Monday, 7 November 2016

The Mental Health Benefits of A Simple Childhood

I recently found this article by Laurentine ten Bosch (mother to Hugo) and thought it very interesting, and one to share. Have a read and see if like me you liked the three steps to a simple solution... perhaps you may have other views/ideas? 

Laurentine writes:

"Have you looked around a cafe or mall recently and noticed how many children are glued to their Mom’s tablet or smartphone? Even worse, the hundreds of kids chasing imaginary Pokemon, completely unaware of their surroundings?

Childhood, as I remember it, was so much simpler. I had to either play with other kids or use my imagination to keep myself occupied. Now as I guide Hugo on his journey, I can't help but notice a contrasting lack of simplicity in his daily environment. I visualize him growing up as a free-spirited, adventurous kid without the restraints of cotton-wool parenting or countless hours spent staring at a screen. Yet there are so many other elements in our modern culture that can prevent children from living the life of innocence and vitality that nature intended.

Professor Jean Twenge from San Diego State University conducted a study using data from large sample groups of high school students throughout the United States. The results pointed to a distressingly steady increase in mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression within children, adolescents and young adults over the last five decades.

So why aren't our kids thriving?

The Burden of Complexity

During the early years of his career, Simplicity Parenting author Kim John Payne was a volunteer at Indonesian refugee camps, where many children were dealing with PTS (post-traumatic stress) disorder. Payne observed these kids over a period of time and described them as, “jumpy, nervous, and hyper-vigilant, wary of anything novel or new.”

In contrast to that experience, many years later Payne recorded the same behavioral inclinations among affluent English children who attended his private practice. Why would the kids living in typically safe environments display similar symptoms to those living in war zones? Payne explains that despite the English children being physically safe, their mental state did not acknowledge that safety. He indicates that the children were “privy to their parents’ fears, drives, ambitions, and the very fast pace of their lives" and as a result, suffered from a “cumulative stress reaction” which drove them to develop their own coping mechanisms in order to feel safe.

The complexity of our modern civilization is becoming a growing burden on our kids. Day after day they are overloaded with new information, hypnotized by technology, confused by society's moral ambiguity and bombarded with a multitude of corrupt media - which is exceedingly accessible and almost impossible for a young mind to ignore. They spend less time climbing trees, getting dirty, scraping their knees and exploring the magnificent expanse of their natural surroundings. When children feel overwhelmed they miss out on the valuable downtime that they need in order to play and discharge stress. Too many choices at a child's disposal can absorb their happiness by robbing them of the opportunity to experience boredom - which is an essential stimulant for creativity and self-directed play.

Classroom Blues

A child's freedom to play and explore by themselves, independent of immediate adult supervision, has experienced a sharp decline in recent decades. Some research shows that kids today spend 56% more time in front of screens than they do playing outside and just 6% of children ages 9 - 13 play outside on their own. The avenues by which children have historically learned to solve their own problems have now been taken away from them and replaced with controlled school environments that often discourage natural development.

As parents, it's easy to fall into the trap of feeling like we are protecting our kids when, in fact, we are actually in danger of reducing their enjoyment of life by diminishing their sense of self and preventing them from discovering true passions. Unsurprisingly, this increases the odds that they will suffer from anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.

In a typical modern schooling system, more weight is given to tests and grades than the furtherment of a child's natural development. Children learn quickly that their own preferences and judgment of competence doesn't count; what counts is their teachers' preferences and judgment. In the minds of most students, the goal in class is not proficiency; it's good grades. Given a choice between truly understanding a subject or achieving an A grade, the majority of students today would choose the latter.

Too Cool For Pre-School

Scandinavian culture has a tradition of using the outdoors as a learning environment, not just a place where kids can let off steam. Kindergarten-aged children in these areas attend "forest schools" where they are free to run through mud, swing sticks around, climb trees and immerse themselves in nature. Adults are present of course, but a strong emphasis is placed on allowing the kids to learn through their own evolutionary mechanisms rather than having their actions controlled. In some forest schools, children are even taught basic survival skills and are allowed to use knives and other tools to further their abilities. Other learning activities include preparing garden beds, planting seedlings and understanding the ancient cycle of sowing, nurturing and harvesting crops. They are encouraged to ask as many questions as they can, which often leads to group discussions and spontaneous interactive learning as a result of each child having the opportunity to express their views.

The Solution Is Simple.

It’s so easy to read these sorts of articles and feel overwhelmed, but the solution is beautifully simple and you’re not going to be doing this alone. Here are a few fundamental ways that I have begun to implement the wisdom of these teachings in Hugo’s life.

