Saturday 5 March 2016

Saturday, Saturday ...

Yes the first weekend of March, and as you awoke this morning I wonder if you saw blue skies or grey? Was it sunny, raining or even snowing? I saw grey skies but no rain, yet! Let's not worry about the weather ... onward's to the weekend and a Happy Saturday!

starting with a soft boiled egg

wonder if I may be lucky to spot a robin today

must make sure I have all the ingredients to make a
don't you just love leeks

how about a small piece of chocolate sponge pudding for dessert
Graham's recipe is very good - see it here

don't forget the double cream

Have a lovely Saturday and 'tune in' later for Saturday Night Is Music Night
the choices will be right here on this blog

All the best Jan


  1. Happy Saturday to you! I love the sweet Robin! It is still dark here, the sun has not risen. I am hoping for blue skies today. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Eileen
    Yes, I do love the robin's red breast .. so cheerful.
    I do hope the weather, where you are, will be kind and deliver some lovely blue sky.

    Happy Weekend

    All the best Jan

  3. Hope you spot a robin today! The birds are on the move now that Spring is arriving in much of the country. Enjoy your weekend! Hugs, Diane

  4. Diane (Lavender Dreamer)
    Thanks for your comment and a warm welcome to the low carb diabetic.
    I will certainly be keeping a look out for a robin ... and who knows I may be lucky!

    Yes, the birds in your photo's were certainly flying high!

    Happy Weekend

    All the best Jan

  5. Thank you for your comment, liking my fabric! Now! I have to get to sewing some of it! -grin-

    Me too! Read my way out, of all the old nutrition crap! Yes!!!!

    Glad to meet you.

    Gentle hugs,

  6. Lovely thoughts. Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Blue skies, scrambled eggs and white Corella's (birds) in the garden! I do love leeks, use them all the time, but am not eating chocolate cake at the moment Jan, even though I would really like to :)

  8. Happy Saturday to you and your honey bunny.

  9. Lovely thoughts! Blue skies here (but very cold!). I was out admiring the snow again and watching an owl hunting over the moorland :) A great Saturday for me, hope yours was a good one!

  10. Tessa (a writing place)
    A warm hello, and welcome,to the low carb diabetic blog, many thanks for your comment.

    Sewing and reading, are a good combination - hope to see you back soon!

    Happy Weekend Wishes

    All the best Jan

  11. Blogoratti
    Yes, they were a mix of Saturday thoughts ... and I didn't get to see a robin ... perhaps tomorrow!

    Hope your weekend is going well

    All the best Jan

  12. 'PDP' (PerthDailyPhoto)
    Wow it certainly sounds glorious down under - bet you've had a lovely day.

    Have a great Sunday too.

    All the best Jan

  13. Ivy (The Happy Whisk)
    We've had a great Saturday thank you, and now dinner is cooking. Sure smells good ...

    Enjoy your weekend

    All the best Jan

  14. Louise
    Many thanks for your comment, and a warm welcome to the low carb diabetic blog.

    "I was out admiring the snow again and watching an owl hunting over the moorland" ... sounds bliss, as long as you are well wrapped up against the cold.

    I've had a lovely Saturday, the day has gone very quickly - dinner is smelling good so will soon be tucking in !

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend - hope you'll come back and visit our blog soon.

    All the best Jan

  15. I'm a little late getting here but I hope you had a lovely Saturday, Jan! I woke up to a little bit of sun, which turned to grey skies as the day progressed. But no rain and no snow, so it wasn't too bad.

  16. I've been baking today again. Was fun. Not what I had planned on doing but still really nice.

  17. Martha
    Whatever time you visit - you are always welcome.
    Yes, I had a very nice Saturday thank you, and now this Sunday it's Mother's Day in the UK ... so special.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend

    All the best Jan

  18. Ivy (Happy Whisk)
    Ooh I bet you really enjoyed your baking day too!
    Enjoy your Sunday - hope it's a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

  19. Hope you had a great Saturday, Jan! It started out cloudy here, and then turned sunny. Your recipes look delicious!

  20. Amy
    Yes, I did have a lovely Saturday and Sunday ... thank you.
    As always the two days whizzed by, but then days do seem to go quite quickly.

    Glad you like the many recipe ideas featured.
    Have a good week ahead

    All the best Jan

  21. No snow for us but it was a bit wet at times and so cold too!
    Hope you enjoyed the chocolate sponge and cream, wwat a winning combo.
    Lisa x

  22. Lisa
    Yes, it has been very cold ... but good food can warm you up!
    Chocolate sponge and cream for instance!

    Take Care

    All the best Jan


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