my weight. I have carbs here and there but in small amounts.
    Being in touch with your body and how it is feeling on a daily basis is surely common sense. The more we think about what we are eating, how it effects us, helps us to achieve better health.

  2. Once again Shootin' you're whinging on your own.

    'Help' I've been whining, and my bluff has been called, I can't debate with any intelligence, can someone give me a real question to ask?'

    Shootin' is quite clearly standing alone, as the ambush is prepared, and the writs are served on the day, when Shootin' can't back up anything he has posted on the 'dead forum', or his mindless blog.

    But at least his 'close' friends are well away from his mess.
    Make sure you choose somewhere wheelchair accessible eh?

  3. I have learned you ALWAYS follow the money when something is being pushed, endorsed or even worse.. FORCED on the public... -

  4. "Anonymous said...
    Once again Shootin' you're whinging on your own.

    'Help' I've been whining, and my bluff has been called, I can't debate with any intelligence, can someone give me a real question to ask?'

    Shootin' is quite clearly standing alone, as the ambush is prepared, and the writs are served on the day, when Shootin' can't back up anything he has posted on the 'dead forum', or his mindless blog.

    But at least his 'close' friends are well away from his mess.
    Make sure you choose somewhere wheelchair accessible eh?"

    Well my most ardent fan, you got lucky today and one of your rants has been authorised. "bluff has been called" I think you will find I have called the bluff. I was called to a meeting and I will be attending. As for "Make sure you choose somewhere wheelchair accessible" I am sure I will be walking out the same way I walk in.

    BTW. Well done on your comment we have authorised, by far and above your most accomplished work to date, have you been receiving assistance with your wild and deranged rants?

    Keep reading my every word and keep taking the pills.

    Eddie x

  5. The older I become the more I am seeing how awful medication is... the side effects are darned scary... only phamacuetical companies or others that stand to profit would push pills over eating healthy and exercising. I was never diabetic but who knows where I would have ended up if I had not changed my life 180 degrees a little over 2 years ago. Now that I'm out of that fog of weight I will eat right and exercise to stay healthy xox

  6. Anonymous invertebrate said...
    Once again Shootin' you're whinging on your own.

    And what about you sweetie no mention of the royal we tonight I can't believe you managed a comment all on your own must have put a lot of strain on the single brain cell you possess

    'Help' I've been whining, and my bluff has been called, I can't debate with any intelligence, can someone give me a real question to ask?'

    Yes we know all about your whining and lack of debate and total bluff, help can only come your way via a psychiatrist

    Shootin' is quite clearly standing alone, as the ambush is prepared, and the writs are served on the day, when Shootin' can't back up anything he has posted on the 'dead forum', or his mindless blog.

    It's clear your knowledge of libel laws is completely non existent, quoting a newspaper article to back up what is said does not constitute a breach of the law.

    But at least his 'close' friends are well away from his mess.
    Make sure you choose somewhere wheelchair accessible eh?

    Wheelchair access do you intend to gate crash the meet up then, sorry we don't know much about the venue as yet maybe you should take your carers along to carry you just in case.

    Hope you've signed up for the drug trials sweetie DCUK needs you

    Good night
    Love and hugs
    Graham xx

    P.s just deleted your latest tripe

  7. Cheryl

    Thank you for your comments and joining in the debate.
    We read with interest peoples views and experiences.
    It is helpful to all to share and exchange experiences.



The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