1. Gardening

Gardening is an amazing way to get your kids into nature, and, in most cases, they will become so fascinated with the process that they forget about movies and video games almost immediately. Even if you only have a small herb garden or some pot plants, be sure to involve your child in the whole process and teach them how to maintain the garden so that they feel a sense of independence and responsibility. There’s nothing like pulling out your first carrot or picking your first snow pea and eating it right there in the garden!

2. Play (Outdoors)

Play is the most powerful version of self-directed learning that a child can engage in. More and more research is pointing to the fact that kids are spending too much time indoors, and as a result their physical abilities are diminishing, leading to growing rates of child obesity. I love it when Hugo runs around outside, climbs trees, gets dirty and even comes home with a few scrapes and bruises. There’s nothing wrong with your child honing their evolutionary instincts out in the “wild”!

3. Minimize Screen Time

I believe that a child should have no more than 1 hour of screen time each day. While it’s important for your kids to “keep up” with technology to avoid falling behind from an educational perspective, it’s a good idea to implement time limits on digital devices and television. For most of us that seems like common sense, however it gets complicated when you have a very cranky 4-year-old who just wants to watch their favorite cartoon, so try to make the alternative (preferably something outdoors) irresistibly exciting so that they actually want to walk away from the screen!

There are so many fun & simple ways we can engage our children today in order to improve their mental health outcomes in the future!"

The above words and picture are from Laurentine's article ... do please go across to her site to read and see the original full article with all relevant links, you will find it here

All the best Jan


  1. I love this post because I feel the same about our modern world today. I think for the part of the children, the parents play a big role in this sense, esp. the discipline.

    Thanks for sharing. Have a blessed week!:)

  2. Children today have less chances to grow up with nature. Truth will set them free.

  3. this is why kids are so stressed.

  4. Note:
    Baili placed this comment on Graham's post "Diabetes UK diet good for us: You decide" and it has been copied here, where we believe Baili intended it to go.

    Baili said

    "what a insightful post dear Jane

    i seriously miss closeness to nature and physical activities from the life of my children but find little relived when we visit to our village my both boys enjoy the natural environment of village instead of staring at screen .
    thank you for your wonderful post"

  5. Let your children help you cook. Do crafts with them. There are all manner of ways to spend time with your kids. I was so lucky to have that 'simple childhood' and tried my best to give my daughter the same thing.

  6. I'm so pleased to read this information as it's something I bang on about all the time. But this is a very modern phenomenon - perhaps the last twenty or so or so years.

    Of course we now have a new phrase to describe many of these youngsters - Snowflake Generation.

    I hope that as a grandparent I am in a small way helping helping my grandkids grow up in the uncomplicated ways that I and my own children did.

  7. I am in total agreement with this post. I'm so proud of my daughter, she has no TV, although they do rent movies and have a movie night. Her girls spend their time outdoors, on their bikes, roller blades, kayaking, hiking, running, doing gardening and yard chores, climbing trees and having fun. On Mom's days off they are always out exploring together. When they are indoors it's homework, chores, art, sewing and much of the time with their noses in a book. I think that my granddaughters are going to look back and compare their childhood with that of many of their friends and feel very blessed :)

  8. It's not just children glued to their Ipads and cell phones. It's adults as well. I can't believe it, Jan. Whenever I'm standing in line for a coffee or other places, I constantly see people on their phones texting, researching, etc. The whole world is in an electronics craze, and it saddens me. Why don't people just step into nature and breath, relax, and remain still for awhile?


  9. Great advice... Kids today don't play outside much.. They are constantly on their cellphones or their tablets, etc.... I remember my kids having the freedom to play outside constantly even when it was cold outside... We all loved it --and they had the freedom to get some exercise and some JOY by being outside playing in the rain, snow and MUD.. ha ha .

    My good friend who helps raise her grandsons drives me crazy because she allows them to eat junk --and not eat healthy... Those young boys will grow up not learning to eat HEALTHY.... BUT--I will say that the boys do play outside a lot, so that is GOOD....

    Great post...

  10. Hello, my son was born before a lot of this tech stuff became popular. I am glad he played outside with his friends. Great post, thanks for sharing. Have a happy day and week ahead!

  11. I'm sure glad I was a kid when I was.
    We used to always be outside playing.

  12. Spending time outdoors is a great thing for kids.

  13. I so agree that times are so different the way the kids enjoy their time... I am so thankful we grew up in a time when we were outside as much as we could be. I was lucky that my daughter growing up liked to be outside too until she hit her teen years, but she was more involved in school work then. I saw my sister bringing up her boys letting them only have an hour time to play with their devices and it was a chore trying to get them to not want to be on them more.

  14. A simple childhood with lots of outdoor play and using the imagination in games is generally a happy one!

  15. I absolutely agree Jan. Fortunately Aussies are known for their love of sport, most kids start off at a very young age playing T Ball, a bit like rounders/baseball. It's a super way to introduce your youngsters to team sports.


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