Wednesday, 5 April 2017

To whom it may concern.

Last night we received a comment on this post. The recipe was posted by Jan and contained a recipe taken from the excellent Sainsbury's site. As always when placing dietary information or a recipe, we always give a live link back to the source. As can be seen at the aforementioned post.

I deleted Pretty Dippy's comment. It appeared to me overly negative and offered no constructive criticism. Dippy is clearly working to an agenda, what that may be, I suspect we will never know. Dippy aka alexg20 appears to have a reading problem, the link crediting Sainsbury's was not only in bold text but also in bright green. Dippy also placed a comment on the Sainsbury's site.

We are regular shoppers at Sainsbury's and recommend their food and recipe's to our friends and readers, perish the thought we would try to take the credit for others work. We place many recipe's and links to many sites, and have been thanked for doing so. As Dippy said "I'm all for sharing but surely Sainsbury's should get a mention" I am all for sharing Dippy, with this in mind, may I respectfully suggest you visit the excellent Specsavers site, you are clearly in need of an optician.


I remind readers, we do not receive direct or indirect funding from anyone. We do not accept money or favours to manipulate the evidence in any way. Over the years we have turned down numerous requests to monetise our sites and blog. Our mission is to help others and to encourage a healthy way of eating for all. We work for love, not money.


  1. "We work for love, not money" and we're glad you do.

  2. I'm sorry to hear you are having problems, and hope that more people realise what a valuable service you are offering, without being paid for it. Hugs, Valerie

  3. Hello, I for one enjoy and appreciate your post and recipes you share. Thank you!

    Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!

  4. Sounds like you're having a rough go with comments. Good thing you have moderation. That must help a great deal.

  5. Some people?!? Keyboard warriors!xxx

  6. Hello Jan!:) Sorry to know that someone has made a negative comment. I like what you and your team do to help us lead a healthier lifestyle. Your food info is invaluable for so many reasons. Thank you!:) We are leaving tomorrow, ...thank you for your lovely comment, I hope I do find a cow-creamer!! Take care, see you in June.:)

  7. For every negative blogger comment there are many positive ones but it's still disappointing that this happens. I've always found this blog to be above board with credit due and proper links.
    And, I enjoy the content!

  8. So sorry to hear this, totally uncalled for attack.

  9. "We work for love, not money." Love that.
    Links are always shared on this blog and credit is given where credit is due. So...I can't see the problem. Onwards and upwards....:)

  10. This is so unfortunate when you are trying to share healthy recipes and tips. I hope it is all taken care of now and accepted as a misunderstanding by that negative commenter who obviously did not read your post before commenting.

  11. Who knows! May be that guy on statines which may influence his reading comprehension.

  12. WoW!!!! Some people...most bloggers are awesome, like you guys. Don't let it ruin your kind and wonderful spirit!!

  13. Many thanks for your kind words, thoughts and comments.
    Since this blog started our only mission has been to help others and to encourage a healthy way of eating for all ...

    Onwards and upwards

    All the best Jan


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
