Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Cheesy Carrot Bake : Can Be Enjoyed By Super Hero's !

'Super Spider Woman'

'Super Cheesy Carrot Bake'

'Super Captain America'

I couldn't resist sharing these two mobile phone pictures of our two youngest grandchildren. They both had fun recently dressing as their favourite super hero's. I'm told 'super hero's' even enjoy 'super cheesy carrot bake' LOL!

Yes, the flavours of carrot, a little coriander and cheddar mix together well for this side dish, which goes great with lamb or pork chops, chicken or even a Roast Dinner. Younger family members can even enjoy it as an after school, or weekend snack. As with any recipe the possibilities are endless ...

If entertaining with these two, broccoli is usually served, they love it and it is of course very nutritious ... but to them it just tastes good!

Serves Four
225g (7 1/2oz) carrots, grated
1/2 tsp salt
50ml (2fl oz) vegetable stock
1/2 onion, finely chopped
20g (3/4oz) cheddar, grated
1 egg
10g (1/2oz) coriander
1 tsp oil
1 pinch pepper

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4, 180°C, fan 160°C.

Place a pan on a medium heat and add the salt and grated carrot. Cook out until the liquid evaporates.

Then, pour in the vegetable stock and cook until the stock evaporates. Take the pan off the heat and keep to one side.

Get another pan and place that over a low-medium heat, adding the olive oil. Add the onions and sweat the until soft but not coloured.

Combine the onions with the carrot mixture as well as coriander, cheese and egg. Mix well and season with pepper.

Place the mixture in a baking tray (preferably rectangular-shaped and approximately 10cm x 15cm x 3cm) lined with parchment paper. Using a spatula, run it over the mixture in the tray to ensure the surface is smooth, then cook in the oven for 15 minutes.

Take out of the oven, allow to cool for 5 minutes and serve immediately.

Each serving:
Carbohydrate 6.4g Protein 3.9g Fibre 2.1g Fat 5.0g

Credit to
Marcus Wareing for this recipe idea, which can be seen here

... now, was I dreaming or did I hear 'Ooh Grandma, when can we have this again please!'

more about carrots

Bon Appetit everyone
All the best Jan


  1. Awww, lovely photos. I've just been looking at old photos with my parents today, they are so lovely to look back on. Even in this age of digital photography I make sure I have all the best ones printed out to put in an album.

  2. Your grandchildren have a brilliant power to change the present world. Carrots are really happy to be served to them.
    Thanks for visiting my latest post.

  3. What a cute Super Spider Girl. I love carrots, cook and raw. Thanks for sharing the recipe!
    Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Your grandkids are adorable! Look at the joy on their faces. So sweet.

  5. Cutest super heroes I have ever seen.

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I do appreciate it, and it's my pleasure to return the favor. (Cuppa tea, anyone...?)

    Your grandchildren are adorable, and I have a feeling you think they're pretty darned super, even without the costumes. :)

    That recipe sounds good. My hubby is diabetic, too, and he isn't a fan of cooked carrots, but this recipe might just change his mind... thanks!

  7. Such cute grandchildren!
    I think carrots and broccoli are essential for any superhero. :)
    Thank you for sharing! xx

  8. Your grandkids are super cute. This sounds good. I'll have to try it.

  9. Great photos of the super heroes. Like carrots, eat some every day, but coriander/cilantro is a something I can not deal with.

  10. Oh Jan they are too cute in their costumes, Your granddaughter with her pony tails is just the sweetest. It is so good when we can find healthy dishes the little ones just love :)

  11. My dear Jan, your grandchildren are just precious! Thanks for sharing your photos with us :)

    And many thanks for another fabulous recipe. Hugs to you!

  12. I luv it, cheese and carrot, yummy. Your grandchildren look like they are enjoying themselve in their uniform.

  13. Great recipe and love the photos of your 2 cuties. Hugs, Valerie

  14. Adorable photos and a great looking recipe Jan...great post~


  15. My nephew had the same costume

  16. Those kids are adorable! What an unusual recipe, must give this a whirl!xxx

  17. What little doll babies:)
    The recipe sounds delish!

  18. This seems like a great recipe. While I'm not a fan of carrots the hubster is, so I'm printing this to give a try for him! Love the pics of the grands!! Love and hugs sweet friend!

  19. Just look at those beaming smiles, what lovely photos!
    This does sound like something so different, something worth trying rather than just serving up another spoonful of boiled carrots.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Lisa x

  20. Your two youngest grandchildren are so cute!!!! Big Hugs and thanks for the recipe!!


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